The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Zamnesia Banana - Red Trichomes

Approved by Zamnesia Seeds
4 years ago
LED Chip Fluorescent/65W
LED Chip
UVB Bulb Terra Light Emitting Diodes/13W
UVB Bulb Terra
LED Chip Light Emitting Diodes/65W
LED Chip
Room Type
weeks 5, 7
weeks 5, 7, 10
weeks 7
Grow medium
Grow medium
38 L
Pot Size
0.9 L
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
5 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
25 %
26 °C
24 °C
19 °C
38 L
0 L
40 cm
Nutrients 2
Terra Bloom - PLAGRON.
Terra Bloom 0.5 mll
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition 13.021 mll
Erde ist eine sehr luftige aus einem Garten Fachgeschäft, welche sehr leicht vorgedüngt ist, mit einem NPK Dünger. Möchte versuchen alles aus dieser Sorte heraus zu holen. Beigesetzt habe ich 1 Sack mit 10 Litern Plagron Perlit, welches vor der Zugabe gründlich abgewaschen wurde. Eine ganze Packung Royal Queen Seeds Easy Boost habe ich von Anfang an der Erde beigemischt. Dann wurde der gesamte Airpot mit seinen 38 Litern Volumen, einmal mit Wasser gefüllt, damit der Organische Dünger aufquellt. Dieser wurde dann mehrmals von mir durchgemengt, damit die aufgequellten Organischen Düngerteile sich möglichst gleichmäßig in der Erde verteilen. Nachdem die Erde nach über 1 Woche durchgetrocknet war, wurde diese erneut aufgelockert. Dann kam der Samen Zamnesia Banana hinein, welchen ich 4 Tage vorgezogen habe. Der Samen ist sehr, sehr Gut, da er von vorne herein eine sehr starke, praktisch absolut gerade Wurzel nach Unten gebildet hat. Das weiß ich, da ich den Samen in einem gereinigten, durchsichtigen Plastikbehälter vorgezogen habe, in dem vorher geiles Minzeis aus dem Aldi drin war. Start war der 07.11.2020. Habe Gestern das erste mal einen Hauch von dem Plagron Flüssigdünger auf 1 Liter Wasser gemischt, ca. 0,5 ml. Die kleine mochte die Dosis sehr. Mit PH Down habe ich den Wert von der Mischung auf den PH Wert 6.6 eingestellt. Lampe ist ein SMD Chip mit 65W, genauer der Cree CXB 3590. 1 Der Photonenstrom liegt bei 137,5 µmol/s, was ich für einen Einzelnen Chip in dieser Größe für sehr ordentlich halte. Auf den Wert komme ich, aufgrund der Angabe einer 4 er Lampe, die 4 solcher Chips enthielt. Diesen Wert habe ich dann durch 4 geteilt. Das habe ich wiederum getan, weil ich keine Angaben mit einem Strahlungsdruck Messwert zu diesem Chip im Internet fand, nicht einmal in dem Herstellerdatenblatt. 1 Weiter im Text, dieser ist erfahrungsgemäß stark genug, für 1 Pflanze auf 500mm x 500mm. Growbox ist ein Eigenbau aus OSB Platten mit 12 mm Stärke, welche 4 140 mm Lüfter mit Vorwiderstand, welche durch ein Universales 12V Netzteil versorgt werden, verwendet. Reflektoren sind eine Rettungsdecke und Alufolie. Ich bin gespannt wie der Grow wird, denke ich werde mehrere Triebe durch Topping und später durch Entlaubung.
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Grow Questions
MisterForestgreenstarted grow question 4 years ago
Jeder Verbesserungsvorschlag, jede Anregung, sind Gern gelesen. Ich bin noch recht Neu dabei und daher möchte ich mich mit euch umfassend austauschen.
Plant. Other
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
I see 10 ml per gallon. And a little bloom. You really shouldn't be adding any nutes to your baby until you see signs she needs it. If your feeding by the bottle once you do, dont feed by the label or you will kill your girl. If you havent got a ph ec reader, which anyone growing should have, then feed at a little less than half what the bottle says. Cheers
MisterForestgreenstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hi gmslave, laut der Verpackung von dem Organischen Dünger sollte ich 50g - 100g auf 20 Liter Substrat mischen. Da ich 38 Liter im Topf habe, erscheinen mir 100g in Ordnung. Der Plagron Terra Bloom, soll mit 1 ml auf 1 Liter verdünnt werden, habe 0,5 ml genommen. Sollte passen?
