Hempstar420commentedweek 56 years ago
Definitely not nutrient burn - if it was it would effect all the leaves and it would start at the tips and work backwards- it us definitly a deficiency. Probably magnesium. If i was you I would start with Nutrients immediately, and start low - 1/5 of the reccomend feed and increase slowly each week. I would also be very careful of over watering, don't water until the medium is very dry. I have been growing outdoors for years in the same area, and I can assure you that when growing outdoors, bugs are not a worry. For every pest there are multiple predators, so just let nature sort itself out. I can't tell you how much time I wasted worrying for no reason. The bigger concern you and I share in the climate of Southern Ontario is Powdery Mildew and Bud Rot (Botrytis). So I would recommend feeding those girls asap ( remember to start with very light feeding) eg. If it calls for 5ml per Gallon start with 1ml. Also you might like to know that based on light cycles in your area, your plants are going to start going into flower sometime in early August, so grow, grow, grow, as much direct sunlight for as long as possible everyday. Also if you can use a plastic tote to store water between feedings, 24 hours will allow for the chlorine to evaporate (your roots do not like chlorine and it will effect the uptake of your nutrients) as well make sure your Ph is between 5.8 and 6.5, that is also optimal for nutrient uptake. You may be as lucky as I am - my tapwater put out a Ph of 6.5, and I am pretty close to Niagara, so here's hoping! Good luck!
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