looks like a bit of light burn kicking in and accidently flushed/starved them for a week. got a bluetooth soil fertility meter now so could see the EC of soil was way to low, managed to get them growing again now with added nutes and smelling healthier.
I'm thinking about stopping bio bizz grow and use plant magic magne cal+ for cal/mag + N and then bio bizz bloom on top of this? Let me know what you think and i might also try alternating the two
No bad idea. Like you said the magne cal+ only have N (8%) Ca (7%) Mg (3.5%) and on the contrary your actual feeding chart ( fishmix + bloom ) contains all the primary nutrients like K or P and also the secondaries like iron , boron and many others. You will not provide they need it you change you chart for that new one
@bulbi@LockDownGrow either of you guys got a minute spare to check out the latest pics? Do you think it's pests, spilt water or mould? Looks abit odd, ive tried to get some decent pics
@OrganicConnoisseur420, all I did was too half the recommended dose of almost everything ,
Base nutrients half , PK half , bloom boosters full strength and clamag full strength ,
I wasn't even phing my feed bucket until a few weeks ago ,
For me keeping it as simple and as basic as I can seems too be working ,
Some on here feed less than half on fast buds , but ether it's my pot size or something else mine have loved the ratio I've been sticking too ,
I would like too say it's luck of the draw but all four plants have exceeded my expectations , and look alot bigger and healthier than alot of diarys on here of the same strains ,
So I really couldn't be happier
@OrganicConnoisseur420, I can say it isn't from grizzly seeds at least because I got a free seed from them and it was packaged just like any other seed, labelled too in fact it's the sour orange in growing at the mo.
@OrganicConnoisseur420, Hey there! If seeds are purchased from our website, they do not come in plastic baggies. If they are bought off of a distributor, I can't really say because they have control of their stock, so I don't know what to tell you to be honest haha.... enjoy your mystery baby though, hopefully later on it'll be clear what strain she is💚
@Fast_Buds, Hi there, do you guys send free seeds in a baggie with just 'free seed' on? With no label as to which strain it is etc. Because if you check the pics, the smallest plant was in a 'free seed' bag with nothing more written on it and it was in a bag that had orders from Grizzly seeds, 420 Fast buds and Dinafem... so could have been from any of you guys but after seeing its character it looks alot like the CaliSnow(SB and SA in pics). What do you think? Cheers
Hey man sorry I was travelling at that time, happy the Ras got in with great advice though. Just a word of caution about the in soil EC meters, i use one myself, and I promise you the readings off all of these kinds of readers are off and on the low side, the readings themselves greatly depend on the humidity of the medium and I would not be relying on the reading to gage my feeding, see the nutrient burn on the leaves so dont over feed it because you're reading a meter and not the plant. Hope this helps ! 🚀
@OrganicConnoisseur420, lol dont beat yourself up, these are just practical things you learn by doing, i made the same mistakes so that's how i'm able to spot them, simple as that lol.
@CRiSPrGrow, what a privilege it is and completely right, definitely on the same wave length brother!
Just ordered a TDS/EC meter - I've been using TDS (which you're right is the PPM lol >.<) meter only... absolute amateur mistake again..
@OrganicConnoisseur420, ok that makes more sense, but again EC should be <1 i think you're reading PPM ;-), and by the way, yeah totally with you on all this stuff... I was the same as you, always kind of disrespecting the "biology" people , never really gave a damn about my house plants , my garden or gardening, now i'm more than engrossed, i love it , it fascinates me, it's such a rewarding hobby on so many levels including intellectually. and with all these new things happening in this space, i mean what a time to be alive amirite?
@OrganicConnoisseur420420420, I honestly haven't done a great deal and you can see how meany lights I am using , I this last couple of weeks have started too get raised temps so I turned off one of the lights and it dropped a few c
The key is a good extraction fan with enough power to move the heat out and a good cool inlet supply if your struggling now you will be in the 40s in summer ,
Plants will grow at 34c but you will lose strength and smell so it's not ideal ,
I added my pk or in my case top shooter at week 7 at half strength no more than that , it's just not worth risking the burn out as you don't have time for them too recover and I only stopped last week , and at that rate I had no burns or issues , I think less is more ,
I have found on here that alot like too give advice on things they have read about or have been told them selfs and not necessarily things that they have done them selfs ,
Keep it cool , keep it dry , and keep it simple ,
I am new too this all and I think I'm doing pretty well ?
If you need too chat inbox me and I will help you with the things I know , I don't give advice on things I've read :)
@LockDownGrow, yours look beast just been browsing there, how do you keep it all under control temps/rh rise bro? saying that, i just had to much light tbh, its pretty decent now in bigger spot and i reckon if i just turned one of the light units off before would been doable maybe. also when would you recommend adding organic pk boost 4-8 on mine and what would i start at if poss?
