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Barney's LSD Auto - 90x90 - 400w hps

Approved by Barney's Farm
5 years ago
Room Type
weeks 4-12
weeks 5-6
weeks 4-7, 9-12
Grow medium
18 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
1 cm
23 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
12 %
19 °C
19 °C
19 °C
0 L
0 L
50 cm
Nutrients 2
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 1.1 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 1.1 mll
Hello everybody! This is my first post and journal. This is my first grow indoors ever, I'm super excited for finally getting it started after so many years without any activity. I've grown for several years back home, always outdoors. Looking forward to see if the green finger still lives in me. Got some air circulating fans 2x 13w to help air circulation, a decent (but noisy) PK air extractor and carbon filter. Should go as good and smelless as discreet. This is the main goal - Discretion 18l pots with biobizz light mix ready for the transplant, biobizz starter pack for nuts. May 13 00h - So, tonight the first seed popped out of the soil. One missing now. Just watering with tap water for now, maybe some root hormone or something like that might help her. let's see how it goes the first days. Slightly worried with RH, can't get it over 22% inside the room. May 13th 13h - Cotyledons are now quite visible and healthy looking. can see the first pair of pointy leaves forming. Can't keep RH inside the grow over 11%, even with the dome and a wet towel inside it. Added 3 containers with water placed between the pots and ain't helping at all for now.
Grow Questions
TheGourmetWeedstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hey guys! So, I'm having some doubts with one of my seeds, as it looks like it sprouted upside down. Can't see any cotyledones, or even signs of the seed, that's what make me believe it's upside down. Any ideas? RH in the tent has been quite low, around 15/20%. thanks!
Leaves. Too few
Roots. Other
1 like
labifleanswered grow question 5 years ago
Salut le jardinier ! Ta graine n'a pas pousse a l'envers parce-que les plantes sont génétiquement programmées pour laisser les racines descendre et pour faire leur tiges sortir hors du sol et même plantées dans un sens différent elle arrivera toujours a pousser correctement . ce qui se passe ici c'est que tu n'a plus de cotylédons soit parce-que cette partie a pourrie ou a été sectionnée en poussant parce-que ce que tu vois sortir c'est la partie qui dois avoir les cotyledons et la graines attachée autour . au pire essai de la sortir de terre pour savoirs qui se passe sous le sol. bonne chance bella ciao
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
2 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
18 %
19 °C
19 °C
19 °C
0 L
0 L
90 cm
Nutrients 2
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 4.1 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2.1 mll
Day 8 14/5 - RH still low. keep spraying water in the tent but nothing changes. went with the lights up about 10cm #1 looks good, leaves are growing welll, looks healthy. Second plant looks weird, just the stem. no sign of leaves or even the seed. seems to be upside down. I'll keep watering it and taking care until any further changes. Day 9 15/5 - Low RH. Spraying the grow and walls with water helps but not much. Drying clothes nearby brings all the soap and softener smell from the detergent inside. Plant #1 is growing nicely, and plant #2... well, as it was looking weird, I decided to dig it out and see what was happening. As suspected, seedling grew the taproot up and cotyldones down. after turning it, just started dying as you can see on the pictures. Day 10 16/5 - RH more stable at 20%. Still very low. Humidifier already ordered and coming during next week. Plant #1 is looking good everyday, and #2 still looks dead. Going to discard it in a few days (still belive in it) For safety, just dropped another seed in the water. Day 11 17/5 - Looks like my fan/extractor is too powerful and thats what's sucking the humidity away. I can hold RH in the tent up to 60% all night lights off/fan off. Plant #1 looks fine, growing nicely and plant #2 looks dead. the stem still up so I'll keep watering it. Seed #3 is out of water, straight in a 18l pot with biobizz light mix soil. Let's hope for the best. Day 12 18/5 - #1 looking good. Starts to drink a little more water #2 still bad #3 not out of the soil yet. been misting the tent every other hour to keep better RH levels Day 13 19/5 - #1 is growing healthy. Like to see its development everyday #2 no new developments. Will keep it another day #3 still not out of soil Day 14 20/5 - #1 is looking great and I have the feeling is going to be a good exemplar. let's hope everything goes fine. #2 still looking dead, even though the main stem still grows slowly. I'm keeping it to see what can happen. #3 is still under the soil, should be out before the weekend hopefully, let's see how it goes. Meanwhile got 5 bubblegum auto, 5 super silver haze feminized and a couple offers. In case something goes wrong, I have a backup plan. For now, they stay in the fridge. Preferably, I'll have for now just the Lsd's. Got finally an humidifier, and couldn't get over 20% RH with lights on, went up to 80% now with the lights and fan off. Need to make some improvements.
