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Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
350 PPM
86 %
22 °C
19 °C
60.96 cm
Nutrients 15
Snoop Dogg's radical roots 1 mll
Snoop Dogg's radical roots 1 mll
Snoop Dogg's radical roots 1 mll
Hi people and welcome to my grow diary, I have grown before a few times and have extensive knowledge in growing cannabis, I have been limited on space before and not being able to explore my potential to its fullest, I also tried hydro with not the best results you live you learn you come back better, this time around I have good space good tent size and it has all been set up to my specification, I am doing real Queen seeds Royal Highness which is a daytime smoke with high CBD which is what I'm looking for I have been smoking cannabis now for over 18 years now and love it, I like to share with other growers and other like-minded small growers and professionals out there in the cannabis cultivation industry, like others I am trying to perfect my craft and this time I will do just that, I germinated 10 feminized Royal Highness seeds with 100% success rate the genetics from royal Queen seeds are on point!, below I will explain the method I used and how I got such a good germination rate, I soak my seeds in water boiled first then cooled down to room temperature then left them in a cupboard for 24-hours, when I came back I tap the seeds they all sunk to the bottom of the glass, I then use the same water from the glass the seeds are within to wet a couple of pieces of kitchen roll and let the excess drain off, I then move the seeds to the kitchen paper giving them space between each seed I then put them into a heated propagator and left them for another 12 to 24 hours and they had all sprouted a tap root, While I was waiting for the seeds to Germinate I prepared 10 pots of natural coco mixed with perlite, I ran through just plain tap water a few times through each spot it was running clear I left them on the windowsill overnight to come up to room temperature I then planted the seeds into these pots the next day, 24-hours later and I had to carefully go digging just a small bit and I found and around eight of my colydons coming up through the coco I left these exposed to my viper spectra 600 watt LED but still in the propagator with the lid on, few more hours and they should be standing straight up and kicking. The light is just under 2 ft from the propagator, I will update as my grow progressive please pull up a chair and join me if you wish it will be a pleasure to have you along on the journey, I appreciate every single person who reads if you want to know more I will answer questions and also have a bit of banter thank you for looking please enjoy peace and blessings to UPDATE Friday 15th of November 2019............................................... Hello guys this is an update I have added an update to the comments but i will move that here soon also, so everything is together nice and neat, Today marks the end of week one from popping the seeds including germination time, All plants are growing their second set of true leaves so not long now until they make it out the seedling stage, hoorayyyyyy, Temps are perfect at 26c humidity up around the 60s in tent but I have them in the humidity dome so will be a lot higher in and around high 80s they are loving it, I have now changed out my Mars hydro 400w for my viper Spectra 600w LED and they're loving that also, I have now started to feed with plagron terra grow, Snoop Dogg radical roots and I am continuing to use calmag, as I had some of this left I'm only going to use this until these parts have been rooted once I transplant I will start to use the canna line, I will use my one question to ask you lovely guys and girls what are the best results in the dense buds you have had from nutrients in Coco, I'll put that up after this update I will take some more photos today and I will upload them and that will be the last of week 1 and I'm talking day one was when I put the seeds into the cup of water and within 7-days I'm on my second to set of leaves that it's not bad going happy with that, I don't want no mistakes on this group I want absolute perfection to maximize yields and maximize the quality and density of the bud, my skills and knowledge and the time I've spent learning and perfecting my craft is up to scratch now and I know I can do a successful crop without any problems, And we will achieve that guys positivity is the key To success i hope you are all enjoying my grow I update regularly with pictures every other day killing my data but it's ok I love you guys, peace love and blessings happy growing.
