When I transplanted her I was pretty disappointed with her roots...I think my soil mix wasn't airy enough for her and the additional biochar I amended her soil with kept it too moist down at the bottom of the pot. When I transplanted her into the 5 gallon pot, I added a lot of extra perlite to the mix.
She recovered from the transplant quickly, but it's still too soon to tell if it will make her happier...
Her new growth is looking better..I'm still optimistic that transplanting her will give her a chance to improve.
She was almost totally dried out today, so I ran the soaker hose for about 10 minutes just to keep her from burning up. I'm gonna water her tomorrow with bactrex, bembe, and terpinator, then let her dry out again.
I fed her a half gallon of bactrex, bembe, terpinator, and armor si, then it rained about a half-inch a few hours later.
Hot and sunny day...too busy to check her.
She's recovering?? Not so sure...finger's remain crossed...🙏
Yep...I already did some judicious branch removal or they wouldn't be getting any direct sunlight at all..I opened up the tree canopy enough for them to get morning sun(from the east) from about 9:30am until about 2pm, then it's shaded the rest of the day. I'm considering opening up the western exposure so that they'd get a little bit more direct sunlight from around 5pm until 5:30 or maybe 6:00pm.
I kinda doubt it's N lockout....besides the biotabs, she's only received minute amounts of organically derived sources of nitrogen, like kelp, earthworm castings, and compost tea, and the occasional boom boom spray..unless maybe it's a K lockout..
If she hasn't improved when I go out to see her today, I'm gonna transplant her into a 5 gallon pot. I really hate to at this late stage, but I'm hoping she'll recover quickly.