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
11 cm
19 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
40 %
19 °C
18 °C
18 °C
18 L
0 L
40 cm
Nutrients 3
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 3 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 3 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 2 mll
Day 15 21/5 . Plant #1 is going amazing. very happy with the recent development. Considering a transplant in a week to its final 18L soil pot. Plant #2 still breathing. Everyday gone my hopes go lower. Plant #3 is finally out of the soil. I'm so happy to have a 100% germination rate in this batch. Great job Barney's Farm. - Moving from here on full diary on a separate and individual one. Link coming soon. Temps have been great, 19 with lights off, 26 lights on. RH levels go from 70% in the lights off, down to 30% in the day. Regarding the replies to my second question: First of all thank you for your help. Now, the extractor is running in the minimum speed already it has incorporated thermostat. Think it's really a bit too powerful. And yes, I only turn it off a couple hours in the night to raise the RH inside the grow, that's been helping me getting better results for the lights on period. Day 16 22/5 - Plant #1 continues growing great. Leaves have a daily growth that amazes me. Maybe a little short, if I compare with the height of the #3. Looking to transplant it during the weekend to the final 18l pot. Keeps drinking water very well, and is reacting well to the humidifier. Plant #2 still there. Not sure when, but I'll just throw it very soon Day 17 23/5 - Plant #1 is getting nice big leaves, but not as tall I as expected for this stage. Today was transplanted to the final 18l pot during night time, and watered with bio roots. Plant #2 is gone. unfortunately, turning it upside down wasn't such a good idea, should have waited a little longer and the outcome would have been different. I noticed I was keeping my lights too far, so went down to 45cm (ish). Hopefully the plant won't stress from transplant, and the lights aren't too close. RH is finally going up inside the grow to more acceptable levels. 40% with light on and up to 70% with light off. I also made a little change in my passive intake, to create more negative pressure, and the result is immediately visible when closing the tent. Day 18 24/5 - Plant #1 Reacted well to both the transplant and the light approximation. Nice response and stretch as you can see on the pictures above. As both plants reacted well and showed no signs of heat stress, lights went a little more down, closer to the plants. The closer the better, so let's see tomorrow the result. Keep feeding with the nuts mix I made earlier this week,switching to water when it's finished and then a new week should begin. RH looks stable 40% day 70% night. Night temp oscillates between 17 and 19, nice and cool for the ladies. Nice numbers, makes me happy. Day 19 25/5 - Plant #1 keep its natural development, love to see her in the day, has a beautiful green color and also the leaves looks quite nice Temperatures today got a little higher in the grow, touching the 30's during day time, and consequently de RH went to 32%. Also got a few of this bug stickers to help prevent with possible intruders Day 20 26/5 - #1 Start to consider topping it soon, got the 3 branches already. Not sure if should wait for another set of branches comes out. No feeding today, yesterday gave it enough so it looks like it can take another day to dry. The temps were at 19.5 and RH was 62% - off time I leave you guys also a video of the grow with the lights off just made. I'm quite proud of it, let's see how it goes! Day 21 27/5 - #1 growing steady. Love her so much 😍It hasa really nice green, leaves are quite strong. Love the way they bounce back when touched. Definitely the plants are enjoying the work of the circulation fans. Inside the tent things are looking nice, even though the RH is still low in the peak of the day. 30% only today. In the night can get it up to 70% if wanted but day time is getting a little hard. Temperatures are nice, 27 on, 18 off
Grow Questions
TheGourmetWeedstarted grow question 5 years ago
I'm having a issue with my grow - RH won't go above 20%. With a humidifier inside, full power. Temperatures are between 21 and 25c and I can only think the air extractor is taking too much air out of the grow, as in the night, with lights and fan off RH rise to +80%. Any ideas?
Setup. Ventilation
occultgreen420answered grow question 5 years ago
absolutely you are right, just dim down the extractor and you will have the issue sorted. best way to go around it is to get yourself a grow room fan speed controller, something like the SM COM fan control and this has either the manual function or automatic one. Also consider spraying the plants and in this way you can add some foliage feed in the mix as well (i.e. Vita Race from Plagron) One more thing...theoretically, the extractor fan has to work 24h...otherwise during the "night" you risk high humidity and mold in flowering stage. So maybe get a timer for the extractor as well so you can schedule it on/off when you desire, especially if you are working with CO2 suppliments as well.
TheGourmetWeedstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hello my dear growers, here I am again, with my weekly question. This time is regarding the topping of plant #1. I'm very tempted to do it tomorrow. The plant looks like can take it already What's your opinion guys? too soon?
Techniques. Topping
Experimentgreenanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hello 👋 I say go for it. The growth it's done from 5/20 to now is great. It seems strong and healthy and moving swiftly along. Plus if you went to the top and spread open those leaves you'd be topping what looks like the 5th set of leaves...and that's a great time to do it. Happy growing. Congratulations on having such a healthy young plant.✌️
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
14 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
40 %
18 °C
18 °C
19 °C
18 L
1 L
60 cm
Nutrients 5
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 2 mll
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 2.1 mll
Good evening my good friends! So, another Thursday night comes, meaning another week starts in this grow. As a balance from last week, I'd like to underline the smooth and constant levels. RH stabilised both stages of light, good reaction from plants to nuts feeding, well succeeded transplant. In general, couldn't be happier with the grow! This week, the main topic will be: topping or training? Or even both, why not? Until the weekend I'll make my mind regarding this technique that can stress or even get plants stunned. And nobody likes that, right? So, let's give it some time and see what'll be the final decision. Day 22 28/5 - #1 has nothing new. keeps growing according to the expectations, nice structure, looks healthy Today I got a little distracted with time and the humidifier went empty, throwing my RH to a very dry 19%. Immediately fixed, got it back to the 40% (ish) It's amazing to observe how much water it goes in the humidifier. 