I took everybody out of the garden and did some defoliating and sprayed them with boom boom spray and a little tiger bloom for the last time.
In addition the potassium deficiency, it looks like several of them have a copper deficiency as well. I'm gonna re-calibrate my Ph meter...thinking it's off.
I super-cropped the tallest 5 plants to try and keep the canopy more even, and spent about a half hour training the 4 plants in the upper chamber
The 5 plants whose tallest branches I super-cropped turned upwards and are doing their thing again. At least 3 more plants need the same treatment now..stretching like crazy.
They are dry..watering in the morning.
I sprinkled a tablespoon of Cavern Culture (bat and seabird guano) onto all of them and watered it in with about 1/2 gallon each, including myco/tricho/beneficial bacteria, humic acid, bembe, terpinator, and cal-mag.
I also did some more super-cropping and training on them today. I can't really spread the branches out too much, as I have no space at all to work with, but I managed to get light to more of the lower branches, so that's a win.
Tomorrow I'm gonna transplant the one with the curly leaves into a 5 gallon pot and check out whatever's going on with her roots.
The extremely curly-leaved plant...ugh...I'd say she's really "sickly", but she's big and bushy and still blooming like crazy....😕
It's like she hates being watered. I've ensured that there are hundreds of little holes in the sides and bottom of her pot and have a half inch airspace beneath it. During the afternoon, I've been leaving the closet door partially open and an industrial fan blowing across the pots to try to get more oxygen to their roots. All, but Curly Sue are doing fine. I'm hoping that maybe a transplant into a 5 gallon pot of perlite-heavy soil mix (roots dusted with myco) will make her straighten out and fly right. I'll water her into the new pot with boomerang and maybe spray her with boom boom spray. Biotabs swears by it as a shock-reducing transplant foliar feed....we'll see. I really hate transplanting when they are this far into flower, but I really don't want her to peter-out before she can finish. Of all the plants, she has the weakest stalk and branches, so...😷
I transplanted "Curly Sue" into a 5 gallon pot today and watered her in with myco, humic acid, boomerang, and bembe. Fingers crossed....
I removed the oscillating fan from above my lighting so that I could raise the lights several more inches, and added another oscillating fan above the lights that blows down on the plants.
The one I removed is still up there too, but blowing across the LED drivers and a pair of the panels. I could still remove the ratchet hangers and just use carabiners to attach the fixture to the "ceiling" of the closet....that would give me another 5 inches of possible ceiling if I end up needing it.
I fed everybody about 1/3 gallon today, and went heavy on phosphorous..a heavy dose of tiger bloom, along with a normal dose of beastie bloomz, bembe, cal-mag, signal, big bloom, and a 1/3 dose of grow big. It's been raining for 24 hours and the humidity is off the charts, so I dialed up the ac infinity to come on any time it exceeds 55% RH and increased the fan speed on the floor of the closet to try and dry them out quicker than usual.
Did pretty much nothing to the bigger plants in the bottom today and only did a little training to two of the shorter ones in the top section.
I collected a bunch of rainwater over the past 48 hours and gave everybody about 1/3 gallon including cal-mag, signal, bembe, armor si, and a little bit of tiger bloom..still seeing some signs of phosphorous deficiency here and there. I took a bunch of photos and video while I had some of them out of the closet. 😍
Curly Sue continues to bud up, but she's still curly as hell. No way the old growth will correct itself, but I was hoping to see a few new sugar leaves be straighter than the rest..
Like landing a jumbo jet on a municipal air strip!
If all goes well, I'll have 19 plants in a little under 18 sq ft....and that just doesn't seem feasible..hopefully I get a few that are just a big cola with no side branching....the bitch of it, is that a SOG with no access from the sides or rear is impossible to manage, so I can't use a trellis net.
Be careful buddy we done the same thing and had a problem with some water run off from above to the light below and nearly caused more then a little problem 😱
They look healthy and strong 💪🌱😜
Ya, that was a concern, but the evaporative cooler in the closet is keeping RH right where it needs to be.👍
My vapor pressure deficit has actually never been so good...(.9)
@Silverback_Guerilla, and another thing I noticed I was using a mars hydro light wasn’t the tsl that I use now I think they have meanwell drivers too but it was mars eco and had fans above it and it used to make the ones above not grow as good and the soil used to dry out in hours cos of the bottom heating 😑
Ya, thanks man!. About 30 years ago, I did the same thing I'm doing now, but was growing hydro back then, with HPS and MH running below. It was always so sketchy handling water a foot or two above a 600w HPS..I am less worried now with soil as my medium, but even still, I'll be taking them down for waterings, and have good catchment trays for whenever I put them back up there. Plus, the meanwell drivers are IP65 rated at least..
Looking awesome so far. Have you checked under the leaves with a good loupe or microscope. I had a plant twist and curl at the top that once and it was broadmites. Also had a slight bronzing of the leaves. I do not wish that plague on you but check if you haven't done so.