We are back once again thanks to Zamnesia and PLagron, but seeing it is almost midnight lets just do this shit! Here is your "TFTC: The Experiment".
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The beginning of the next week sleep escaped me, it felt like i was missing something, the plants are what is on my mind at the moment, all living things need certain environmental comforts in order to survive and others to help them thrive, what else could I do to help the plants thrive and not just survive. Every school child knows… or did know, a weird way to think about it, that plants breathe Carbon Dioxide, so would more of this help the plants or kill them like over watering can.
Luckily that day when walking through the little field of food a botanist passed me by, so this seemed like a perfect opportunity to ask more, they were carrying a couple buckets of soul which i took the opportunity to help with hoping to buy favour which could be exchanged for more information.
According to their information, CO2 is great for plants, in fact you would need to produce a lot of it to hurt the plant. They shared great information, explaining that plants are similar to us but also different in a lot more ways, for example plants rarely store energy like mammals do, instead it will take nutrients from other parts of its anatomy which is not pulling its weight and perform a method of self pruning, they showed me a leaf of a plant and explained that it was yellow because the leaf is in the shade and is a poor investment for it’s returns.
This was broken up soon however when a couple circles fell into an irrigation ditch they had been digging, instead of getting annoyed they laughed while trying to help each other out of said ditch, they kept laughing and ended up on the ground crying with laughter.
Yes, they were drunk. The community were not annoyed, quite the opposite in fact, there was a party that night as they had started this little experiment soon after getting out of the stasis chamber and now had a large quantity of booze hidden away.
This was a fascinating story, so during the party I took the chance to speak to them both, the method of brewing proved to be pretty simple, just that the environment needed to be within certain parameters much like all life forms on earth. They laughed as they talked of living in the bunker and managing to hide it from everyone, stealing sugar and fruit juice, hiding their gallon bottles in a cupboard and freaking out when they saw someone going in there, they thought the person would smell it, the CO2… now I was very interested and gained enough information to set something like this up for my plants.
Big bottle, cover it in something, for me it was black duct tape, then water, sugar and yeast. From this you get alcohol and CO2, one I need, the other people just want. Could be useful as the libations were fun but not something to be done too often.
I left the party and realized that this was the perfect opportunity to set this up, the bottles would need to go in tomorrow as the plants were sleeping, but this should help. The rest of the week went well, the flowers are growing and it is giving off a sweet perfume at the moment, with kind of a pungent earthy tone that one might expect with a plant. Isn’t growing great fun!
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Thank you to Plagron and Zamnesia, now lets hurry this up and get to week 10 cause they aren't even done yet.
Again loved reading the adventures of these plants! They look good, not yet price winning, but still good, and I have a feeling they were very tasty. 😉💙!