6 liter every 24h. Impressive uh?! Temps are under control, think I got a good hold on this lately. Getting a steady 27 on / 18 off. Feeding today again with the same nut-mix, so far they're loving it! Day 23 29/5 - #1 time for some LST in this LSD aha was thinking to top it, but won't do it. Maybe on the #3 when it's time for it. I never performed any kind of training in a plant, so I'll start with the less aggressive and easier method. Curious to see her reaction tomorrow, and probably will need some readjustments. Fed her again with the nut mix, is enjoying the mix and the pictures state. Nice. RH and temps are around the same. 32% on, 60% off. 28 on and 18 off. Day 24 30/5 - #1 reacted well to the training. Still afraid I bent her too much, only the future can tell. To make sure, I pulled it a little more, and stabilised it better. Today had another feeding with nuts (as everyday) and appears to enjoy every bit of it. As we are in the middle of week 4, I decided to make a new batch of water (4 liters), enough until the end of this week. Now added also Root Juice by half to make sure the roots are getting what they need. This warm days here where I'm living also brought me a new problem: Humidity here is down to 20's%, so the air going inside the grow is warmer and drier. Even with the humidifier on, full power 24/7 and won't get it over 34% with lights on. Lights off can keep up under 60% Day 25 31/5 - #1 My worries about the training were gone when I saw her this morning. Actually I think it was good for her as it looks like can get more exposure bending like this. Soon I'll tie the new top to keep an even canopy, and will keep defoliating the bigger fan leaves. Today I start defoliating the plant. just a little to start, taking the fan leaves that were in direct contact with the soil, making no point to waste energy on that. Soon will take a few more as it seems that she's starting to flower. Or so it seems and you can check on todays' pictures. Had a little over a nice pint of her favorite mix of water and nuts just an hour before the lights went off, just to give her a night boost. Love this Beauty. The grow keeps the same, dry during the day time, nice in the off time. RH is 35% on, 55% off. Temps from 28 on to 18 off. Time for light period is now changed. 23h to 18h. Let's see what this brings, but I'm hoping to find a nice balance here inside the grow, even though they look super healthy and nothing wrong is going on. Day 26 1/6 - #1 Defoliation keeps on, today I cut off a couple more fan leaves in hope the plant will focus more on growth and development of what we all want - bud. Hope I'm doing it right, and off course counting on your opinion about it. LST seems to work at this stage, as the plant seem already to be adapted to her new position. Very soon will be pushing the new top down, attempting to make the spiral method of training. The plant itself has a strong green color in the leaves, they're super vigorous. Tomorrow is the last day of the week for this diary, looking forward to a great ending. It got hot in the grow today, can't really get distracted with the temps, or having enough water in the humidifier. As I'm still home, could spot that at early stage, otherwise could have been a bigger problem. Fans were adjusted, to circulate better the air around the plants and lower in the bottom of the grow. With this said, temps were today: 32 on and 22 off. RH was 28% on and 50% off. Remember, this are peak temps, not the constant, that is around the 28.8c same with RH that stands usually over 35%. Day 27 2/6 - #1 didn't suffer from any stress from previous defoliation, so moved on and keep training her. As you can see on the pictures, I tried to move all the branches to get full exposure. It's a lot of twisting and it's a job that demands dedication, patience, and steady hands. It's not the job you wanna do sleepy, or distracted you wanna be focused to do it properly, without hurting the plant, or even break it. But it's quite fun and relaxing, almost therapeutic I'd say, helping to elevate this hobby to a more passionate level. It's my first time training a plant and I really enjoy it, can't wait to see the results! Back on track, the plant wasn't fed for 36h, and probably will stretch it to 48h, and will water in the morning - That's her afternoon and it helps me getting temps down and RH up. Misting happened a few timer during the day to push temps down and the foliage cooler from heat and light exposure. On that topic, today's levels were ok, a bit on the hot and dry side with RH at 34% on and 50% off. Temps oscillated between 32 on and 20 off. Day 28 3/6 - #1 Is reacting very well to the training. Keep on adjusting the plant, everyday twisting and tying around. Looks now more flat and leveled, all the branches are kinda separated from each other, getting maximal exposition to the light. Due to this, I decided to defoliate the plant a little more, removing another 2 fan leaves. You can see on the pictures above the before and after. Fed her now before lights goes on with the nut mix. Almost a liter this time, together with a generous mist of the plants and also, after moving up the lights last night, just did it again. The temps, the RH and the plants seems to be closer to the optimal levels and that makes me very happy after struggling a couple days with high temps and low RH in the grow. Temps between 28c and 20.4c and RH from 34% to 54%. This is the last entry of this week, tomorrow is the start of a new one, and if I'm right, will be the last week of veg.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
TheGourmetWeedstarted grow question 5 years ago
Looks like the lady #1 is starting to pre-flower. What's your input my fellow growers? Another week and should start stretching. Gonna keep 18h cycle during flower too, especially because it looks too short still. Advices? Thank you
Other. General questions
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
Shagrathanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hi! There is definitely something growing but it is not yet considered pre-flowering. When growing autos the longer you can keep them in veg the bigger the final yield is so I'd say you don't want to rush autos but rather delay to maximize yields! Never grown autos but I'd say atleast two weeks more before flowering 🤷‍♂️🏼
TheGourmetWeedstarted grow question 5 years ago
I'm defoliating progressively the plant, this means that I remove a fan leave or two after LST. 4 in total until now, to increase the light exposure in the buds. Most of what I've found is controverse, a kinda 50/50 fight between the 'do' and 'don't do' it. Opinions? Thanks 😎
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
Techniques. Defoliation
1 like
Nor_Cal_Kannablissanswered grow question 5 years ago
What you are doing is what I did with my first grow. I only pulled ones growing in towards the stems and only ones shading new growth sites. Check out my diary and see if you like the results! She's still growing but yeah stop by! Happy growing she looks great!
TheGourmetWeedstarted grow question 5 years ago
It's my first time doing LST and defoliation. And even after many years growing outdoors and reading so much, still would like to hear second opinions to make sure I'm doing it 'right'. She's fed right after training and defoliation to help recover. Opinions? Thanks
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
Techniques. LST
Techniques. Defoliation
Nor_Cal_Kannablissanswered grow question 5 years ago
Looks like your doing good.. I wouldn't defoliate really anything yet.. do it right before you switch to flower and maybe a little bit daily up until the third week of flower.. then once right before harvest.. Other than that.. good stretch on her with the lst.. and feeding after any stress usually helps them bounce back that much faster as long as your not overdoing it! Looks great man! Gonna be a beautiful flower!
