
First time Hulkberry

3 months ago
Room Type
weeks 3
weeks 3-5
weeks 6-12
weeks 8
Grow medium
Hulkberry Automatic
Royal Queen Seeds
Growing it
What a beauty! What a ride! In the vegetation phase, she accepted everything pretty well. From LST, topping, a bit of mainlining and also the ScrOG. After I placed in the new light from AC Infinity (pretty good one, from my perspective), she stretched like I haven't seen before. Maybe I should have taken care of that and adapt the feeding, which at the end was an issue, I guess, and she did not fully recover from that. I really was worried, she will not make it until the end. I also learned a lot about PH, nutrition lockout, feeding, watering, lollipopping (what I should have done), etc. I hope I'm able to adapt this in my next grow. At the end, I spotted one big bud with a brown spot (see images) and removed it with a good amount of space to the rest. I hope the rest will dry without issues. I will update the report after it has dried, to give a number and also later with a smoke report. Stay tuned! UPDATE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The result is pretty impressive for one plant and for my first attempt with the RQS Hulkberry. The smoke is really nice and I like the terpene profile. A bit citrus, but still a bit fruity. It tastes a bit like mango to me. The effects are also nice and uplifting, more head high than body relaxing.
The Outcome
Week 12
What's on the scales?
Bud dry weight
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
g / watt
g / m²
g / plant
plant / m²
watt / m²
Tastes like
Feels like
65% Sativa 35% Indica

Positive effects

Reviews. Lamp
It was fine for the vegetation phase.
I was pretty amazed by the stretch after I placed in this light.
Reviews. Tent
The tent is still a good one and the foil at the "door" is comming off a bit.
Commented by
Hazeberg Hazeberg
3 months ago
I learned a lot with this grow and hope to be able to adapt with the next one.
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Grow Questions
Hazebergstarted grow question 5 months ago
Are there any tips how to get the plant more bushy? I'm going to LST the new branches in a couple of days and I plan to defoliating the bottom leafs. Anything else I have to take care of? See current report and thanks in advance.
Other. General questions
1 like
Organomananswered grow question 5 months ago
Defoliating will harm your plant and not help with making it bushy, just the opposite in fact. More leaves = more energy being made = more growth. Less leaves = less energy being made = less growth. "Tip pruning" if you are growing a photoperiod plant may help, but if you are growing autos, just use LST and let the plant do its thing. Good lighting and proper care is the best thing you can do for your plant, there are no magic techniques or short cuts that will turn a normal plant into a "super" plant.
Hazebergstarted grow question 4 months ago
I plan to change the nutrition to Plagron Alga Bloom instead of Alpha Boost and Soil-SuperMix for the next watering. Hope that this will help the plant to build bigger buds. Do you have suggestions on that? Is there anything else I can do to support the plant on building buds?
Buds. Not fattening
m0useanswered grow question 4 months ago
Plagron Alga Bloom NPK = 3-2-5 + amino acids and algae extracts No micros "not a fan of no micros at all or secondary macros like Ca Mg S Bionova Soil Supermix NPK = 7-3-6 + Micos and secondary macros Alpha Boost NPK 0-0-0 from what I can tell, and contains a lot of extra like microbes and PGR's, im not a huge fan of PGR's they seem to be derived from natural sources vs synthesized but hard to tell and I don't know to much about the difference between the two. I like this prduct for its other aspects with regards to microbe boosting life but not its PGR's I would stick with the supermix and add in a PK booster with micos to make up the difference, and if you need it, continue with a microbe booster for the plants but maybe not the alpha boost. or use it up and then find a new one. The brand Bionova has a Micromix that could be usefull, as well as Vitasol that can boost microbes. these is also X-cel but it looks to be their version of alpha boost and main contain more PGR's I think the easier thing to do is use a pk booster and turn that feed into something more flower friendly. Eg a 1:1 ratios of supermix + pk boost would yield a npk of aorund 3.5-8-10 and that's not a bad ratio at all. Can always add in a bit more super max one week if it looks to be lacking on N. Plus add in more micros if its needs it if you get that product as well. a 2:1 supermix+pk boost would be 4.6-6.3-8.6 also not to bad. Good Luck!
Hazebergstarted grow question 4 months ago
Yesterday, I noticed some leafs starting to turn yellow and also the tips of the top leafs to be a bit brown. So I watered (nutrition in the desc) and calmag 2 ml, because I thought it might be either lack of PK or cal mg. What else can I do? What about my watering schedule?
Leaves. Color - Yellow
m0useanswered grow question 4 months ago
Looks a bit like magnesium to me. I don't think its P and doubt its K, but maybe. So stick with the Mg and see how it does in a weeks time. It will take time to green back up. Can also use epsom salts as a source of Mg and S for the plant. It should not progress but if it does it means it might be something else. The hint of brown tips also might be showing they are being overfed something else. So dial back some of it. Good Luck!

Show by Week
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dawankyweek 3
Awesome! Good luck with your grow mate!
@dawanky, thank you!
terpproducerweek 5
Happy growing buddy! Hope you get some 🔥 buds. Check out als my current grow 🌿💚 ONE LOVE
BioFabiweek 8
Great stretch but a lot of smaller buds. Did you lollipop some of the lower nodes? Good luck with the final weeks. Wish you a massive harvest! 🙏
@Hazeberg, I am new, too 😅. That's why I asked. I think even Auto Flowers should be lollipoped, so it won't grow any "popcorn buds". When the plant already developed buds it's obviously too late. I lollipoped my autos but don't have any results yet. The colas are starting to develop quite evenly though ... Gl mate! 🌱
@@BioFabi, thanks! I'm quite excited to see the results. I did not lollipop lower nodes. I just defoliate underneath the net. I wanted to let her grow ☺️ Should I remove something? Or is it too late already? I'm still learning, so I'm happy for any tips. If it's too late now, when would be the best time to lollipop?
Insertcoinweek 5
Hey. I did a HST on my actual mimosa auto grow. Watch my report for
@Insertcoin, thanks for the hint. Maybe next grow I'll try it like you. I stay with LST for now. I guess it will enter flowering stage this or next week and I don't want to stress to much now.
MR_Poof_K93week 5
Feliz cultivo 💚🌴🤩😜