Feeding. Other
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
There are enough nutes in your soil to keep you going for about a month or so. Cheers friend
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
5.5 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
69 %
26 °C
24 °C
19 °C
38 L
0 L
40 cm
Die kleine wächst schön flott und macht nach meinem derzeitigen Kenntnisstand einen sehr gesunden Eindruck. Mal sehen wie die Grüntöne aussehen, sobald Sie das nächste Blätterpaar entwickelt. Geplant ist später, ca. ab der 3 Blütewoche, eine Zugabe von UVB Strahlen. Bei der Hulk Berry habe ich damit ein unglaubliches Aroma erzielt. Zudem bin ich der Überzeugung, dass der "hohe" THC Gehalt im Allgemeinen, nicht zwangsläufig eine Gute Wirkung bedeutet. Viel wichtiger ist, wie die Trichome aufgeteilt sind. Eine Verfärbung ist meines Erachtens nach immer ein recht sicheres Anzeichen dafür, dass es sich um eine schöne Wirkung handeln wird. Hulk Berry, THC Bomb, sind beide starke Sorten. Jedoch fand ich AK 47 bis jetzt am aller besten. Direkt danach kam die Blueberry mit "nur" 16%. Aber die Wirkung war Rund und wunderbar. Eventuell teste ich im nächste Grow mal Califorina Orange, mal sehen. 16.11.2020 Tag 9 Ich kann nicht klagen, wie schon bei der Begutachtung der keimenden Wurzel vermutet, handelt es sich bei dem erwischen Samen um einen sehr starken. Die kleine Banane wächst sehr Gut, macht einen sehr gesunden Eindruck und hat ein passendes Farbbild. 16.11.2020 Tag 9 16:16 Uhr Aller Erstes LST erledigt. Der Stamm sollte Morgen früh schon merklich kräftiger und vor allem Widerstandsfähiger sein.
Grow Questions
MisterForestgreenstarted grow question 4 years ago
Schaut mal bei dem Bild mit der Beschreibung Tag 13 rein. Man sieht ein Paar kleinere Probleme an den Blättern. Ist das eine Überdüngung?
Leaves. Other
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 4 years ago
more likely just ugle first leaves. i notice the watering around plant is very small. Water a larger diameter. I cannot see how large pot is. As of now, if a tiny plant and big pot, keep watering a diameter around the plant, but make sure it saturates all the way to bottom. don't water again until top is nearing dry. As soon as you can, you want to water entirity of pot. Dry pockets can lead to improperly balanced nutrient in soil.. which could cause major problems in plant. As long as it isn't a seedling ina 5 or 7 gallon... should be okay. By 2 weeks, a roughly 1-gal can be saturated without drowning it. Size of plant is better correlation than weeks of growth. Water much larger than canopy width. If new growth is healthy, i wouldn't worry about first set of serrated leaves or first set of 3-bladed leaves. The seed has powered it up until now.
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
9 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
69 %
26 °C
24 °C
19 °C
38 L
0 L
40 cm
Nutrients 3
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.01 mll
Alga Grow - PLAGRON.
Alga Grow 0.5 mll
Power Roots - PLAGRON.
Power Roots 0.5 mll
I'am frustrated right now. Never before did a grow take so long. i ordered today Plagron bat mix soil. I try to change the soil about monday or tuesday next week and see how things will change. First time I testet this soil, seems not so good. Before this soil, I tested "Compo Sana Kräuter und Anzuchterde", which was ok. I guess, a few days, after I change the soil, the banana should finally start to rise properly.
1 comment
Grow Questions
MisterForestgreenstarted grow question 4 years ago
Please look at day 17. Seems like something is wrong with my Banana 😁😏 Look down left, the top leafe beginns to turns into a brown, too. Any idea what is wrong? I water just water and Ph down to 6.6. Nothing else at the moment.
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Looks like rootzone.. are you constantly watering it? allow top 1" to dry before watering again. alwys irrigate entirity of pot - no dry pockets. This requires a little bit of runoff to be certain. Otherwise, if you have a good wet-dry cycle, tone back the nutes.