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
25 cm
19 hrs
28 °C
49 %
18 °C
20 °C
18 °C
18 L
1 L
72 cm
Nutrients 7
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2.5 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 2.5 mll
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 2.5 mll
Good evening my fellow growers! So, another Thursday night comes, meaning another week starts in this diary😎 As a balance from last week, I'd like to underline the beginning of LST and defoliation applied in the plant, so far with success. Had a little struggle with RH and temps, by getting the lights a little too close from the plants. Lesson learnt and problem solved! Day 29 4/6 - #1 - Love to push her around! Not sure who's enjoying it more, if me or the plant. Looks happy with all the twists, and I believe this will be the last week of veg. 10 day tops I'd say. She's a heavy drinker for the size, and loves some good misting before turning the lights on. Moving the light even upper, brought me lower temps and higher RH: Temps from 24c to 20c, and RH from 40% to 50%. Much better. Here's also a video from the grow, how everything looks today during lights off period. Enjoy! Day 30 5/6 - #1 today was just another day of growth. Actually apart from observing it during the day, haven't done really anything to it. Looks like has enough water still, looks like the branches are coming out nice and evenly, covering for now the surface of the pot. Today also started to feel her stink. Finally! This only indicates me she's getting ready to flower very, very soon. In the tent, today was the best 'weather' ever, I'm super happy with that 😅 Temps were between 18 off and 25 on, RH between 73% off and 40% on. Day 31 6/6 - #1 today's her first month, since dropped in the water. Wohoo! 😎 Had another look to her, make sure all branches are looking good, with proper exposure and re-tied it again here and there to adjust her and make her even on top. Removed a few more leaves on the way and it's looking great! Had a big time watering (with nutrients), a little over a liter and was also mist in all foliage before lights going on. Temps were very good again! Rh with 79% max and 52% min and temps from 25 to 17. Nice uh? 😎 Day 32 7/6 - #1 So, after the 1st month anniversary celebrations (ahah), today was training and defoliation day. Between today and tomorrow will do quite a defoliation as she's giving signs of starting flowering stage very soon. When it comes to the plant, I rearranged her first a bit to optimize the light exposure in all budsites, then leaves down. For the first time in this plant, I fed her plain tap water, with a 6.4 ph. Tried to simulate a rainy day as much as possible by misting her and the medium. I like to give her a flush in between stages, when changing to flowering nutrients. Temps as stable inside with 16 min and 26 max. RH from 52% to 76% Day 33 8/6 - #1 What a nice reaction she had from last night training and defoliation! She went upwards and looks so much better. You can tell she's stretching now and showing some little pistils. After having a look around, just took the rest of the leaves I'd planned to and she's finally ready to flower. Even her scent is getting stronger, a very nice tropical/mango/passion fruit kick when the tent is opened. What a delight!😎 Today I'll give her a light feed again, to get this lady back on track and will wait for another day to come. It's very nice to observe the strecthing phase, as you can see them growing almost by the hour eheh Temps today were 29 max, 21 min and RH from 71% to 39% (values are higher today as I let the humidifier empty for a couple hours) Day 34 9/6 - #1 She's full on stretching, in 48h grew more than 10cm, which I find incredible. I did a few more touches on the branches, now is the time to make them ready and give all the light they need in every bit of them. Today she didn't smell so much, like yesterday, but I'm sure she's focusing on growing delicious bud right now. Can't wait to have a taste of it 😄 No watering today, going to save that for the morning. I'll just give her a light mist to keep things fresh and humid in the grow. Tomorrow is the last day of this week, and I'm planning to start with flowering schedule and nutrients from tomorrow. Temps and RH recorded today: 26c - 18c 76% - 41% Day 35 10/6 - General: This lady continues growing at a very nice rhythm. She's opening all her arms to light and I foresee a good flowering stage. Techniques: After observing her under the lights, decided to remove some more leaves to maximise exposure. All light is needed right now. Feeding: Good watering, almost 1.5l with balanced ph water, and started introducing flowering nutrients, at a very small scale, and went up 0.5ml on the grow nutrients. let's see what happens, but as I write, lights went up again for 4 hours and they look great, showing no signs of stress on anything like it. Smell: Still getting there, it's more intense inside the tent under the lights, a light breeze comes from her, but nothing compared to the power of her younger sister #3 from the other grow diary I'm writing. Temps and RH recorded today: 28c - 18c 60% - 37% And that's it! This week is done, tomorrow we start a new one, which I'll consider the first of the flowering period. This was a very exciting week where the results of the LST started to show a little more and better, did a heavy defoliation during the week, and saw her growing a lot. I'm impressed with that and curious to see the next coming days and weeks until she stops growing to produce more of the fat buds we love. That's all, see you tomorrow!
Used techniques
Grow Questions
TheGourmetWeedstarted grow question 5 years ago
It seems like this little one is starting to flower. 2/3 days more and should start showing some more white pistils. Opinions?
Buds. Other
Other. General questions
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
Nor_Cal_Kannablissanswered grow question 5 years ago
Sure looks like it started... Think your on the money friend! 👊
TheGourmetWeedstarted grow question 5 years ago
From when on do you start giving this nutrients? I'm considering to start Thursday, beginning of week. She looks ready for it, and I believe it'll be favorable for her growth in this stretching stage. Also considered to just increase the amount of the veg nuts. What would you do?
Other. General questions
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
Feeding. Schedule
Fruitgroweranswered grow question 5 years ago
Your plant looks perfectly healthy, you can find biobizz schedule pictures on Google just follow that roughly 👍🌱
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
28 cm
19 hrs
28 °C
50 %
18 °C
20 °C
21 °C
18 L
1 L
87 cm
Nutrients 7
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 4 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 4 mll
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 3.5 mll