Used techniques
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
300 PPM
60 %
22 °C
19 °C
60.96 cm
Hi fellow growers and welcome to week 2 and we are still here kicking strong, I had my nutes way to hot even after only using one quarter of the strength recommended by the manufacturer so I decided to flush out with just plain water, looking really good not too much damage I jumped on it very quickly so not too much tip burn, I have uploaded some new pics for you guys also I have have added in my carbon filter and extraction I have my Reservoir all set up bubbling away with two air stones double outlet air pump, I also have a drainage from an outlet pipe that goes down into the drainage of the property #winning, So hopefully these bad boys pick back up with vengeance and start moving at the speed of light LOL 😁, On another note I would like to have a little rant all of the dealers in my local area are absolute trash they wouldn't know a decent strain of cannabis if it's smack them across the face 10 times, From one person saying 10-minutes to never showing up to the next person coming with the lowest grade weed i have seen since 1999, it's just terrible low-quality and just absolute Trash and is still selling it at £10 it's shocking, and when I want to get a half qauter of good stuff they want £50 uh uh no comprende sir, You will not rip me off so yeah I'm getting frustrated with my local dealers fucking shit heads sorry for the Rant guys, but yeah it would be fantastic to get some decent cannabis where I am originally from it is only the best of the best and there's thousands of people competing with each other to give you the biggest sizes and the best grade but because I moved North I committed dealer suicide with this move but I have my lovely family and a decent life I wouldn't have always have time grateful and I can't wait for my own fantastic grade to grow so I can have a decent Smoke for once 😁, Hope you're all enjoying the ride so far this is only the beginning I have a lot more things to set up including humidity dripper system scrog net hopefully you'll get some automated systems going maybe some CO2 a whole bunch of things to come guys and girls, Please stop by for a chat please leave a comment and like if you haven't already it will be much appreciated I will also like back if you have a grower on-going, peace love and blessings and happy growing speak to ya'll soon. ANNONBUDS420 UPDATE…................................................ Hello people and I'm back with an update for week 2, sorry for the delay I was struck down with the norovirus 🤮 absolutely awful time still recovering have zero energy and my spliff has been sitting for 2 days on the windowsill half smoked 😭, I did say I didn't want any problems but as with all new setups and using old equipment certain problems will arise for example my pH metre was well out of whack so my seedlings started to really go yellow and show pH lockout and deficiencies, I headed down to the Hydro store and bought some buffer 7 fluid and some formulex 100% recommend that for seedlings and clones, absolutely excellent stuff, I calibrated my metre drained out my Reservoir cleaned it all down refilled it added to 2.5 ml of Formula per litre in my Reservoir is 80L so 200ml of formulex, pH 2 to 6.0, I then flushed my babies until the runoff was PH 6.0 and EC was 0.8 - 0.9, maybe a little high but it's only a light micro and macro feed nothing too heavy, After 24-hours they have picked up tremendously and looking great pictures before and afterwill be put up, I need another way to put a normal light in here so when I take pictures for you guys and girls I can turn off the LED, to get some better pictures, I do have the best camera smartphone in the world so it shouldn't be a problem getting crisp photos with natural light one of my plant is a complete retard and it's growing leaves in various different directions very weird first time I've seen that also another one of them is very tiny compared to the rest really really slow I feel like these may be the ones that I kill off retarded genetics law of averages I guess 🤣, I also brought a humidifier and that is doing a great job temperatures are running maximum 27 minimum 23.1 the maximum humidity of 73 in the minimum humidity of 37 so not too bad also have my extraction in and I need to sort my intake out next, Also very exciting I am going to be building an auto water in an auto draining system to save me the hassle for when my scrog net goes in if any of you would like a link to the site that is helping me with this I will be happy to share coco for cannabis search that on Google, I already have the reservoir so just need to get some halo drippers fittings etc, may take some time as I'm skint I spend too much money on cannabis as I said before in my rent I'm starting to get sick of Street dealers I'm concerned they can fuck off and pay their own rent car finance and whatever financial business they have because I will not be paying it for them anymore amen to that, I love all you guys here and want to share my whole experience I'm not a first time grower I am a passionate cannabis enthusiast absolutely love growing it tending to it's sitting with it it's a beautiful magical wonderful species of plant it is my main passion in life if I don't really like too much getting really stoned it's not my thing I prefer to have a nice flavour a nice tasting just to relax and high energetic and creative kind of high I didn't like to be couch locked all day 😂, So yeah they're just wondered really well and they are really happy I shall soon be repotting and I do have roots coming out the bottom I'll be repotting into 11 litre pots with a 70/30 coco perlite mix this is me for now guys I need to go water peace love and blessings to you all please comment as I love to communicate with you all another part of my passion is to share with everybody to teach and to learn absolutely a pleasure the site could be a bit better than I may you to write to the admins, Wouldn't it be better if it had a section for updating because coming in and edit in weekend and adding to the bottom I'm not sure if it will inform you guys that I've added anything do any of you get an email to say I have added something to my diary? Many thanks.