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
13 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
69 %
26 °C
24 °C
19 °C
38 L
0 L
40 cm
I hang the lamp every day about 1 cm higher. Now the little Banana reacts by stretching towarsd the lamp, so fine. I hope the Plagron Bat Mix will arrive til tuesday. Then I will try to change the soils out. 🤞 Update at day 25, new soil, Plagron bat mix. Day 27, leafes beginn to turn way more into a dark green, two days after the soil change. Day 28, she noticable pick um some serious grow speed now.
1 comment
Week 5. Vegetation
4 years ago
17 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
No Smell
65 %
26 °C
22 °C
19 °C
38 L
0 L
40 cm
Reduce the light cycle from 24h to 18h, to gain stronger roots, because I read, roots grow in nights the most. Day 30, she gets stronger every day. Plagron batmix is definetly the right choice for me. She is now dark green, looking way more alive and way more healthy, too, than before in the old soil. I will stay now with the batmix. This soil dries very, very fast and the air reaches the roots more easily, than in my old mix. Day 31, she gets stronger and stronger, just how I like it. I thinking about topping today. Day 32, topped her today and added my compost tea. Day 33, she picked up more growth speed again. Day 34, reached 17 cm in a short time. I'am happy that I changed the soil. Bad soil, like the one I mixed up before, are a waste of money and efford. So for me, I stay with batmix. That stoff hold not much water, dry crazy fast and got the right nutrients mixed in for around 6 weeks. What u want more? Great stuff. 🤘🏽😎 It feels really good to see the Banana this healthy now, after the bad start. I'am excited to see how she will grow and look. I look forward to next week, think time is just right then, to start with my first LST.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
MisterForestgreenstarted grow question 4 years ago
Topping? Should i top her today, or wait another week? What did u think?
Techniques. Topping
Nor_Cal_Kannablissanswered grow question 4 years ago
As long there is new healthy growth for two nodes I'd say your in the clear to begin topping. 🤘😤
Frigaultanswered grow question 4 years ago
Since you encounter a few probleme early on i would wait a few more growth.. the reason is. Has you top you deprive the apical growth. The new shoot will grown by the fanleaf below. Since a few needed to be remove you have less power. If any hapoens it can stun the growth really badly. Juste wait for a new internodes to pop. You could. But your plant needs to recuperate from its bad week
Week 6. Vegetation
4 years ago
17 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
No Smell
65 %
26 °C
22 °C
19 °C
38 L
0 L
40 cm
She like Ph 7.9 way more than Ph 6.6. Interesting, not a single breed before was like this. Day 39, she is going strong, turned into a darker green again and grow fast, without any noticable problems. So I and the Banana are very pleased. 🤘🏽 Day 41, turned very fast into a way darker green and speed up again the grow speed, perfect. 👀👌😎
Week 7. Vegetation
4 years ago
22 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
65 %
26 °C
22 °C
19 °C
38 L
0 L
40 cm
Nutrients 4
Quality blossom honey 0.01 mll
Tasty Terpenes (ex. Nirvana) - Advanced Nutrients
Tasty Terpenes (ex. Nirvana) 0.5 mll
Power Roots - PLAGRON.
Power Roots 0.7 mll
Day 43, looking really good right now. I think week 8 I will start the bloom. Start thinking about the next grow, think it gonne be Zamnesia Blue Dream. Day 45, did my first LST training, besides stamm bending. Day 46, she starts to smell really good and quite strong for her age. Leafes changed color, like flower has just started. Day 47, she going now even stronger, looking very healthy and increased the grow speed again, perfect.
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
4 years ago
22 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
65 %
26 °C
22 °C
19 °C
38 L
1 L
40 cm
Nutrients 2
Tasty Terpenes (ex. Nirvana) - Advanced Nutrients
Tasty Terpenes (ex. Nirvana) 1 mll
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 1.5 mll
Day 52, she starts to consume much more water right now. Day 53, build a small heater, temps go up by 0.7° celsius and she likes it. Day 55, build a wooden plate for a lamp cover, in order to keep more heat from the lamp, to heat the growbox.
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
22 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
65 %
26 °C
22 °C
19 °C
38 L
1 L
40 cm
Nutrients 3
Tasty Terpenes (ex. Nirvana) - Advanced Nutrients
Tasty Terpenes (ex. Nirvana) 0.2 mll
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 3 mll
Power Roots - PLAGRON.