Day 36 11/6 - General: She keeps going up, and you can see more and more pistils everywhere. Techniques: Made some adjustments to the tallest and longest arms, tried to level everything and did what I thing is my last defoliation. Maybe another one a few days before I chop her down. But at this stage, I think we're done. Feeding: After last night feeding, she had a lot of water in the bottom of the pot, so I emptied it and today there's no food for her. One day abstinence, just a little mist before lights on. Smell: #3 still win the show and is 9 days behind. But she has a smell, very light/mild. Temps and RH recorded today: 29c - 20c 88% - 41% Pests and plagues: Nothing to record, just took all out of the grow and cleaned the floor with a proper disinfectant I have home, and washed all plates from the pots, as I do every week. Day 37 12/6 - General: Accentuated growth of pistils overnight. She's growing steady and healthy, looks happy in the given conditions. With this warm days, I'm struggling again with higher temps and low RH. Even with an humidifier using 7 liters of water every 24h, the light 3/4 from the top of the tent, the extractor on - regulated for 25c max and full on.. I hope it doesn't get any worse s if this levels keeps or lowers, I'll definitely have problems in the grow. Techniques: Another few leaves were gone. She really likes to grow leaves and can't imagine her without lst and defoliation. Feeding: Gave her the week 5 schedule, according to biobizz schedule. Tomorrow will do the same and maybe from monday will start going over, depending on her response. Smell: With the development of all the pistils, she gained a new aroma. Very pleasant but still very 'green'. #3 still ahead on smell Temps and RH recorded today: 30c - 18c 69% - 30% Pests and plagues: Nothing to record. Day 38 13/6 - General: She keeps stretching in a good rhythm! A lot of leaf growth lately, that made me broke my own promise of not defoliate her more. Well I did it again. Regarding the heating and RH problems, after a full morning and afternoon working inside the grow and outside, they're finally solved now. I didn't have the thermo-hygrometer in the right place, and made some adjustments in the setup that brought me back to desired values. Having the fans in the right place and speed and the same with extractor made all difference. Techniques: Another few leaves were gone. A handful. Move all the the plant around a little, to get more light and air around. Feeding: Gave her the week 6 schedule, according to biobizz schedule. Tomorrow will do the same and maybe from monday will start going over, depending on her response. Smell: With the development of all the pistils, she gained a new aroma. Very pleasant but still very 'green'. #3 still ahead on smell Temps and RH recorded today: 30c - 18c 63% - 28% Pests and plagues: Nothing to record. Day 39 14/6 - General: Good general growth. Going to stop with the training, to let them go up. It's getting tight in there. Pistils are whiter and longer, lots of new foliage. On the temperatures, still not happy with overall temps, that can easily go up to 30c. And that's way too much. Happy with RH values at the moment, but not so much with temps. Start to think I have a nice couple plants to make a SCRoG, and will eventually consider it during the week, while the plant grows. May be a nice way to support the weight if needed. Techniques: Bent the tallest arms around, like an arch, to even it out. More foliage removed. I feel I could just strip off her fan leaves. It's dangerously addictive to cut this leaves and to try to make the best light-surface possible. Feeding: Reacting well to the nutes given so far. I've increased slowly the amounts, to avoid overfeeding and other related problems. Gave her the "week 6 biobizz schedule", with a 1ml/L extra of Top-Max. Tomorrow will do the same and maybe from Wednesday/Thursday will start going over, depending on her response. Smell: Nothing new since yesterday. Temps and RH recorded today: 30c - 18c 87% - 30% Pests and plagues: Nothing to record. Day 40 15/6 - General: She's getting taller. Today didn't touch the plant at all, been just around the tent trying still to get the perfect environment, which is not being that easy task to accomplish. Got it going very well, steady temp and RH (25 celsius, 45%) until the afternoon when the high temperatures outside thrown the temperature values to the 30c for some minutes. She looks healthy, developing properly, and seems to react well to higher dosages of nutes. Techniques: Just checked everything out. Nothing done in this area. Feeding: The medium looks good enough to skip a day on the feeding. The pot feels heavy enough to wait at least 12+ hours. Smell: With the increase of the heat and RH going down, the smell got a bit more intense, but again, still all very light on the nose right now. Still behind #3 Temps and RH recorded today: 30c - 19c 71% - 36% Pests and plagues: Nothing to record. Day 41 16/6 - General: Pistils are growing evidently. The whole plant under the light looks very well. After 48h without watering, today was time to feed her again. Funny was expecting to be drinking more than a liter a day. It's the second day I don't touch the plants, and will keep this way until tomorrow, last day of this week. Techniques: Just checked everything out. Nothing done in this area. Feeding: Week 7 Biobizz Feeding schedule (as above). Smell: Nothing new to add. Still behind #3 Temps and RH recorded today: 29c - 21c 60% - 38% Pests and plagues: Nothing to record. Day 42 17/6 - General: Another day without touching her. I'll let her do her thing for a week and then I'll see what to do. Right now she looks so nice I won't touch. Overall she's getting bigger and pistils are getting bigger by the day, it's full flowering now. Finally get a hold on temps and RH, which makes me super happy. Today I'll delay the feeding for 12h, fastening her for 36h. Techniques: Just checked everything out. Nothing done in this area. Feeding: Nothing to record. Smell: Getting more intense, but still very subtle. Still behind #3 Temps and RH recorded today: 28c - 21c 64% - 36% Pests and plagues: Nothing to record.
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
30 cm
19 hrs
26 °C
51 %
18 °C
20 °C
22 °C
18 L
1 L
88 cm
Nutrients 7
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 4 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 4 mll
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 4 mll
Hello my friends! Welcome to the beginning of another week. After the last week challenges with the high temps, I'll be looking for a more quiet week, without as many bumps as the prior one. Overall the plant had a good growth in the past week, the flowering period is on full stage. Day 43 18/6 - General: She's developing buds and growing them. I believe it won't get taller than it is. Foliage growth has also stopped for the last few days, reason why I'm still not touching her for the 4th day. During the weekend will check the progress and probably adjust the mais stems and even her out. RH is finally the way I like it, oscillating during 40% in the day and 50% in the night. Techniques: Just checked everything out. Nothing done in this area. Feeding: Week 7 from BioBizz schedule. With a couple twists - more Top-Max for example. Smell: Developing a very different smell from her twin sister #3. While the other one has tropical notes on the nose, this one has a more earthy/woody smell. Almost like when it starts raining. Temps and RH recorded today: 28c - 21c 50% - 40% Pests and plagues: Nothing to record. Day 44 19/6 - General: Time for this lady to get those buds fattened. She started more water since last night feed. Today the same, so I believe it's time to develop those beautiful buds. No growth of new foliage. On the temps, things are hot where I am now, but still managed to keep her at the same temps, just a little raise on the minimum temp and a little drop on the RH. Techniques: Just checked everything out. Nothing done in this area. Feeding: Week 7 from BioBizz schedule. With a couple twists - 3x Top-Max for example. She doubled her water intake. after the flowering adaptation period, she's now a thirsty mofo. Smell: Developing a very different smell from her twin sister #3. While the other one has tropical notes on the nose, this one has a more earthy/woody smell. Almost like when it starts raining. Temps and RH recorded today: 28c - 22c 50% - 34% Pests and plagues: Nothing to record. Day 45 20/6 - General: Not much happened lately. Just bud growth, cleaning the tent today, was training day also. Let's just be patient Techniques: Little defoliation to get more light on the bud sites. Feeding: After a generous 2 liter watering, I'll skip watering for 12 hours more. Need to adjust the volume of feeding, reduce to 1.5 liters maybe. Smell: You remember what I wrote yesterday? Well, I have news! So the buds actually smell like I described yesterday, but when you cut off some leaves you get a very strong citrus smell in the nose. Quite aromatic. Temps and RH recorded today: 26c - 20c 60% - 39% Pests and plagues: Nothing to record. Day 46 21/6 - General: The buds are getting fatter. It's nice to follow that. After so many years without growing (only outdoors, though), feels so good to see this again. 