Used techniques
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
2.54 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
400 PPM
60 %
20 °C
60.96 cm
Nutrients 1
Formulex - Growth Technology
Formulex 2.5 mll
Hello hello and welcome back to week 3 of my grow diary for the Royal Highness from royal Queen seeds feminized of course 😜, After a minor hiccup in week 2 with the pH being out of whack, we are off to a flying start for week 3 They are growing and looking healthy I'm extremely happy I have filtered out the 2 that are going to get the chop, we are down to eight babies they are all happy and liking the food so that's the ones I'm going to go with 😁, We can soon start low stress training on these babies once I repot them into the 11 litre pots with 70/30 mix of cocoa perlite, So everything is looking hunky dory absolutely splendid pull up a chair come and join along if you're not already this will be a fun and exciting journey I can guarantee I am perfectionist and have OCD so I will always update there is no way I could leave a diary not finished even if something went wrong I would update that's not going to happen thou LOL, Hope you're enjoying it so far happy growing peace love and blessings to you.
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
2.54 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
550 PPM
70 %
18 °C
20 °C
18 °C
11 L
1 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 3
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 20 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 20 mll
Liquid Oxygen - Growth Technology
Liquid Oxygen 1 mll
Hello fellow growers and welcome to week 4 of my grow, This week I went out and spent a wad of cash and some more supplies I picked up up some 70% cocoa 30% perlite mix, Canna A and B coco nutes, rhizotonic which I'm using as a foliar spray because I am using liquid oxygen in the reservoir and this would destroy the benefits of rhizotonic, I also brought 25 cm pots 11L to 2.5 gallon sqaure pots, and deep circle saucers, I flushed the coco with tap water and rinsed it through, i then rinsed it through with full strength calmag solution, I transplanted all 9 plants and then i watered them in with the nutes solution I was giveing to the plant in the small pots so I could diel in the same nutrients EC and PH I was giving them before the repotting, I sprayed the leaves of every plant with for 4ml to 1L of tap water rhizotonic spray, within 24-hours they were as happy as they have ever been see the pictures of when they are dancing in the late with the new growth standing straight on this is 24-hours after repotting also the pictures of the Roots is just before repotting looking healthy looking good, I am now the proud owner of another cheap pH metre and another cheap PPM metre 😱, but you can only do what you can do, We nearly in week 5 any day now but to me they don't look like they're week 5 it was from seed what do you guys and girls think what week would you put these in in going from the pictures in my diary?, They are slowly starting to LST going to start pulling them back and rubber banding them to some craft sticks to help the light get the branches to start moving along, Once they are big enough I will then install a scrog net then I will be back with another update but I will be uploading more pictures and more stuff before then so please keep an eye out I'd like to communicate with you guys and girls so don't hesitate to drop a comment or send me a message, Let me know what you all think peace love and happy going to you all. Anonbuds420 Over and Out.
