
Gorilla Glue

6 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow medium
8 L
Pot Size
0.42 L
Grow Conditions
Week 2
18 hrs
Light Schedule
14+ conditions after
Commented by
Cogollo_eu Cogollo_eu
6 years ago
**Encontrarás la traducción a español al final de la descripción** From/Desde: 01/03/19 || To/Hasta: 07/03/19 From day/Desde día: 8 || To day/Hasta día: 14 You can find the Money Maker Diary here: ** Podéis encontrar el diario de las Money Maker aquí:** -----IMAGES & VIDEOS----- Video 1: Timelaspe video covering 5 days, from Monday 4th night to Sunday 9th afternoon/night. One second Blackouts on video represents night times. I'm sorry for the dancing of colours specially first days, i will try to do it better next time. The background song is from the old awesome album "Deep Forest" of Deep Forest "Sweel Lullably" song (I think i'm going to use this song for almost all timelapse plant growing videos). -----WEEK SUMMARY----- I'm sorry about the delay updating this week, i traveled to Venice at the end of this week and that's why it's late and i have very few or non photos of the next week. I wish the almost 5 days timelapse video can cover the lack of images for the next week. At time, among the 4 plants you can see on group photos, there is one of the 2 gorillas that stands out from the others. The other one is not growing as fast and strong as this one, and also is growing with discoloration areas in the leafs (it will be much more visible next week). I will perform the first Topping/Man Linning/LST on the plant that stands out the next week, and probably will leave the second Gorilla untouched to perform tests and comparsions. Also, among the 2 genetics, the Gorillas are growing much more robust and fast than the Money Makers are. LST STRUCTURE: To prevent breaking or making holes in the pot i designed this LST structure in blender and printed in 3D. They fit perfectly in the 8l RootPoch pots, so at time i didn't fixed them to the pots. If i see any of the plants lifting the structure i will just add weigh over it. -----WATERING CALENDAR----- 06/03/19 - 1.250 ml with all week nutrients and 1 CO2 tablet over the soil @ 0.4~0.5 E.C. PH5.5 (I'm going to travel to Venice till Sunday so i watered well) *****ESPAÑOL***** -----IMÁGENES Y VÍDEOS----- Vídeo 1: Vídeo TimeLapse que cubre 5 días, desde el lunes 4 por la noche hasta el domingo 9 por la tarde/noche. Los negros de 1 segundo que aparecen en el vídeo indican las noches. Siento mucho las variaciones de color entre los días, especialmente los primeros, la siguente vez intentare tener mejor color y más estable. La canción que suena de fondo es de un album antiguo maravilloso llamado "Deep Forest" de Deep Forest, la canción es "Sweet Lullably" y creo que la voy a usar en todos los timelapses de cultivo). -----SUMARIO SEMANAL----- Siento el retraso en el update de esta semana, me pilló el fin de la semana con un viaje que he hecho a Venecia y por esta razón llega tarde esta semana y de la siguiente tengo pocas fotos, espero cubrirlo bien con el vídeo timelapse que he hecho de casi 6 días De momento de las 4 plantas que podéis ver en las fotos de grupo hay una de las 2 gorilas que destaca sobre el resto de las plantas. He de decir que la otra está creciendo con manchas de decoloración en la hojas (se hará mucho más evidente la semana que viene). Por como va creciendo la Gorila que destaca, esta es a la primera a la que le realizaré el Man Lining y LST, y probablemente deje a la segunda gorila sin hacérselo para ir haciendo pruebas y ver diferencias. Así mismo, de entre las 2 genéticas diferentes, sin duda las gorilas crecen con más robustez y velocidad que las Money Maker ESTRUCTURA LST: Para no agujerear los tiestos he diseñado esta estructura para LST con blender y la he impreso en 3D. Se ajusta a la perfección a los RootPoch de 8 Litros pro lo que de momento no la he fijado al tieso ni suelo mediante nada, si veo que alguna de las plantas la levanta, simplemente pondré peso sobre la estructura. -----CALENDARIO DE RIEGO----- 06/03/19 - 1.250 ml con todos los nutrientes semanales y una pastilla de CO2 sobre la tierra @ 0.4~0.5 E.C. PH5.5 (Como voy a viajar unos días he regado bien)
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Grow Questions
Cogollo_eustarted grow question 6 years ago
Week 3 Photo 4 & 9. The smallest Gorilla has some ugly decoloring on it's leaves since second week, the plant is growing well, but i don't know if i must be careful. I irrigated this week with nutrients and additions to see if it fixes it. Green regards Buds!!👊😱
Leaves. Other
Thee_HoffGuyyanswered grow question 6 years ago
Hey there Abducted! You will see me say this first all the time but make sure it is not bugs. It doesn't seem like it is bugs dues to only one plant being affected. From the pictures and what you describe it looks like that plant has Variegation of the leaves its a mutation where it is unable to produce chloraphyll in those spots thus creating those weird colors. Not to much you can do about this except just keep on growing due to it being a mutation. Hope this helps👍 Happy Growing!