😍 The outside temperatures and RH on 96% are creating me new problems to solve, like I needed it eheh luckily this weird weather is going away in a day or two. Until now all I can do is keep everything closed, extraction on max, humidifier obviously off. Start to think a dehumidifier might be a good buy for the winter time, as here they're quite severe, long and dark. Techniques: Nothing to report. Feeding: Before lights on, later today, I'll give her around 1500ml of PH'ed water with the above nutes. Want this baby chubby. Smell: Nothing new to record. Temps and RH recorded today: 27c - 21c 70% - 42% Pests and plagues: Nothing to record. Day 47 22/6 - General: Nothing new happened in the last 24h. Buds are growing well, the temps and RH outside are better, which makes it easier to control inside the grow. Just for precaution, I'm giving water without nutes. Plant looks healthy in general, so I'm not gonna do much this couple days, unless something changes. Techniques: Nothing to report. Feeding: Just water this days. A bit over a liter. Smell: Nothing new to record. Temps and RH recorded today: 26c - 26c 62% - 41% Pests and plagues: Nothing to record. Day 48 - 23/6 General: This days I really haven't done much. I wanted to give them a week to be themselves, and see after what can I do to improve them, so this weekend I'll use some time to eventually start a Scrog training, If I'm still on time. She's looking good, if you guys zoom in the pics to the max, you can see how much resin is starting to produce, a true eye pleasure. Techniques: Nothing to record. Feeding: Only h2o, ph 6.5 Smell: Same same, nothing new to record. Not sure if I'm too demanding, but I'd expect a bit more stink at this time. On this field right now, I'm not so happy with this one. Compared to #3, she's a very shy one Temps and RH recorded today: 27c - 21c 60% - 37% Pests and plagues: Nothing to record. Day 49 - 24/6 General: Another day is gone, nothing new, keep giving her water and thinking about the ScrOG to make this more effective, as they start to fight for space in the middle of the grow. Shouldn't have pushed this one so wide. Techniques: Nothing to record. Feeding: Aqua vulgaris - A.K.A. - Tap water Smell: Same same, nothing new to record. Temps and RH recorded today: 28c - 23c 53% - 37% Pests and plagues: Nothing to record.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
TheGourmetWeedstarted grow question 5 years ago
I've got this 2 ladies in the room, and I was thinking if using the net, would help me having a more effective usage of the light. Am I still on time, or that boat's already sailed?
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
Techniques. ScrOG
1 like
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 5 years ago
I'd do it if you think you need support later with heavy nugs on those limbs... The smaller plant should be hardy enough, i bet. HEck, let the outer layer open out a bit with bend and an inner circle or two tied up :) i hate nets, lol. hate untagnling them. hate trying to put them on... just letting you know i am severely biased, lol.
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
41 cm
19 hrs
27 °C
49 %
19 °C
20 °C
17 °C
18 L
1 L
85 cm
Nutrients 7
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 3 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 3 mll
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 3 mll
Day 50 to 56 - 25/6 - 01/7 General: This week she got fat. Nice to see how much it changed after a few days away. Watered the plant some days with plain water, just a feed with nutes so far to avoid any stress with overfeeding. today was removed a lot of foliage from her, it was getting too dense for the light to go through all of it and now it looks much nicer and ready to finish off in a few weeks. Techniques: Defoliation, cut quite a lot, maybe 35 to 40% of total foliage. It seemed to dense to me, so I decided it would be the best option right now. Feeding: Water the whole week, except for a day where got the mentioned above. Smell: Quite low still. Very earthy. Temps and RH: 30c - 17c (26 average) 62% - 24% (43% average) Pests and plagues: Nothing to record.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
41 cm
19 hrs
27 °C
49 %
19 °C
20 °C
17 °C
18 L
1 L
85 cm
Nutrients 7
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 5 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 4 mll
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 4 mll
Day 57 to 63 - 02/7 - 09/7 General: She looks fine, very healthy. First signs of resin on the top leaves, showing the progress made so far. Techniques: Little defoliation in specific spots to get light all the way to every bud. Feeding: Water the whole week, except for a day where got the mentioned above. Smell: Quite low still. Very earthy. Temps and RH: 26c - 17c (26 average) 62% - 27% (43% average) Pests and plagues: Nothing to record.
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
41 cm
19 hrs
27 °C
49 %
19 °C
20 °C
17 °C
18 L
1 L
83 cm
Nutrients 7
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 5 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 4 mll
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 4 mll
Day 64 to 70 - 09/7 - 15/7 General: As you can see in the pictures, she's getting covered in trichomes and looking healthy. This week I didn't do much to her, just watering a liter of water with nutes every second day, moved around a couple stems earlier in the week and I believe in a couple weeks she'll be ready. Techniques: Little LST, to increase exposure Feeding: Water with nutes on full power every watering, 3 times a week. Smell: Getting somewhere, but, or I have a great carbon filter and extractor, or she won't be as potent on the smell as expected. Let's wait, but by now should be a bit stinkier Temps and RH: 26c - 17c (24 average) 78% - 23% (40% average) Pests and plagues: Nothing to record.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
TheGourmetWeedstarted grow question 5 years ago
I wish there was a poll option to make this a little funnier, but as we don't, we try the good old way. I believe she'll be ready in 10 days. What's your opinion?
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
Bloombusteranswered grow question 5 years ago
Привет, брат! 👋 Производитель твоих семян заявляет о 10 недельном цветении растения, для того чтоб называть его спелым! 👆 Я посмотрел твой дневник и ты верно ведешь отсчёт недель цветения! Цветение у тебя началось в конце 5 - начало 6 недели роста (считаем с 6, так же, как у тебя стоит в дневнике)! У тебя сейчас уже идёт 6 неделя цветения! Считаем 10-6=4 . Кроме этой недели, что идёт, тебе ещё 4 недели осталось до снятия урожая! Это значит что следующие ещё 3 недели ты кормишь удобрениями и 15 неделя роста у тебя будет неделей Flush! Ты промывать её будешь всю 15 неделю и в конце снимешь урожай! Она будет вполне спелой девочкой! Она и так уже красавица, а станет бриллиантовой! 👌 Удачи, друг! ✊😇
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
41 cm
19 hrs
27 °C
49 %
22 °C
20 °C
17 °C
18 L
1 L
83 cm
Nutrients 7
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 5 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 4 mll
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 4 mll
Day 71 to 77 - 16/7 - 22/7 General: Showing good development, nice trichome level. Increased the smell. Some foliage starts to fade. Techniques: Little LST, to increase exposure Feeding: Water with nutes on full power every watering, 3 times a week. Smell: Now it smells! Took her out today fo the pictures and in few minutes I could feel the smell in the whole place. Temps and RH: 28c - 17c (24 average) 88% - 23% (40% average) Pests and plagues: Nothing to record.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
TheGourmetWeedstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hi guys! here's the plan for the last 2 weeks of this lady: -Start flushing on thursday, water for a week, keep her in dark 2+ days, cut her down sunday the second of august. Thoughts?
