Watered 750ml of nutrient solution, a hard feed for a strong veg finish.
10h later i remembered i had a phorphorous deficiency going on and so i supplemented each with 100ml of water with 100mg/l of Big Boom PK 52/34 and 0.105 ml/l of Organic Bloom by Green Buzz.
There is no way this bought premixed soil could compete with my veggie farm's soil, i realised this by doing a simple comparisson with my 3€ seeds on the Growbarato diary.
Solution... got myself a 70liter bag of my farm's soil, made some mixes with this premixed bought soil and set some of this newly mixed soil on top of some plants, more specifically SP3, GC1, SG1 and GG. Then i washed the remaining soil and saved up that nutritive water with diluted soil, the debris i put away, i did now a test run by watering 800ml of this goo onto 4 of 10 plants, depending on results i will apply the others.
I have noticed by placing seeds with this new mixed soil on GG and SS that the growth does not compare, even with pots 20x smaller they proceded to grow bigger structures and faster. This gives me hope that at least this 2 plants will at least compensate, aswell as the others from the SoG will actually produce good yields.
Slight defoliation of a few from all the plants going on to test out if do the buds really do get fatter as a response to the cutting of healty leaves.
6h later, no signs of burn, color leveling out becomig more healty and bringing the leafs up even tho they still had a wet soil before wich only suggests the "magic mud" was necessary to them at this point, taking this into account i applied it to the remaining plants.