@OrganicConnoisseur420420, well drinking is a very good sign :)
Hope it all goes smoothly from here on , mine is looking fantastic can't wait too try her , if it was me I would be folar spraying even if it's just water for a week too make sure they are getting enough
@OrganicConnoisseur420, pull off all the large fan leaves then by next week what you left on will be large fan leaves and will give you better light down too the lower plant , yes it looks and feels wrong too take them off but trust me she can handle it and will respond positively too this , check out my diary and see what I did and how she responded too it ,
@OrganicConnoisseur420, check my diary of when I stripped mine , within 3 days they where back too the same again lol
Even if you just remove any leaves that cover a grow tip under it that will help alot ,
@LockDownGrow, will send pics later, have taken a couple off but i think its struggling a little bit? ill send pics later of what i mean and you might be able to help
I love that you have left space for the floor fan pointed at the tent wall ,
I will 💯% be using this idea from now on , thanks and good luck with your grow , but by the looks of it you don't need luck , a nice and healthy bunch of lady's there ,
@LockDownGrow, I have a 4" intake fan on one inlet, bottom left and it puts air in just underneath the large CO2 bag in the groom and it pushes the intake air around towards the fan you see on the floor which then disipates the air around the plant pots/lower stems which promotes transpiration then above the large Co2 bag i have a smaller 20W oscillating fan aiming down on the ladies and on the back right side pole, i have a none oscilatting 30W fan aiming towards the 2 smaller plants across the top of the canopy and i use these 2 smaller fans above to prevent the plants sweating and for the extraction i have a 4" hybird Axial/Centrifugal fan made by Black Orchid with a filter attached pulling air out of the ceiling
@OrganicConnoisseur420, I only have two small fans on the top of the plants , I will put one of those Infront of the tent inlet pipe and the other the other side of the tent and then by a bigger fan ,
@LockDownGrow, ye its definitely made a difference on hot spots and can definitely see a big difference in growth spurts after adding that co2 bag directly in front of it, just keep the co2 bag topped up with a little water now and then and she goes, simple but really effective!
Hopefully moving them into a 2x1.2x1.8 soon that should open them up abit
Also these respond far better too a 20 hour light cycle , it allows them too rest ,
Everything need a rest from time too time ,
It also looks as if you have ether got wind burn or heat stress
@LockDownGrow, cheers for the info mate and on the other post about plucking too, check recent pic for what shes like atm and feel free to recommend and also got a new home for them next week with more space so i can get the temps down and not run on the edge as had a mare with the heating yesterday and im glad it was only 3 hrs until i could get to them to find the source of the heat and adjust it and i really dont wanna have that happening again as it was long af, thought i was gonna get home to a wreckage and just see them all crumbling away like crisps... under bison..
Best time too pick it week 4 and week 6 lightly , you can even pull of 2 or 3 leaves a day too limit the stress but I just went in and she seemed too love it
I reckon you might be having a nutrient lock out or salt buildup. But it is coming near to the end of flower. But earlier on in your pics the leaf tips look burnt and brown which is a sign of this or excess nitrogen. Maybe slight heat stress?
@OrganicConnoisseur420, hey Brad. Not stupid at all. It's recommended to feed once a week. But I will judge it on how the plant reacts. Depending on what stage of growth you're in your plants will be watered every 2 /4 days. I will feed once a week at first, fully saturate the medium and observe in the 3/3 days or takes to go dry. If it looks like it enjoys it continue with a feed, feed, feed, water schedule. If it begins to look like too much water, water, feed. It's hard to put into a message but I think you'll understand. Hopefully there's not too many autocorrect mistakes 😂🌱👍pm me if you want dude.
@Fruitgrower, Also this sounds like a stupid question but believe it or not, I'm genuinely struggling to find an answer so your experience might be able to help
I'm planning on introducing 1/8 of the Plant Magic nutrients on the 4th week, however if I water them say on the 1st day of the week and then they need a 2nd watering but in the same week, do I add the same nutes?
Also, to go further, if I had to say water it on Monday, then Wednesday then Saturday, would I use the nutrient amounts the same on each watering?
Hopefully this makes sense but one thing I did on previous runs was to water early in the week with my nutrients included and then use just PH'd water if they required a 2nd or 3rd that week but on the next one I plan to use that weeks nute schedule on every watering required in that week
I have good air flow with fabric pots so I think they were feeding alot and/or drying fast due to fab pots in airflow/heat (I'm also going to use inert expanded clay balls to line the bottom on the fab pots this time)
Thank you!
@Fruitgrower, Will do mate, having a browse tonight - I always prefer to keep things natural/organic where possible so this sounds like perfect knowledge to pick up, thanks again for your interest and advice - please keep tuned for my upcoming grow :)
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