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
5 years ago
2.54 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
550 PPM
70 %
18 °C
20 °C
18 °C
11 L
1 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 6
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 2 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 2 mll
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 2 mll
Hi people please help I don't know what is wrong had massive salt build-up but I got back on top but they never look happy any advice gratefully appreciated.
1 comment
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Annonbuds420started grow question 5 years ago
HI i had a salt buildup issue and i got back on top but the plants never look happy how can i make then look happy any advice appreciated
Leaves. Dropping off
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 5 years ago
hey there, you have root problems from chronic overwatering, you can tell from the puffy space between the veins of the leafs and the downwards pointing curls of the leafs. Good news is fixing this is easy ! basically water about a day later than you normally would to fix the overwatering issue. Then you need to break down the problem roots with a chelation agent. Cut out the rhiz and use the zym every watering. Hope this helps ! 🚀
DeadwebsiteBoringcommunityanswered grow question 5 years ago
This doesn't look like a Salt Build up situation. You don't have the "signs of excess nitrogen" that would be so common in this type of situation. Did you test you run off and is that what lead you to believe you had Salt Build up?.. What lead you to the conclusion is what I'm asking?


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CaptainDankcommentedweek 35 years ago
Welcome back Mr. AB, I always check to see when you update! Looking dank AF my man, can’t wait to see how your grow goes! My babies are looking decidedly small for their age .. starting to feel some epic levels of competitive envy .. must .. love .. my .. plants .. MOST!
Annonbuds420commented5 years ago
@CaptainDank, Thank you man appreciate it Mr Dank, Glad theres so interest now makes it all the more fun, Hooe your plants do pick up with the quickness for you mate all the best, Happy growing peace love and blessings
EZgrowercommentedweek 35 years ago
it's very interesting to watch your diary. I wish you a huge harvest of buds. What do you prefer to use a Bong or a joint. 4-20 Bro. subscribed and watching your grow.👍
Annonbuds420commented5 years ago
@EZgrower, Well thank you very much EZgrower I do so hope i can get a huge harvest of buds but I will put the Skills required to achieve that you have my word 😜, LST, SCROG DEFOLIATION, The key to great yield, I am a joint smoker i dabble in bongs as a teenager but they knock me out tbh and driving is a passion of mine I do every day so I don't know to be to wrecked I love my joints, King size silver slim rizzla 🙏 heavenly, Thank you for joining along for the Ride and subscribing is much appreciated peace love and blessings and happy growing to you.
CaptainDankcommentedweek 25 years ago
Mr Annon! Loving the detailed update, and I feel your pain with local dealers. Your epic 10 plant growathon ought to sort that shit out though! 😎 Also loving that we have the same heater, and the same fan controller! 😁 Have a great week my man, I’m fully dialled in!
Annonbuds420commented5 years ago
@CaptainDank, MrCaptainDank my mannnnnnnn 😁
CaptainDankcommentedweek 25 years ago
My man, digging the Christmas tree! 🎄 😎
Annonbuds420commented5 years ago
@CaptainDank, Haha thats hillarious thanks man, i wanted to get week 2 started would let me without image, so i shared my festive feeling with you lovely people, Just flushed plant to an EC of 0.6 and ph of around 6, they where running 1.1 ec way to hot this young, sorted that out right away, so pics coming soon looking really good and strong, all the best. ✌️
Hozzer420commentedweek 15 years ago
Loving the grow so far, I'll follow along. 👍👊
Annonbuds420commented5 years ago
@Hozzer420, Thank you much appreciated.
CaptainDankcommentedweek 15 years ago
Loving this, can't wait to see what you achieve!
Annonbuds420commented5 years ago
@CaptainDank, Thank you so much captain dank its very much appreciated, Its a pleasure to have you following thank you.
Dude420commentedweek 15 years ago
10/10 germination, off to a good start! Thanks for writing detailed steps on your process, I'm doing the same and had good luck so far. Any particular reason why you dig up the top for the colydons, are you concerned some may not get through? Also are you planning to grow all 10 or select only the best ones? Looking forward to seeing your grow, good luck!
