I have to say, this lil wedding-petit four is a tough one
I have put her in a 5L pot maybe i'll put her in bigger later.. it depends..
(Soil: Canna Terra Professional plus 👌)
Its been cold and rainy so she is in greenhouse a lot.. (this weekend we will finally get some sun here, so yeah🙌)
but she is growing stronger than the rest!👊
So it seems like she will grow up to be a big pie with many layers, with suger on top!!😋😋😋
(asa the sun keeps shining ofcors😎)
happy growing for all✊
@StarLorr, 😂👊 indeed! and there are always those mofos who will overstay their welcome and just wont leave!! 🐛🐛🐛 😠✊
(found many more, +-20 small ones, hiding in the buds btw..)