I cannot wait to learn what these mystery beans are...Fastbuds autos really rock, so they're bound to be spectacular!
I pre-soaked 3 of these beans in humic acid and concentrated mycorrhizae with trichoderma for about a minute and planted them in rapid rooters soaked with a weaker solution of the same. All 3 popped up about 20 hours later. I'll let them root well under the dome and transplant into some temporary seedling pots with Fox Farms Light Warrior soil mix after dusting their roots with myco. I'll let them veg for a week under some cooler color temperatures to try and encourage shorter distances between internodes, then move them into my closet under max "sun."
One of them pushed it's way out of the soil, so I ripped apart a rooter and tried to sandwich it. Not sure it will make it, so I'm planting a back-up #11. The other two are looking great.
They were ready to transplant last night, but I was worn out and put it off until today. All three seedlings were rooted very well, so I planted them in some new, durable, 5.6" tall seedling starters. filled with Fox Farms Light Warrior seed starting soil mix, which has mycorrhizae and humic acids, plus earthworm castings. It's a very light mix. I really like it alot. It has a lot of coco coir pith and peat in it, so even when you pre-soak it, it seems very light.
I am now using a killer product that contains:
7 ENDOMYCORRHIZAL Species, 17 BENEFICIAL BACTERIA Strains, 4 TRICHODERMA Species, SEA KELP EXTRACT, HUMIC ACIDS, YUCCA PLANT EXTRACT, Root Promoting VITAMINS with Vitamin B Complex and L-AMINO ACIDS (https://www.amazon.com/GreenEden-EndoBoost-Concentrated-Soluble-Mycorrhizal/dp/B07GSPVQ83/ref=sr_1_15?crid=3G7AW86ZVOF68&keywords=endo+mycorrhizae+powder&qid=1577435831&sprefix=endomy%2Caps%2C170&sr=8-15)
No, I am not a paid spokesman, but I used it in my last grow and had amazing roots, so I used it again and had 100% germination rate when mixed with concentrated humic acid for a 1-minute seed soak and rapid rooter pre-soak.
Needless to say, I used it again today to dust my new seedling's roots and the holes where they were planted. I also like to add a teaspoon of it to my 5-gallon batches of compost tea, about 2 hours before I'm finished brewing it. The price is about the same, but I had far better results with it than the hyped-up "king shark" stuff...
I have them 24" below the 200w 3500k +660nm light for about 12 hours per day, and the 24w cold white panel with the 85w mixed white spectra light at about 15" for the other half of the day. Both of the 12w blue bulbs are hanging very close to both ends of the tray and lit all day long.
@Silverback_Guerilla, I had almost exact same thing. I started at 11" and got to 54". Definitely something to note about this strain! Need lots of height.
@Johnnyb__blazin, Ya, what's weird is that the runt that was seriously stunted for a couple weeks and just got planted in a 2 gallon pot is now the tallest plant in the garden...48"! I started flowering her when she was 8 inches tall...that's a 600% stretch!
Looks great! Good idea soaking the starter plugs in that solution.. I am going to try and soak my starter plugs next grow with some liquid karma (kelp, humic acid and some vitamins) and hydroguard. Thanks for the idea!