
SM420growoff2024 Sour Diesel Auto

6 days ago
Grow Conditions
Week 11
18 hrs
Light Schedule
15+ conditions after
6+ nutrients after
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Prilyfe13 Prilyfe13
13 days ago
July 7, 2024 Day 78 This week we switch to Overdrive and stop the Big Bud. It's the last 2 weeks of flower and then a week of flush. Then 2 weeks of drying and then about 3 to 4 weeks of curing. after that, I can smoke it. Lol. All 4 ladies got a half gallon top feed with just recharge, and the reservoirs refilled with the new nutrients. I was going to water until runoff, but I think it's just a waste at this point. Plus bottom feeding doesn't require runoff. Depending on how they feel tomorrow, I might add the other half gallon to each and get that runoff. Or very close to it. Sour Diesel A has started picking up the pace with drinking. She is drinking just as much as C and D. Super frosty and starting to really pack on the weight. A couple branches are starting to sway at the slightest touch. Hopefully the heavy buds won't pull the branch down. Sour Diesel B is looking great! A little bit of foxtailing and larf on the bottoms, but the tops look great! Tons of bud and big buds to boot. Sour Diesel C is also swaying a bit at the slightest touch. I expect that from her. Her branches are strong but thin and long. Her buds definitely didn't swell up like B and D, but they are solid and covered in trichomes. Sour Diesel D was the dry one this week. I ended up dumping the whole reservoir from the other day so I could start the new regimen. She was dry and anaerobic for a bit. The half gallon of top feed really helped. It took some time to get it all wet, but in the end, the half gallon seems to be fine. The environment is still high humidity in the morning and lower when the AC kicks on. Currently it's 81° outside and the temp in the tent is 75°. But with my personal AC on, it drives the humidity way up. Currently it's at 62% in the tent. It'll probably climb even more now that I watered everyone. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.6° RH: 58.0% VPD: 1.24 kPa July 8, 2024 Not much going on today. All 4 ladies have their water and feel good. Sour Diesel A looks great! As usual, frosty and smelly as ever. Sour Diesel B has slightly canoeing leaves. They are also starting to brighten up. Must be getting close to the end. Sour Diesel C has drooping leaves. Not sure why. I'll have to research. Sour Diesel D is looking super good. Lush green leaves. Huge main cola and more frost. The environment is the same as yesterday. High humidity, but somehow today it's below 60%. Hopefully it will go below 50% this afternoon. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.6° RH: 57.5% VPD: 1.21 kPa July 9, 2024 It's picture day! Not much else going on though. Just a check up on the plants and that's it. Sour Diesel A looks great! One issue I know I'm going to run into is sagging branches. One of her branches already needed to be pulled back up and tied to a bigger branch. The buds just weight a lot for the branch. Funny though, I've been using silica and that should have strengthened the branches. Not that they are super weak, but they are thin. I'll have to keep an eye on her. Sour Diesel B is outstanding. Huge solid buds. Tons of frosty frost. I'll probably start checking trichomes next week. It's too early to see anything significant. Sour Diesel C is a little lighter than the other 3. She also has some seriously droopy leaves and I have no idea why. I don't think it's a lighting issue. Underwatering could also be a thing, but she got top fed 2 days ago as well as the bottom feed system. It's moist, but definitely not as wet as I would have hoped on the bottom. I think I'm going to actually have to water to runoff with her. I don't really know what else to do. Sour Diesel D is looking good as well. Super fat buds and super hard to boot. And it hasn't even been 3 days of the Overdrive. I can only imagine how hard the buds will be at the end. The environment is starting to calm down a bit. Unfortunately I have to keep my crap ass AC on and it's bringing in humidity as always. So the humidity in the tent is around 59% to 60%. The temp was high this morning at 80°. A bit warm for this stage. It should be around 74° to 75°. But it's back to the mark now. Grow System Environment: Temp: 76.1° RH: 56.2% VPD: 1.31 kPa July 10, 2024 Watered all 4 ladies today. Each got a half gallon full nutrients with Recharge. Only 1 needed to get a reservoir refill. Sour Diesel A is looking super good. I had to tie another branch up today. The frost on her buds is super insane. I'm loving it. I'm sure there is better frosty plants, but this is awesome. Sour Diesel B is looking super good. Her leaves are canoeing and starting to point up. A sure sign she's starting to finish up. She also has 1 purple sugar leaf. So it looks like the fade is also starting as well. Sour Diesel C is looking kind of weird. Her top fan leaves are droopy and the bottoms are fine. But it's only the big top leaves. Strange indeed. If anyone is reading this, any insights? Comment below with what you think it may be. Sour Diesel D is super frosty as well. Her buds are massive and heavy. It seems like her side branches are starting to get weighed down a little bit. She's not even close to fading, but her leaves are a beautiful lush green. She needed a full reservoir top off today. The rest are about half empty now. It's super humid today. 79% outside. Her temp is still right where it needs to be, but the humidity is higher than it has been lately. Obviously due to the super humid day. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.4° RH: 58.7% VPD: 1.17 kPa July 11, 2024 It's picture day! Not much going on today. Sour Diesel A is looking really good with her super frosty buds. She seems to be holding the water from yesterday and also trimming from the reservoir. Looking good. Sour Diesel B is amazing. Her buds are all dense and bright green like Sour Diesel is supposed to be. She's super frosty, but she is also canoeing. Not sure why. Maybe too much light? I doubt it though. The DLI is around 45 mol/m²/d. Sour Diesel C needed more water. She was already half the weight she was yesterday after watering. She's also drinking the reservoir. So she got another half gallon top feed today. I even got some runoff. She should be good for the next couple of days. Her buds are super frosty, just like A. Honestly, I think they are the same phenotype. I thought A was more similar to B in the beginning of the grow, but the bud structure and leaves are all the same between A and C. Smaller tight buds. Tons and tons of frost. Sour Diesel D is looking pretty good. I really wish she had taken off like she should have. I expected a much taller plant without training. It's fine though. The massive cola is making up for it. Maybe it will be a 2 oz cola. Lol. The environment is still a mess. It's rainy and humid today, but not too warm. The humidity in the tent currently is 66%. Ridiculously high. The temp is around 79 for now. I need to turn my AC back on I think and just deal with the humidity. The temp can't stay over 78° if I want super frosty buds. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.6° RH: 60.2% VPD: 1.18 kPa July 12, 2024 Not much going on today. Just the daily picture. Some observation and that's about it. No watering is needed and the reservoirs are all filled with water. Sour Diesel A is looking great! Her buds are definitely getting super fat and swelling up. A couple tops are making little flowers all around. It makes them look even fatter. Sour Diesel B is happily starting the fade. Just one leaf for now, but the rest aren't far behind. I'm guessing over the next week, we will get a beautiful fade. Hopefully the buds stay lime green. They are so pretty. Sour Diesel C is looking good as well. The top leaves are still drooping, but not quite as bad as they were yesterday. I'm guessing it's a mix of underwatering and nutrient deficiency. Which nutrient, I don't know. But the top feed was the full nutrient regimen. So she should be good. Sour Diesel D is looking super hefty. She has plenty of water and is super a healthy green. No fade though. It's only B that's fading. A note about the lighting. I'm going to check the DLI. It should be at 45 mol/m²/d. That's the deepest red spectrum I can pull out of my light. I think I now understand the difference in wattage for wavelength. I'll learn more about this for future runs. I think I'm fine, but if I'm right, I may be able to increase the power back up to 80%, but we will see. I do t have room for the light to go up anymore, so I have to be really careful. Unless I decide to put the exhaust fan outside of the tent. Then I'll have about 6 inches of space. That may be the best plan of action if need be. The light is still 22" from the main canopy. Bringing it up to 28" will give me the ability to increase the power and get the lowers lit up as well. The supplemental lighting is or isn't working. I honestly cannot tell. I really wish I had added the bars in again weeks ago. It's too late now. I just don't have the want to do it. The environment was way off this morning. The temp was at 78° and the humidity at 66%. So I turned my AC on and dropped the temp back down to 76° but the humidity stayed roughly the same. Now the central air kicked on so the humidity should drop fairly quickly for the rest of the day. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.4° RH: 62.7% VPD: 1.09 kPa July 13, 2024 Picture Day! And this week's video. Sour Diesel A looking really good. Super dense buds and tons of frost. Not much else to do. Her reservoir should be empty tomorrow. If not later tonight. Sour Diesel B is definitely starting to fade. Her leaves are rapidly changing color all over. Not much, but you can absolutely tell she will have a really nice fade in the end. Sour Diesel C emptied her reservoir pretty quickly and is still holding her weight. What that means is the plant is finally drinking. I added the rest of the half gallon from the other day. The half gallon should line up with the rest of the reservoirs. Sour Diesel D has this stupidly massive cola for the size of the plant. Her color is still a super lush green. The frost is pretty good, but still not as good as A and C, but she has the largest cola of the bunch. Not as many colas as the rest, but still the biggest. The environment is still just a mess. Mornings suck. Currently the humidity is at 62% with a near perfect 76°. The humidity will of course drop down in an hour or 2. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.4° RH: 58.9% VPD: 1.20 kPa
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420Monksweek 11
Good auto grow. Going to be a great harvest. I am interesed in using those nutrients for my next grow. Happy harvest soon
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420Monksweek 11
Good auto grow. Going to be a great harvest. I am interesed in using those nutrients for my next grow. Happy harvest soon
@420Monks, Thanks! I'm hoping for 8 oz from this harvest.
VAmulasmokeweek 5
Looking amazing and super detailed diary.
@VAmulasmoke, Thanks! I do like my detail.
@VAmulasmoke, Thanks! It's a lot of work, but it's well worth it. The amount of times I've gone back to my other diaries for things I forgot. I'm definitely glad I do it. You should check out my other diaries. Start to finish, you get all the info about every plant.
Suemchenweek 7
🤩 Looks good: good luck and happy growing👍
@Suemchen, Thanks! Coming along quite nicely.
nonick123week 6
Looks very nice!
@nonick123, Thanks! Good run so far.
Landscapervaweek 3
Love it. Ladies looking good.
@Landscaperva, Thanks!
nonick123week 1
Puedes medir el DLI con la app "PHOTONE" en tu smartphone
@nonick123, Yep, I use it. I don't know how well it works with the seedling lights though. Readings seem to be off with it. 32 mol/m²/d. Makes no sense. It should be a max of 20 mol/m²/d.
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Seedsmanweek 0
Thanks for choosing our strain. Good luck and we hope you enjoy it. If you have any issues, please let us know. 💚😀
@Seedsman, I look forward to this run! Thank you!
DeepWaterGrowerweek 0
Good luck 🌱
@DeepWaterGrower, Thanks much!
nonick123week 1
Puedes medir el DLI con la app "PHOTONE" en tu smartphone