Buds. Other
Plant. Other
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
Bloombusteranswered grow question 5 years ago
Привет, брат! 👋😇 Производитель твоих семян заявляет о 10 недельном цветении растения, для того чтоб называть его спелым! 👆 Я посмотрел твой дневник и ты верно ведешь отсчёт недель цветения! Цветение у тебя началось на границе 5 и 6 неделе роста (считай с 6 недели роста) ! У тебя сейчас уже идёт 7 неделя цветения (12 неделя роста)! Считаем 10-7=3 . 3 недели тебе осталось до снятия урожая! Это значит что ещё 2 недели ты кормишь удобрениями и 15 неделя роста у тебя будет неделей Flush! Ты промывать её будешь всю 15 неделю и в конце снимешь урожай! Она будет вполне спелой девочкой! Она и так уже красавица, а станет бриллиантовой дамой! 😇👌 Поверь мне, брат! Удачи, друг! 😇✊
Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
41 cm
19 hrs
27 °C
40 %
21 °C
24 °C
17 °C
18 L
1 L
83 cm
Nutrients 7
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 5 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 4 mll
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 4 mll
Day 78 to 84 - 23/7 - 29/7 General: I think she reached the peak, won't get more from this one. Today was the last feed with nutes. Gonna start flushing with PH water for a week first, then I might extend the flushing period to 10/14 days, according to her stage of ripeness. Techniques: Little LST, to increase exposure. All the time. Feeding: Last feed with nutes done today. Time for water. PH balanced, off course. Smell: Now it stinks! A clear sign it's ready for harvest. After taking some leaves from the plant, my wife came ask me why it smelled mandarines so much. We both laughed in the end, was the leaves that gave that citrus fragrance in the whole kitchen. So pleasant Temps and RH: 28c - 17c (24 average) 68% - 28% (40% average) Pests and plagues: Getting suspicious about mold in a couple buds. EDIT - Wasn't mold, it was... dust LOL I need to put some filter on the passive air intake to avoid this problem. And should keep an eye on this stuff more often. Newbie mistake.
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
5 years ago
41 cm
19 hrs
27 °C
42 %
21 °C
24 °C
18 °C
18 L
1 L
83 cm
Day 85 to 91 - 30/7 - 5/8 General: It's been a week since the last feed with nutes. Been giving her water everyday, about 2 pints. She looks very ready to me, although the leaves aren't starting to fade away. Out of curiosity, and because weed where I live costs about the same as cocaine per gram, I decided to crop some of the bottom buds, and the little pop corns. After trimmed was 40g, so if I take 10g after drying I'll be very happy. This will be my test smoke before the final crop. We're very close to the end of this journey 😎 Techniques: Nada. Feeding: Water, everyday a couple pints. Smell: It went almost overnight to a beast on the smell. Today while cutting some of her arms, the house was perfumed with a very nice citrusy aromas. Between pomelo and yuzu. Love smelling it Temps and RH: 28c - 17c (24 average) 68% - 28% (40% average) Pests and plagues: All good.
Week 13. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Ok, now that I've tested some of it for a couple days in a row - after drying for 5 days and starting the cure right after. Been burping the jars for a couple hours daily, added humidipack/boveda 62% and now it's time to enjoy this beautiful flowers. Was really nice to grow this plant, she's super strong and resistant, perfect for a first grow indoors. Smoking this weed gives you a nice effect, right after smoking I feel quite good, calm but very thoughtful, creative. It's a nice one to space out in a brainstorming. It's very pleasant to smoke, gives a nice stone and the flavour is very herbal but clean, no coughing at all. Needs more time to cure as it still has a little more aromas to develop.
Show more
Spent 92 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
342.5 g
Bud wet weight per plant
86 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Energetic, Relaxed
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes, Dry mouth
Negative effects
Caramel, Citrus, Herbs

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
In general I'm very happy growing this strain. The germination rate was 100%, all 3 sprouted, even though one ended up dying after some weeks. My fault here, she grew upside down and when I moved her she didn't reacted well. The growing conditions were initially a little unstable as I couldn't find the right balance between temperature and RH, having the latter one constantly too low, making me buy an humidifier to keep the level higher. Well, too high in the lights off period, and when distracted could reach up to 99% RH, which isn't good. Again, lesson learned for the next grow. Maybe I've defoliated the plant a little too much and that might have also affected the crop a little. When it comes to feeding, didn't use so much plain water, the feeding were nutrient based all the time. Not sure if this had any negative effects in the plant. Was fun to train the plant and I could see actually some benefits in doing some LST in her. After all this, being able to finish with this amount of bud makes me generally happy and positive for the coming grows. Overall I think I made a few beginner mistakes that affected the plant growth and flower, but again, having no pests, plagues, or any diseases was already a very good accomplishment and I'm really looking forward to start the next grow, and enjoy the smoke from this little one. As it was the first diary ever, was very fun to do it, and helped a lot controlling crucial parts of the growth. Definitely will keep posting here my future grows. Thank you all for following this diary, for the likes, all comments and answers to my questions. Without your feedback wouldn't have got this far. Smoke report will follow when the bud is ready, now is hanging and drying. Thank you all
Equipment Reviews


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CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 35 years ago
hey there, hope i aswered your question, anything else you need just let me know 👊
TheGourmetWeedcommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, thank you very much man ;)
Weedman199commentedweek 94 years ago
Your diary is fantastic and very detailed. As a first grow beginner i gained my knowledge from YouTube videos books other diaries and blogs and at week 9 my plants look like yours and surprisingly like the pictures on the website and in some instances better. Here in the uk the latest craze is Cali packs Makes me giggle because they genuinely think it comes from cali cos it says so on the back and when they buy it it’s vac and heat sealed in a bag with a cool design on and crazy names normally an 1/8 is £30 could be a it does the job kinda weed or a decent smoke vs mushroom melter in a sealed vacuum pack with 25%thc printed in big and a brand name as a selling point and a way to charge £60-£80 an 1/8. It’s crazy Because cannabis is illegal here it’s grown and sold to make a profit no care for quality just as much as they can as quick as they can because it’s illegal you get what you’r given generally speaking from a street dealer. If it smells good and is dry then it’s the best in Britain. We have got cbd branded oils legal to buy and you can buy everything you need to grow including seeds but plant it it’s a crime?? and mention auto flower in a hydroponic shop in England’s like spitting in a cup of tea 😂
TheGourmetWeedcommented4 years ago
@Weedman199, thank you so much for your kind words! It really means a lot to me, and you just made my day. I was really trying to present it the way I'd like to find information available online. User and useful info. Not half commercial posts promoting everything and everyone, leaving the true stuff in secondary plan. I think it's not only UK but a bit everywhere in Europe. Been traveling around before the pandemics and could experience that. The power of marketing is working well, and the fact you can't travel, gives you that Cali nostalgia. But that'll never justify those prices. To be fair, just ordered 300 quid in FastBuds seeds, wanna try the hype :P With a new spider farmer sf4000 and a AC infinity 6'' I believe I'll get some better results :D For what I've seen, they're leading the autos business, maybe I'm wrong but that's the impression I have and will give it a try. But yeah, overall, the old school still thinks that autos aren't as potent, which been proven wrong many times.