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SommerVirellicommentedweek 26 years ago
What program are you using for your cover photos? I really like the style.
Cogollo_eucommented6 years ago
@SommerVirelli, Just Photoshop, I'm glad you like them!, cheers!!
DinafemSeedscommentedweek 26 years ago
Another grow up and running with the might beast called Gorilla 🦍 Thank you for representing our genetics on the grow diary platform 👍 Let's see what you can do 👊 So far we like what we see ✌️ All the best Mark..
Cogollo_eucommented6 years ago
@DinafemSeeds, Thank you very much for your kind words and for being ready and up for Help. My best green regards!.
DinafemSeedscommented6 years ago
@Cogollo_eu, We all start at the beginning my friend and You be joined a fantastic platform (Grow Diaries) filled with many talented growers. I'm never to far away if you do need help 👍 So far your doing a fine job 👌 Keep it up buddy 👍 All the best ✌️ Mark..
Cogollo_eucommented6 years ago
@DinafemSeeds, I will try my best Mark!, but i'm an almost noob grower 😉. Thank you very much for everything, Ultra Green Regards!
Psilocubensiscommentedweek 96 years ago
What a difference after the defoliation !!! Doesn't the plant lost it source of nutrients without these leafs?
Cogollo_eucommented6 years ago
@goarilla, Plants are awesome at time, you are not totally right sorry. Is just a bad example of defoliation, not a total fuck up at the end, and far far far away from killing them. You are using wise words with poor knowlegde, sorry. Tomorrow you will see more. Regards!.
goarillacommented6 years ago
@Psilocubensis, Not only are fan leaves where minerals (mobile) and sugars are stored for phloem translocation. The leaves are also the vehicles of photosynthesis and plant transpiration. That video is a perfect example of "fucking up at the end". He was killing it (week 3 rocks !) and now He has killed it. Harsh but true. But next time he'll do better. 👍
Cogollo_eucommented6 years ago
@Psilocubensis, not at all, she developed many Buds of mid-big size, very full of trichomes as shown in the cover diary image, they are now on cleaning week, today and tomorrow i will be updating more weeks. Green Regards!!
Weedeepcommentedweek 36 years ago
brotha good luck with the grow!!! First you choose one of the best genetics on the market, also i like very much your approach to growing cannabis 👌like your style, and you made awesome invention with that 3D thing, i'm curious why nobody has emphasized your idea, you have to patent it for sure 👊👊👊 got any idea how to fix it to the medium or pots? think Binder Clips will be good at first time, before you decide the new technology of fixing it!!! i'm amazed brotha wish you luck and creativity 👍 peace & RESPECT
Cogollo_eucommented6 years ago
@Weedeep, Hey Bud!, if you need some structures just message me ;). Regards!.