Power Roots 1 mll
Day 60, she finally started to bloom. I think this strain is compared to many others, kind of slow. Day 61, I started to use a 13W UVB light bulb for 2 times a hour a day. Later it will be on for 6 hours a day, but now, the plant should learn how to deal with the situation at first. The previous hulk berry exploded the production of trichomes, after a week of UVB rays. I think the 38L pot is a bit contra productive for this strain, because the roots would become enought space and way more air in a 12L pot. Day 63, I decided to let her grow a bit bigger, in order to achieve a bigger stamm and hopefully therefore stronger roots.
Grow Questions
MisterForestgreenstarted grow question 4 years ago
Why does the flowering did not start yet? It was never before that slow. Normaly it took around 3 - 5 days, til she shows any sign ofg flower, but now 8 days are over and nothing in sight yet.
Feeding. Chemical composition
Nettrickanswered grow question 4 years ago
Try to lover your PH..7.9 is way to high for soil. And about flowering i can say just to wait....if the room is full dark then plant just need time to transwer...nothing to worry about:)
Robertsanswered grow question 4 years ago
In photoperiods 12 / 12 for light. I have had plants almost take 2 weeks to show signs. Make sure it has 12 hours complete darkness. Good luck and happy growing 🌲🌲🌲👊
DankGardeneranswered grow question 4 years ago
You need to check light leaks and double check appliances make that no little light are on if so put tape over them. Plant needs 12 hrs of interrupted dark to flower. If good you just have a late flowerer on your hands.
Week 10. Flowering
4 years ago
42 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
65 %
26 °C
22 °C
19 °C
38 L
1 L
25 cm
Nutrients 6
Tasty Terpenes (ex. Nirvana) - Advanced Nutrients
Tasty Terpenes (ex. Nirvana) 0.5 mll
Big Bud - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud 1 mll
Piranha - Advanced Nutrients
Piranha 1 mll
Day 64, just noticed how much water she used up from one day to the next. The current mixture of 3 ml / l Plagron Alga Bloom, 1 ml / l Plagron Power Roots and Advanced Nutrients Nirvana (approx. 0.5 ml / l), goes very well with the banana in week 3 of flowering. At the beginning of growth, she likes PH 7.9 very much. PH 6.0 now seems to please the lady of the heart from the 3rd week of flowering. Now, after about 3 days with the UVB bulb, the banana starts to smell really good and kind of strong. 😋🚀💪🏽 Day 65, did a slight defloration, in order for the light to reach the bud babys. Day 67, she picks up again more grow speed. I'm pretty exited to test the mycelium for the first time, which I ordered yesterday, besides some other interesting nutes. Day 69, removed the rear fans, installed a stronger and quieter one on top. Now the soil dries up about twice as fast.
1 like
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
4 years ago
42 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
65 %
26 °C
22 °C
19 °C
38 L
1 L
25 cm
Nutrients 6
Tasty Terpenes (ex. Nirvana) - Advanced Nutrients
Tasty Terpenes (ex. Nirvana) 1 mll
Big Bud - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud 1 mll
Piranha - Advanced Nutrients
Piranha 1 mll
Day 71, so far, so good.
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
45 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
65 %
26 °C
22 °C
19 °C
38 L
1 L
25 cm
Nutrients 5
Tasty Terpenes (ex. Nirvana) - Advanced Nutrients
Tasty Terpenes (ex. Nirvana) 1.5 mll
Big Bud - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud 1 mll
Piranha - Advanced Nutrients
Piranha 1 mll
Day 79, I got a bit overexcited and feed just a little bit too much nutrients. Back to the mix that worked better. Day 82, I decided that I stop using AN Piranha & AN Tarantula from now on for this plant. The nutrients done their job very well, but now, I will go on (this plant an this age) and add 2 ml/l AN Nirvana, 3ml/l Plagron alga bloom and 0.5 ml/l AN Big Bud.
Week 13. Flowering
4 years ago
46 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
65 %
26 °C
22 °C
19 °C
38 L
1 L
25 cm
Nutrients 3
Tasty Terpenes (ex. Nirvana) - Advanced Nutrients
Tasty Terpenes (ex. Nirvana) 2 mll
Big Bud - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud 0.5 mll
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 3 mll
Day 84, looking good so far. A bit "small", but it is promissing a great quality and that is what is important. About 4 or 5 weeks more til harvest. Day 85-85, she starts to smell wonderful, not strong, but really tasty. Day 87, the smell intensity and the tasty smell as well, intensified. Day 89, she is getting frosty alredy. 😎👀🧐😊🤘🏽 Day 90, she starts to smell strong as hell.
