It is time for another episode, go on, you deserve it! Thank you to Zamnesia and Plagron for this opportunity to do something fun and different, now on with "TFTC: The Experiment"
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The plants don’t look happy, they are a little droopy on a lot of days, am I still watering them too much or too little? It is hard to tell, the biologist gave me a weird look when I asked them about this, as though he had one cookie and I had asked for a bite, he explained that both are problems, you need to find a balance, but what does that even mean.
After a large and excited breakfast the party decided to get up, it had been four weeks since waking, it was time to get out there and start on rebuilding. Everyone joined in the work, to begin with there was a lot of ground clearing for buildings and plots for food, the triangles had worked out that the world was just entering spring, so it would soon be time for planting, apart from a few shelters for work tools and any animals we are able to begin domesticating, there was just ground clearance.
As it turned out the biologists had began using a bigger grow light they had found and had germinated a number of seeds in a large “grow tent”, which I now have my eye on for my plants. I took a look at the plants, they were shaped in a funny way, as though blown over by wind, this did not seem right so of course I would try to stand them up again. My hand was slapped away, then a quick non too polite explanation that this was intentional to let a more even light distribution hit the plant, which was effective for indoor growing until they get out on the open. Think I might steal that idea as well thank ou very much.
While up helping on the surface we were putting up a wall for a storage hut, a few people were holding up a beem to support a stone wall, it was warm today so people were enjoying the non artificial heat and light, enjoying spring as it began the growing year. There was a shout from behind me, it was a triangle running up towards me but I could see that he was pointing behind me, I heard him shout “Move from the wall!! MOVE!!!!”, the people standing there soon ran in their most direct path away from the wall and we all stood watching. Nothing happened for what must have been a minute, people were starting to get annoyed when the wall collapsed with the noise of thunder.
I turned to the triangle and asked how they knew it would fall, they said that the wall had began bulging in the middle, it was only a short time before the wall would collapse.
It was back to the lab for me, way too much excitement for one day.
Something stuck in my mind about what the triangle had said, that the bulge indicated what was wrong and likely going to happen, I have also heard some of the farmers talking about weather, maybe there are signs with the plants I should be looking for when it comes to what is wrong with them. Maybe my watering issue is just a matter of watching the plant after a watering, touching the soil, or lifting the pot to see whether it feels heavy with water.
Science is just a collection of arrows pointing in various directions, the person who collects the most arrows pointing the way they think wins the prize of being right… that we know of. The arrows as pieces of evidence to support their hypothesis, life is very scientific, but often we do stupid things, like ignoring signs, or looking for answers while ignoring the clues.
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Thank you to the people runnign this competition: Plagron and Zamnesia, now as I can hear you all cheering for it, another episode.
Again loved reading the adventures of these plants! They look good, not yet price winning, but still good, and I have a feeling they were very tasty. 😉💙!