Weedeepcommented6 years ago
@Cogollo_eu, Cool buddy!!! Good luck with invention, cant wait to see final result , i'll be first one who will order for sure ))))
Cogollo_eucommented6 years ago
@Weedeep, Hey!!, yes exactly that was what i used 👏. Well i must tell you that no one has mentioned the LST structure in the posts, but somes has message me, also some local GrowShops are interested too 😜. I'ts an awesome idea that can be outperformed in many ways, it's still a prototype as i made it very quick, and after printed and used it, many new forms and uses came to play in my mind, probably in your's too. Thank you very much for your awesome words, i'm very grateful. King green regards Bud!! 👍
Thee_HoffGuyycommentedweek 36 years ago
Plants look great cant wait to see them flowering🙏! the first time i saw a leaf with variegation I freaked out thinking i had some bug problem or messed something up with nutes. but it turns out it was just a mutation that we have no control over, well at least I don't think we do. I'm fairly sure it's a genetic thing but Environment could possibly factor in but i think its more genetic thing. If you google it on cannabis it can happen to the buds as well an it looks albino lol it's weird seeing white bud. Anyway have a good one Happy Growing!!
Thee_HoffGuyycommented6 years ago
@Cogollo_eu, My pleasure! yeah its a weird/cool mutation. I glad I was able to help out. I'll be following along on this one wanna see them babies flower😊 Looking forward to the update! Happy Growing my friend!!
Cogollo_eucommented6 years ago
@Thee_HoffGuyy, Hey thanks for your advice, that variegation thing is awesome, i had to research more but already found some similarities with some plants searching for it. Anyway she's growing very good, and yesterday i half cutted most of the leaves. Soon i will update more photos. Green Regards!
The_Bearded_Growercommentedweek 96 years ago
good job bud
Cogollo_eucommented6 years ago
@The_Bearded_Grower, Thank you Ichimaru!!! Green Regards!!!
Jo_sykcommentedweek 86 years ago
buena bro, eso va impecable :). la mejor de las suertes! siguiendo <3
Cogollo_eucommented6 years ago
@Jo_syk, Hey!!!, muchísimas gracias Jo_syk, encantado de que te guste amigo. Un saludo Verde!!!
DinafemSeedscommentedweek 86 years ago
@Cogollo_eu How are you doing buddy? I hope all is well 👍 All the best ✌️ Mark..
Cogollo_eucommented6 years ago
@DinafemSeeds, Thanks a bunch once more for your awesome words Mark!. I always try to do my best, but you know, i acomplished one year growing on the 1rs of June, (9 days ago :)), and i still have much to read, test and learn. This plants are not as awesome as they can be, because your Gorilla genetic is awesome, how she respond and recover from everything you do to her, also the amount of nutrients she supports, much more than the Money Makers, as i went hard on last weeks with the nutrients and she resisted like a Champ!, the moneys not as well, but resisted too. I made some hard mistakes already documented on the diary, that caused the plants being small and with unjoined tails. But... Despite all of this, i'm very happy with the quality of the product, the massive ammount os crystals is awesome, i didn't take any photo with flash, almost all of them are composed from 9 different HDR Shots, but i can assure that if i'd used the flash, you will have there some of those totally white bud photos. I'm in love with the Dinafem Genetics, i already tried 2x Critical+ 2.0 auto and this Gorillas, and the results in both cases were awesome for me, maybe not for an expert eye in the Gorilla case, but who cares, this is my grow, and i'm very happy Buds :) Also i still have to plant the Cookies you've sent me, i didn't forget 😘. Green regards, and all the best too Mark!!!! Gor...
DinafemSeedscommented6 years ago
@Cogollo_eu, Best of luck with the harvest buddy 👍 I must say a massive thank you from all at Dinafem 👊 You have done an amazing job showcasing our genetics on the grow diary platform, we are really pleased with both your work and you attitude 👊 A fantastic grow by one very talented grower 🙏 All the best ✌️ Mark..
Cogollo_eucommented6 years ago
@DinafemSeeds, Yes, you worte last message when diary was up to 6th flowering week, but they're on cleaning week already ;). Harvest is going to be made before this upcoming Sunday. You are right my friend, buds are awesome 👏👏 👌 All the best, Gor!
