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SM420growoff2024 Sour Diesel Auto

6 months ago
Sour Diesel Auto
Growing it
This strain was wonderful to grow. Different phenotypes made it really interesting as well as different training and one I left to grow on its own. They all shared the same smell and overall leaf structure except for the one I didn't train. That one looked more like an indica dominant phenome. Lots of fun learning about each one and its' different needs.
The Outcome
Week 15
What's on the scales?
Bud dry weight
What's on the scales?
Bud wet weight
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
g / watt
g / m²
g / plant
plant / m²
watt / m²
Tastes like
Feels like
50% Sativa 50% Indica

Positive effects


Negative effects

Dry mouth

Medical effects

Reviews. Nutrient
I've been using this brand since the beginning of my growing adventure. Never had any issues.
This stuff is great!
I'm new to this brand and to silica in general. From what I understand, this stuff should harden branches, but I thinkni started too late. I'm sure the next run will have big fat branches.
Reviews. Lamp
This light works wonders for seedlings and super young plants. It also works well for single plant grows.
By far my favorite brand as of right now. I strive to keep everything I have in great shape. This light is fantastic! I've gotten great yields from it even though it's only 240 watts. It still provides an acceptable DLI.
Reviews. Tent
I've used this tent for a little over a year now and I couldn't be happier. I do need to upgrade to a bigger one though. I like bigger plants.
This tent is great for seedlings, single plantsnand drying 2 plants top to bottom.
Commented by
Prilyfe13 Prilyfe13
6 months ago
July 29, 2024 So I was going to wait to harvest at the end of this week, but a friend of mine said I should harvest now. I agreed after looking closely at the trichomes. Sour Diesel A weighed in at 20.5 Oz wet weight. No trimming. Sour Diesel B weighed in at 19 Oz wet weight. No trimming. Sour Diesel C weighed in at 23.5 oz wet weight. No trimming. Sour Diesel D weighed in at 18 Oz wet weight. Partial wet trim. The cola is solid, so I couldn't access a lot of the stems from the fan leaves. It'll be a pain to trim I think. The environment should be around 65° and the humidity just below 60%. I'll strive to keep it that way. I shouldn't have a problem with the humidity still being high in my room. I'll be back in 10 to 14 days with a final yield and smoke review. July 30, 2024 Quick update with estimates. The environment in the tent is off by a lot today. I'll have to open the tent once or twice a day to let the super high humidity out. I hate my portable AC. So based on the 81 Oz wet weight and my previous runs, the weight retention after trimming should be around 13%. That should be a total of around 10 oz. It may be a tiny bit more or less. With Sour Diesel D being partially wet trimmed and being so dense, it might increase the total dry weight a little bit. But it could be as low as 8 Oz. We shall see. July 31, 2024 You know, it really sucks when the humidity still spikes and now the tent is too warm. However, as I'm writing this, the central air kicked on. This should fix it all, but I'm still running into super high humidity at night and in the morning while the AC is off. I really hope this doesn't mess up the final product. August 2, 2024 Day 4 of drying. Everything looks good so far. The humidity is still way too high and I'm thinking I should've wet trimmed just because the humidity is so high. Too late now. Anyway, I'm monitoring closely. The exhaust fan is maxed out to help keep air flow constant. That way there's less chance of mold and mildew. I also have both oscillating running below the plants with a small dehumidifier in the middle. It's not keeping the humidity down to a reasonable level, but it IS keeping it lower than it would be. With the fans running, it's evenly leveled out through the tent. The only issue is the temp. It's a bit on the warm side. I'd like it to be at 65°. Currently it's hovering between 69° and 70°. August 4, 2024 Day 6 of drying and these ladies are taking their time. Unfortunately it's because of the super high humidity we ran into the day I harvested. So I'm fighting with 71% humidity in my bedroom. It's crazy. The portable AC is doing absolutely nothing except keeping the temp below 70°. That's good, but it's not good enough. Oh well. I'll just keep opening the tent up with the bedroom light set to green to ensure they air out and let fresh humidity in. Lol. I'll keep checking in until they are done drying. August 6, 2024 Quick update. These ladies have been drying for 8 days now and they aren't ready yet. I'd say another 5 to 7 days. With the humidity being so bouncy, I feel like something will get messed up. It probably won't. I have the exhaust fan up and the oscillating fans going. Should be safe from mold and whatnot. But still. Currently, the temp is at 63° and the humidity at 60%. Hopefully it stays that way for the next few days. At least during the day. I have an idea for night time. It gets pretty humid at night. So I'll turn both dehumidifiers on when I go to bed and turn them off when the AC kicks on. That should technically keep the humidity down, but the temp may go up. However, I do run the portable AC at night to keep my room cool enough for the plants. That brings in a lot of humidity. Still no clue why, but it does. Anyway, the whole idea should work. I just have to remember to shut the dehumidifiers off when the central AC kicks on. August 8, 2024 We are at day 10 of drying. Still another few days left. So a good thing to note is the size of the buds. They didn't shrink all that much. To be honest, they look like they've only lost about 25% of their size. Not a bad thing in the slightest. Hopefully with that being the case, the yield will be even bigger than I calculated. I'd also like to make a correction with my original calculation. My average yield is 15% of wet weight. That being said, I should be looking at closer to 12 oz total. 