

17 days ago
Room Type
Expanded Clay
Grow medium
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Germination Method
Glass Of Water
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 23%
Avg. success
Fast Buds - 93%
Lemonpaya - 100%
Lemon Mandarin
Avg. success
Fast Buds - 93%
Lemon Mandarin - 100%
Commented by
gottagrowsometime gottagrowsometime
17 days ago
Doing this 2 Fastbuds Fems, I'm really looking forward to trying their first full line of PhotoPeriods. I will just be doing small standard grows with these 2. No larger than 8L with 4-5 weeks of veg. Seeds were put into water and one popped really quickly the other has its seed fully attached at the top, with no signs of opening. So, I'll leave it. It's not stretching just developments inside its pod. I'll only be running these 2 off their 5 new PP strains. As I've committed to do more with new breeders, and some old ones (Breeders such as Kannabia I'll be focusing on heavily and Divine Seeds) Strains Progress Lemonpaya is 1 day old. 3 days since put into water. LemonP is 4 days old. Up & healthy. Looking well. Lemonmandiran is up but hasn't popped its pod. So, still germinating. She popped up a day later. And had her seed incased for 10hrs +. So, is about 1.5hrs younger. She was further away from the light also. And the seed been stuck on her didn't help. She's up. Will continue this week as germination. As I've had 6 failures so far from clay pebbles crushing the stems. Planted them too deep. Past is just that. Happy to announce they've pushed into the veg phase. 10 or so more days in these pots then I'll uppot them. (Hopefully with intact substrate and not fall apart. If the roots haven't secured all in place. I'll cut the pots ends away and the sides once backfilled & pull from the case up. I'm hoping for really nice photo phenos here. Depending how they grow. And with no contest time is not an issue. So, lots of lst, toppings and Depending on how they grow out after a few weeks that will depend. They're hybrids so I expect an even balance. But, lemon strains typically are more sativas. So, possibly lst and 1-2 toppings and lots of HST. Update, 22th/9 Lemonpaya is in her 7th day. Doing well. Lemon mandrian is on Day 6. Both a tad behind where I want them. Hopefully pace will pick up soon now they're rooted. Nutrient mix is given daily. 330ppm 5.9 ph, ambient water after 1st day is mid 20s. (1 bottle of coco ph'ed mix lasts 2-3 days). I also added 1 2ml/1L of enzymes to help the root absorb nutrients with cleaner roots. Shout out to Xpery Nutrients for supporting me with a years worth of nutrients. I'm truly humble and very greatful. Means a lot and all whom stop by. I truly appreciate it. And you can try Xpert for yourself with a 20% discount. DISCOUNT CODE FOR XPERT NUTRIENTS 20% OFF CODE: GGST
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Hawk2week 0
Good luck and happy growing 🌱🍀🥦💚
Fast_Budsweek 0
Hi there, Thank you for running this diary. We will be looking forward to your updates. Happy growing 🌱🌱 & Good luck 😃
@Fast_Buds, Thanks very much for running Gotm. Delighted to be one of few to try your photo-periods. Well, until they spread like wildfire
Still_Smoqweek 0
The best of luck with these strains my friend!
Legendaryseedthumbweek 0
Hey, This looks fantastic!, nice to see your page! 👨🏽‍🌾🌱