Annonbuds420commented5 years ago
@Dude420, Hey Dude thank you for your response, yeah im very detailed I am a perfectionist and also have OCD in a good way lol, yes there is a reason I went digging and I wouldn't recommend it I was stoned I planted them about the tip of my finger but the pots are really small so I planted them to deep I reckon in my opinion, maybe not I just wanted them above ground as quick as possible, they probs would have been fine but I told you I'm a perfectionist and I'm also very impatient so worrying I slowly moved the soil back didn't actually dig I just slowly pushed it back from center to exposed the seedlings but my light is way too powerful it's been turning them Brown, So I have changed it to a lower wattage LED and moved up to 3-ft, so that was the reason i went digging lol but not advised LOL 😁 You used a jiffy pellets and they are perfect because they have the holes in and perfect depth. Yes will be very exciting to follow along with you, both are high CBD which is fantastic should have some similar traits, all the best happy growing peace and love.
Jamescommentedweek 35 years ago
Good luck!!
GreenBoycommentedweek 35 years ago
Are you controlling your pH well? Aren't you putting too much fertilizer? Some leaves show signs of fertilizer abuse or unregulated ph, I went through a problem related to fertilizer abuse earlier in my planting and some plants show the same signs as in my planting. Be Careful and Good Luck 😉
GreenBoycommented5 years ago
@Annonbuds420 I had the same problem, low ph and fertilizer abuse. I made a Flush, corrected the pH water and now its everything ok.
Annonbuds420commented5 years ago
@GreenBoy, hello green boy and welcome to my diary, thank you for your input do you mean the older leaves?, as yes I had a ph lockout and slight nutrient burn I did explain this in my diary in week 2 I think it was, that has all been fixed and they've been growing absolutely fantastic starting week 4 today I'm going to give you guys a real treat with loads of photographs today going to start that now, Be surr to check back shortly and you will see fantastic groove beautiful green leaves not a problem insight, appreciate your keen eye but yes was definitely a ph issue in week 2 but we are good now thanks
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 55 years ago
hey there , hope i answered your questions, anything else you need just let me know 👊
Annonbuds420commentedweek 35 years ago
Uploaded more pictures for you wonderful people they are doing absolutely fantastic couldn't ask for more humidity high 70s to about 80 and they love it, Silky smooth leafs and rapid growth, dark green in colour perfect 🙏 Enjoy new pictures, happy growing peace love and blessings to all of you.
Annonbuds420commentedweek 25 years ago
Have added update guys and starting week 3 now, Happy Growing.
Annonbuds420commentedweek 25 years ago
UPDATE PEOPLE, was a little hiccup but we are fully back on track enjoy.
Annonbuds420commentedweek 15 years ago
Update!! Hello people and welcome back to my grow thank you all for following along for the ride, I have checked in on my babies today and they are doing great I must say temps are good and the humidity is good I have included a picture 25.3c and 64% humidity perfect 😁, Most of them are growing there first true set of leaves, they are well established now and growing very strong, and I have added some new pictures and as you will see one of them looks a little funny, this still had the shell stuck on and I took it off and it seemed to to have damaged the leafs. but in all fairness even though it has the damage from the seed shell this has been one of my strongest plants, just waiting to see if it grows a fresh set of leafs which it should as it is growing taller than all the others with no leaves lol, Superb genetics from Royal Queen Seeds, 100% germination success, i planted 10 seeds I now have 10 plants growing, don't need this many so I can kill 2 or donate them to a friend, I prefer to donate as i don't like killing healthy plants, This is been Annonbuds420 thank you all for joining me, until next time peace love and blessings to you all and haooy growoing there will be an update within the next day or two 🙏🙌👌 P.S please check pictures for close-ups taken today they're still only babies hearing me about for 4 days old from open the seed pack to now impressive.
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