Weedelfecommentedweek 135 years ago
Hey Gourmet! Congratulations ! :)
TheGourmetWeedcommented5 years ago
@@Weedelfe, thank you, was an awesome crop, I'm very happy with the results. Meanwhile, cleaned up the tent and already started with 4 new babies. This time multistrain, still all autos. Good grows ;)
bigbuda125commentedweek 135 years ago
Looks good can't wait to have more room to get going indoors I have so many strains I want to get going
TheGourmetWeedcommented5 years ago
@bigbuda125, thank you! This is actually my first grow indoors, never tried it before :D On the other hand, been growing for 10/12 years outdoors. In a way, its totally different I must say. Indoors you're safe from pests and plagues, or safer - and outdoors you get enormous plants, massive yields. It's a pleasure to cultivate it now 365 days of the year,can't recommend it enough to all. one love buddy
Canna96commentedweek 135 years ago
Very Strong looking grow!!! 💯
TheGourmetWeedcommented5 years ago
@Canna96, Thank you! 😎
HighFromHomecommentedweek 115 years ago
Looking great bro
TheGourmetWeedcommented5 years ago
@HighFromHome, thank you!!
Mr_Motalovahcommentedweek 115 years ago
Nicely stacked buds!! Great job! 👏👏👏
TheGourmetWeedcommented5 years ago
@Mr_Motalovah, thank you so much :D
Inganjawetrustcommentedweek 105 years ago
Still looking good 🌱 👍
TheGourmetWeedcommented5 years ago
@Inganjawetrust, thank you 😁
Weedelfecommentedweek 95 years ago
Hey buddy ! How are you ? It looks like you are going to have lots of buds !! With your good job with lst, lots of branches developed. I read that you were thinking of a scrogg: I'm not sure that it's very adapted to autoflos and you"ll have to clean the bottom of your plant under the scrogg. It is also perhaps 1 ot 2 weeks too late. As for me, I would cut low secondaries branches to allow the plant to focus on main ones, making it easier for the main big buds to develop and connect together. If you do this, it should be done now ! Have a nice sunday !
TheGourmetWeedcommented5 years ago
@@Weedelfe, hey! all good here, what about you? Yeah, right? 😆 Thank you! :D I thought about it, but never went through it, wasn't initially planned, so I sticked to the plan. Next grow will have the tent full (4x18L large or 9 x 11L) and then I'll have the right conditions to plan a proper srcog. And yes, I'll do exactly what you wrote, was waiting for my days off to come to get rid of some minor branches and maybe move the taller ones around a bit to get it more even ;) Thanks for you feedback, was really nice of you 🙏 Have a great Sunday yourself too.
Inganjawetrustcommentedweek 85 years ago
Coming along nicely 👍
TheGourmetWeedcommented5 years ago
@Inganjawetrust, Thank you! This seeds were amazing, I'm really enjoying growing this two ladies. all the best,
Weedelfecommentedweek 65 years ago
They look good ! It looks like your flowers are going a little faster than mine ! Good fob !
TheGourmetWeedcommented5 years ago
@@Weedelfe, hello, how are you? Thank you so much! Yeah, they developed quite fast, didn't expect it to be so quick! 😀 Yours looks pretty nice too 😃
MisterSixcommentedweek 65 years ago
That nice training right here
TheGourmetWeedcommented5 years ago
@MisterSix,thank you! :D
Weedelfecommentedweek 55 years ago
Your babies look very good and they grew a lot ! You did a great job with your lst ! It looks like one started to flower =>The other ones will follow soon and everything is going to stretch ( the size of mine easily doubled in a week from 18/20 cm up to 40 cm yesterday evening). I'll follow this with interest ! Good growing to you.
TheGourmetWeedcommented5 years ago
@@Weedelfe, thank you so much ;) yeah #1 is on her way, starting soon with the new feed schedule for flowering stage. I'm very surprised with the results so far, it's my first indoor grow ever :D Yeah, #1 jumped 10cm in a evening, can't wait to see how much she'll grow the next couple weeks, but looks promising. Once again, thank you for your kind words ;)
Huggomaddcommentedweek 45 years ago
Sending good vibes on your LSD auto. She looks healthy 👌🥂
TheGourmetWeedcommented5 years ago
@Huggomadd, thank you so much bro ;) I'll try my best to take care of this little ones, absolutely in love with the grow aha
Weedelfecommentedweek 115 years ago
Hi Gourmet ! Congratulations ! Your buds have grown a lot during last week and there are lots of them :) Can't wait to be next month.
the end.
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