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DinafemSeedscommentedweek 56 years ago
Another week and I must say we love the way you are presenting your diaries 👌 Lots of details and some amazing videos of your work 👍 Please keep the dedication to the grow up, you will be well rewarded for your hard work come harvest time 👊 Until next time 👍 All the best ✌️ Mark..
Cogollo_eucommented6 years ago
@DinafemSeeds, 👏👏👌👌👏👏, thanks again Mark, your words always make me want to improve week after week. I also have to thank you for the advice on defoliation, I wrote you one day that I had been thinking about it for hours and I could not decide myself to do it, defoliation worked wonderfully, plants are beautiful since it!!!! Cheers and Green Regards! Gor..
DinafemSeedscommented6 years ago
@Cogollo_eu, You are doing an amazing job mate. So much detail being put into the diary which we are very appreciated for 👍 Keep up the great work and please keep the super detailed diary updates coming 👊 Until next time my friend ✌️ All the best Mark..
Cogollo_eucommented6 years ago
@DinafemSeeds, Thanks again for you awesome kindly words, I'm doing my best with the time i have, but hard work time has come so i'm a bit out of time now to keep updating last week, i wish i can do it this week. Thanks a bunch BUD!
Tzilacommentedweek 55 years ago
Eres un chingon , esto es ciencia , gracias por compartir tu conocimiento y tu trabajo buenas cosechas y buenos humos , espero poder consultarte.😎
Cogollo_eucommented5 years ago
@Tzila, un placer compartir con tod@s. Por supuesto puedes consultarme siempre que quieras, si está en mi mano o conocimiento, te ayudaré encantado! :). 👌
KumaGrows420commentedweek 155 years ago
Beatiful grow!! 😍
Cogollo_eucommented5 years ago
Thank you @KumaGrows420, very glad you like it!. Cheers green Bud!!
DinafemSeedscommentedweek 155 years ago
@Cogollo_eu You did an amazing diary and we have thoroughly enjoyed watching you grow out our Gorilla 👍 A very detailed diary, super detailed updates and both amazing pictures and videos to showcase the might beast 🦍 Thank you for representing our genetics in such a professional manner and enjoy your hard earned harvest mate 👌 Until your next adventure on the grow diary platform 👏 All the best ✌️ Mark..
Cogollo_eucommented5 years ago
@DinafemSeeds: A million thanks again Mark! When I bought these seeds and started this diary, I never expected to find a representant of Dinfem who would be so in touch and aware of one of my journals (or one of his genetics), week after week you have been giving advice and encouragement in an unexpected way and much more than grateful and appreciated by me. It's a pleasure to have grown this genetics and found someone as attentive as you behind it. Wiyh no doubt your messages and encouragement, has driven me to try to do things better and try harder week after week and I encourage you not to leave this attitude with users, it is amazing Mark! For me you are a 10/10 representative of Dinafem, and a new buddy from now on. All the Best ✌️ (As someone use to say arround here 😜) Million thanks again Mark, Gor...
AsNoriucommentedweek 156 years ago
Nice timelapse Sad with results, but your efforts will inspire people 4sure ! Will rewatch all your diary. Happy growing !
Cogollo_eucommented5 years ago
@AsNoriu, thank you for your kindly words. I hope you'll have fun reviewing my material, i will end up the LemonZ & M.Maker diaries soon, I also hope that newbies as me, can learn something of my mistakes. Thanks again Bud!, Green regards!!!
Charly_growercommentedweek 136 years ago
Muy lindo amigo, exelente trabajo !! esas flores se ven muy cargadas 🌱👏
Cogollo_eucommented6 years ago
@Charly_grower, Muchas gracias Charly!!, en efecto así están, cargadas cargadas. Me alegro que te guste, un saludo verde !!
Vodozocommentedweek 145 years ago
Hola sabes a que se debe las puntas de las hojas quemadas o de color marrón tengo el mismo problema con mis gorillas de dinafem