Finally a new adventure!
This time I got good expectations - even if looks the same box it actually changed A LOT!
- New light! I decided to anticipate my xmas present to myself and got a brand new ISH265 Pro from Invisible Sun Light. It got very good gear for reasonable prices, UK manufactured, Samsung LED, dimmable, 500W, you got it the deal. Very good light I'm so happy to see it in action, is SO bright!
- This time I'm REALLY growing Indoor! I recently moved to a new apartment and in this house I got the space to keep it inside even during the cold season (which is fucking long here in north italy, from half october since mid march!!!). The last two cicles I managed to put them in by balcon - which was wind-proof but got nothing against cold cold times.
-A ton of seeds to play with! For who may follow me, I'm somone which likes to experiment while farming :D I'm a gardener which fell in love with this beautiful plant. Now I'm going to grow one big box of autos, but the next time I've almost 50 more seeds to choose, between autos, fem and a few reg from a close friend, the others collected thanks to the benevolence of GD sponsors, which were so kind to provide everything, from seeds to the nutrients!
Let's talk about growing!
This time I choosed four different strain from different seeds bank. The time of flowering (in average) is 65 days: if we want to believe in numbers - which I don't - I should start harvesting from the 15th of December. Just in time for Christmas!
At the time of writing, it is 10AM of 8th October 2020. Tomorrow morning I'm starting the germination process, but first I'm gonna soak them in the water for 24hrs. Then I'm gonna use the wet-paper-towel-method to help them push out their tails and preparing them for the big jump in the first small pot.
After 24hrs the seeds riemerged from the water: some already shown off their tails, some others are a lil shy. Now I prepared their bed for the night, using a 2x2 RQS Easy Sart seed germinator. I never understood what do they put in their magical mixture, but the water seems a lil orange and my seeds looks very happy after only 12hrs of rest! It help push out 3 of 4 seeds - hoping for the revelation of the Critical Orange Punch asap...
After 2 days I'm ready to transplant! I prepared 4x1L pots full of Mycotrex, in order to support properly the root system grow. Only 3 of 4 sprout. I popped another seed just in case, but I'm trying to recovery the only CPP seed I got.
The backup seed, a Sweet ZZ from RQS, show its root after 1 days and a half of soaking.
Vedo che i cloni viaggiano bene! Assurdo ho notato che una differenza assurda tra la madre i cloni, la madre ha avuto una crescita molto lenta mentre i cloni sembrano crescere al doppio della velocità. Sono sicuro che questo succede anche grazie ad greenhouse enhancer che mi hai regalato, gli ha dato una bella botta iniziale 👌 ottimo lavoro sono sicuro che ci regaleranno bei fiori!
@TheHighNews, pensa che i dosaggi che ti ho detto erano calcolati sulle automatiche, le madri di solito hanno bisogno del TRIPLO ahaha pensa te quanto son forti i fertilizzanti greenhouse 💪