81 oz. x .15= 12.15 oz. We shall see how close I am now. August 10, 2024 It's now day 12. These ladies are nearly done. I'd say another 2 to 3 days. Not much else today. Just a quick one. I weighed Sour Diesel D. She weighs 4 oz now. A 78% drop in weight. That being said, I think I can safely say this one will yield around 2 oz. Maybe a hint less. Which completely messed up my calculations. Now I don't know. I think I'll go back down to 8 to 10 oz. And if I get 12 oz, what happy surprise. I also made sure to check them for mold as I do every day. So far it looks great! No signs of anything unwanted. Just beautiful trichomes glistening in the light. Update: Sour Diesel A was the first to finish up. She had a perfect snap. Dry trimmed yield is 67 grams. 2.4 oz. Around what I thought I was gonna see. I'd say the rest will be trimmed over the next 2 to 3 days. August 12, 2024 What a couple weeks. We are talking like 14 days. At the end of it all, I ended up with 10.65 oz. Right around where I was thinking. Sour Diesel A 67 grams Sour Diesel B 78 grams Sour Diesel C 79 grams Sour Diesel D 77 grams. For a grand total of 302 grams. Weight retention 13.15%. almost exactly what I calculated. What's funny is that they are all roughly the same weight except for A. The plants were all different and still yielded roughly the same. C was the largest, while D was technically the smallest. All of the plants have solid buds. B has airy but hard buds. It's not perfect, but this plant had the most foxtails, so I'll have to remember there was some sort of issue. I'm thinking it was the heat stress. Must have been a pocket where the air didn't flow. I'll have to fix that next run. The smoke is fantastic. Super fire. Great high and lasts quite a while. 30 days of curing and then storage. I'll be using Grove Bags. August 15, 2024 Quick update and then some bad news. I fit each plant in its own 1/4 pound grove bag. They are now curing in a box. The average temp is around 68°. Humidity is perfect at 62% I haven't sampled each plant yet. Only A and B. I'll be sampling C and D next week. All in all, I'm pretty happy with this run. The yield was a bit lower than I was hoping for in the beginning, but it's still not too bad. Especially because I had some issues along the way. Now for the bad news. I'm losing my home in a couple months and won't be able to grow anything for a while. I have no idea how long it's going to be before I get a new home, and it could take up to 2 years given my situation. But I will be back when I'm able. Thanks for all the support and compliments. On a more positive note, I still have a good pound of weed to hopefully last me til I get a new home. I don't smoke a ton, so it'll last quite a while. Later my growmies.
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VAmulasmokecommentedweek 58 months ago
Looking amazing and super detailed diary.
Prilyfe13commented8 months ago
@VAmulasmoke, Thanks! I do like my detail.
Prilyfe13commented8 months ago
@VAmulasmoke, Thanks! It's a lot of work, but it's well worth it. The amount of times I've gone back to my other diaries for things I forgot. I'm definitely glad I do it. You should check out my other diaries. Start to finish, you get all the info about every plant.
Ghrimcommentedweek 146 months ago
Great buds! Happy growing 🌱
Prilyfe13commented6 months ago
@Ghrim, Thanks! Should be a good yield.
420Monkscommentedweek 117 months ago
Good auto grow. Going to be a great harvest. I am interesed in using those nutrients for my next grow. Happy harvest soon
Prilyfe13commented7 months ago
@420Monks, Thanks! I'm hoping for 8 oz from this harvest.
Suemchencommentedweek 78 months ago
🤩 Looks good: good luck and happy growing👍
Prilyfe13commented8 months ago
@Suemchen, Thanks! Coming along quite nicely.
nonick123commentedweek 68 months ago
Looks very nice!
Prilyfe13commented8 months ago
@nonick123, Thanks! Good run so far.
Landscapervacommentedweek 39 months ago
Love it. Ladies looking good.
Prilyfe13commented9 months ago
@Landscaperva, Thanks!
nonick123commentedweek 19 months ago
Puedes medir el DLI con la app "PHOTONE" en tu smartphone
Prilyfe13commented9 months ago
@nonick123, Yep, I use it. I don't know how well it works with the seedling lights though. Readings seem to be off with it. 32 mol/m²/d. Makes no sense. It should be a max of 20 mol/m²/d.
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Seedsmancommentedweek 09 months ago
Thanks for choosing our strain. Good luck and we hope you enjoy it. If you have any issues, please let us know. 💚😀
Prilyfe13commented9 months ago
@Seedsman, I look forward to this run! Thank you!
DeepWaterGrowercommentedweek 09 months ago
Good luck 🌱
Prilyfe13commented9 months ago
@DeepWaterGrower, Thanks much!
nonick123commentedweek 19 months ago
Puedes medir el DLI con la app "PHOTONE" en tu smartphone