
Indoor landrace sativa

4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 10
weeks 11
weeks 5
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 11
11 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
epsom salt
1.302 ml/l
Power Bloom - Gaia Green
Power Bloom
3.906 mll
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
sativaman sativaman
4 years ago
This is now a HPS growth. Both plants have now fully stopped to grow. I did remove a few leaves to open up some bud spots. I am super excited about pheno 2 witch is very columnar and fast flowering. I will do my best to revedge and clone her. Still a long road to go for both.
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Grow Questions
sativamanstarted grow question 4 years ago
What is your security/safety backup for fire hazard in case of exhaust system failure. (those Chinese fans you know they will break it is only a matter of time right?)
Setup. Ventilation
sativamananswered grow question 3 years ago
I found 2 things that can help: extinguisher ball or Titan high temperature auto shut off power outlet.
sativamanstarted grow question 4 years ago
5 days after flip I am realising my plants are too short. What is going to happen if I switch back to 24-0? Are they gonna be stunted for long?
Plant. Too short
Med_in_Tropicanswered grow question 4 years ago
You can re-veg her. Takes her long to flower. Revenging is no issue. Pre-flowered buds will turn to leave and later small useless branches. These will need to be trim off. Good luck

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Ferencweek 4
Lovely! Keep up! Happy Growing! @sativaman
@Ferenc, thank you for passing by!
HighRoller909week 17
I'm very happy to see a well detailed and so spot on review about it.So spot on mate! What you describe there is what ACE also says.I haven't tried Malawi before but I think I get that feeling. That narco buzz! As for effect smileys,I told GD about this many times before both in private message way and in public discussions,they said it was a great idea but they still did nothing.I care about it because I want to express exactly the feelings I get from my weeds but them icons are very basic and don't even match the high I get from ACE strains.I understand what you mean there.If my Panama was grown under cooler conditions,I'm sure it would have felt like that.I know because what is left off it is the biggest rocket bud which was the closest to the light and it gives more potent high than the rest of the plant.Great to see another fantastic strain review,enjoy your weed.Quality over quantity.I believe the other grow is going to finish bringing much more yield.
@sativaman, they tend to herm due to landrace origins.I've had them with ACE strains.I don't think 25mins power outage would make them herm.My grow room is around 15C at night time for plants.What I can say is ACE's strains are hardier than any hybrids out there,in my humble experience.
@HighRoller909, Just went to get some CalMag. What a catastrophe scenario to come back with a power outage in middle of day time cycle! My guess is it lasted between 15-25 mins as some grow light in my house were still hot but flower tent had reached night temp. A good test for ACE genetic let's see if they hermie out!
@sativaman, I never went pure organic but I'm hoping to do so in future.I'm currently aiming for yield,that's why sticking with Plagron.Awesome nutrients.But yeah I use GHE's Calcium Magnesium supplement.It works.Right now I see very little rusty spots on some of the fan leaves but very few.Increased the dosage to 1.5ml , I'm giving them tap water. It works in coco,should work in hydro as well.
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sativamanweek 6
What a shitload of shit is this amazon bought Super Soil! N and P deff crawling up on those small seedings in 15gal watered with rain and lake water is unacceptable! Feels like I sold my soul to to the devil au revoir Organic bye bye just top dressed with GAIA GREEN POWER BLOOM at manufacture recommendation. Hops THIS can put a STOP at those uninvited deficiencies.
@sativaman, never buy soil from Amazon. Coco brick on sale maybe. The best media is coco. You can amend it with dry organic amendments like dr earth and research the rest. You can top dress or use liquid ferts from there. Coco holds water and oxygen doesnt block roots. Supersoil is hot and anything with too much organic is mushy crap ure roots have to work to loosen. Coco trust me.
sativamanweek 5
This is 1 month from seed and this strain is already a test of patience for me! It is barely impossible for me to run close to VPD because of ACs in my home and air exchange in my tent. Malawi is a 2 season country with wet and dry season. Assuming it grows in dry season (need sun right??) it should be OK in low RH... Still I will do my best to raise humidity in next 2 weeks. Now I really hope for some form of stretch or branching out untypical to regular hybrid. However if it stays that small I am flipping in 2 weeks.
sativamanweek 1
2 seeds one strain. 2 seeds out of the 3 pack are very small. Took the biggest. Will be in vedge with a Super Malawi haze than it will be removed and flowered in a second tent. edit: Super Malawi Haze never sprouted
sativamanweek 1
This will be a long journey for this exquisite sativa. 120 days of flowering expected.
HighRoller909week 12
I missed the part where they stayed small.What happened why there is not a difference in flowering? it looks not stretched.very interesting
@HighRoller909, I will try to stay humble and honest. They were poorly vedge and got stunted due to magnesium deficiency. This is my first time in soil usually running with Canna coco. As I was vedging under 480w of QB the plant showed signs of light overwork and stress witch I mislead for N and K deficiency. All the plant really needed at the time was some magnesium (Epsom Salts here.) When I contacted ACE team they told that Malawi is a vigorous strain that need more lights so I threw in a 600w MH but in my case more light stunted the plant even more. In a previous growth I had some Northern Lights pheno that really exploded after flip so despite they were stunted I flip because I was scared to run out of space (!!!!) Only good thing is I now have more bigger ACE plants ( an other Malawi and a Killer A5 ) that just joined those two in the flowering tent. They WILL BE HUGE!!!
Buddha2week 17
Odisseyweek 1
I will be tagging along this one. I wish I had the space and time for these landraces. Good luck!
Grey_Wolfweek 5
I see you are having to cart water from that Big Lake You could grab a 12v Freshwater submersable pump ran off of a car battery or something and pump into a Larger tank maybe ?? I dunno what your situation is there but I know that with my Bad back carting buckets of Water all day would get Old Fast
@sativaman, should be plenty unless the weather is really hot then they will drink more
@Grey_Wolf, thanx mate gotta check pH later today when I'll get fresh water. Do you feel 15 gal. will be big enough for some 4-5 footers?
@sativaman, Yes mate I do have a little experience The main reason people get deficiencies is because the soils Ph is way out of whack from the water they are using That water from the lake would be ideal because it would be full of natural minerals etc just would be handy to test the ph
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Top_Bananaweek 17
Wow! That's a great grow indoors 🌱👌
DoDrugs420week 17
You rock that Malawi i love it.
Slurpy_Terpyweek 17
Beautiful work! Useful information, thank you! I am thinking of growing a real sativa indoor (hydro dwc + led) this summer and am hesitating between ace seeds malawi, or golden tiger (or one of them crossed with Panama) or the a5 or congo... its so hard to choose! I am basically looking for the most distinct sativa effect, I have nearly only grown modern hybrids so far. Good luck with your garden 👍👊
heizenweek 17
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.
Grey_Wolfweek 2
Hi again mate May I suggest not vegging them for too long because they may get too big for your tent when the flowering starts they can triple in size 👍