9.12 oh yeah I’m late as fuck I forgot to open a new week 🤣
This is an interesting week: I’ve got a shiny SweetZZ, ready to be cut down in a day or two ✂️ I cleaned her a bit, defoiling the yellowish parts, flushed in the shower with cold water for 10min straight!
The second to be harvest will be the Amnesia, which is incredibly dense and big in size! I hope to collect at least 20gs of it, since it’s my gf’s favourite - that’s why I’ve got 3 more amnesia inside the tent: two clones from TheHighNews (which I will always thanks for it 🙏) and one Amnesia Lemon by PEV.
I’m falling in love with the PEV line, I never missed a shot, plants are healthy and very fast to grow, very strong, works wonderfully with the GreenHouseNutrients 🤝 My BlueBerry is showing big fat fruits on its top, very hairy and smelly 👃🏻
One last plant to be harvest (maybe some days before the BB) will be the GorillaGlue. This plant respond perfectly to the LST, stretched good and developed nice small stinky buds! I should try once again but with Hesi nutrients, just to see the difference ;)
So happy to start the harvest time during the weekend!
13.12 acab day
today I made some little pre-cuts to start enjoy my creations a little earlier! I harvested a smol nugget from every girl, but it's obvious that they need a week more (except the amnesia which looks very mature).
The clock is tickling ;)
Vedo che i cloni viaggiano bene! Assurdo ho notato che una differenza assurda tra la madre i cloni, la madre ha avuto una crescita molto lenta mentre i cloni sembrano crescere al doppio della velocità. Sono sicuro che questo succede anche grazie ad greenhouse enhancer che mi hai regalato, gli ha dato una bella botta iniziale 👌 ottimo lavoro sono sicuro che ci regaleranno bei fiori!
@TheHighNews, pensa che i dosaggi che ti ho detto erano calcolati sulle automatiche, le madri di solito hanno bisogno del TRIPLO ahaha pensa te quanto son forti i fertilizzanti greenhouse 💪