1 comment
Week 14. Flowering
4 years ago
46 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
65 %
26 °C
22 °C
19 °C
38 L
1 L
25 cm
Nutrients 4
Molasses 2 mll
Tasty Terpenes (ex. Nirvana) - Advanced Nutrients
Tasty Terpenes (ex. Nirvana) 3 mll
Big Bud - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud 0.5 mll
Day 90, looking good. UVB rays are brilliant. Think about it, there is a really good scientific report about UVB rays and how the plants react, moreover these rays are a part of our natural light, the sun. So it should be clear that UVB is a must for us growers. See for yourself, I only used a 13W bulb. Yes, not much light, but still the bulb provides enough rays for the plant to stimulate it clearly visible. We spend no small amount of money on bulbs, tents, soil and most importantly fertilizer. So why don't we all test a grow with a 13W UVB bulb? Don't think about the pure THC content, which increases only slightly. However, the composition of the substances themselves and the content of resins sometimes increases to over 300%. That alone was reason enough for me to give it a try. Day 91, after I put the nutrients in the pot, including molasses, after about 1 hour, the smell was way better and sweeter than before. Great and cheap stuff. Day 95, the smell is so strong, u wouldn't believe it. 😂🤘🏽 I decided that 38 L are too much for this kind of plant. It would be better to use a 12 L airpot, so the metabolism can be way faster and the roots can even breath better. The box is to narrow, minimum 70x70 would be much better for the plant and the light.
Week 15. Flowering
4 years ago
46 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
65 %
26 °C
22 °C
19 °C
38 L
1 L
25 cm
Nutrients 3
Molasses 2 mll
Tasty Terpenes (ex. Nirvana) - Advanced Nutrients
Tasty Terpenes (ex. Nirvana) 3.75 mll
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 3 mll
Day 97, after testing a few days molasses, I'am very stunned by the smell and the positive effects on the resins. The trichomes start to turn milky. I think that I accieved a great amount of resins and a THC level over 30%. But I don't think that I well harvest more than 60g dry. Day 99, today I removed the AN Big Bud nutrient and added a bit more of AN Nirvana.
Week 16. Flowering
4 years ago
46 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
65 %
26 °C
22 °C
19 °C
38 L
1 L
25 cm
Nutrients 1
Flawless Finish - Advanced Nutrients
Flawless Finish 1.85 mll
Day 106, start the first use of AN Flawless Finish. I think on day 113 is harvest day.
1 like
Week 17. Flowering
4 years ago
46 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
65 %
26 °C
22 °C
19 °C
38 L
1 L
25 cm
Nutrients 1
Flawless Finish - Advanced Nutrients
Flawless Finish 1.85 mll
I'am a proud father. 😁😎👻 Day 110, looking really good. I noticed this evening that some of the trichomes are turning red. Worked on day 106 the very first time with Flawless Finish. Flawless Finish has a red color. Now I wonder if this discoloration is from the Flawless Finish rinse, or if I was lucky enough to get a Zamnesia Banana with good genes, or if UVB stimulated the trichomes so well that they showed their full potential. Have the last 2 days again UVB switched on to increase yet again the resin production. This is what seemed to come out of it. Will test this again on the next plant, with a slightly stronger UVB lamp, which I then run from about the 2 flowering week to the 6 - 7 flowering week. Then one to 2 weeks no UVB radiation and then again the last days before harvest UVB rays add, together with the rinse. If the discoloration repeats, albeit in a possibly different color, we have gained very useful clues about it. Conclusions about the red trichomes: After thorough and long consideration, I came to the conclusion that flawless fisnish was not responsible for the red discoloration, as only the most advanced flowers turned red. The bottom line is that I started flushing a little too early. But will wait a little longer out of curiosity to see how this discoloration develops. If I'm not mistaken, my Zamnesia banana is the first to discolor like this. Experience: I am sure I have observed that adding UVB rays, even with a 13W lamp, definitely promotes trichome growth. 13W for pure radiant energy definitely seems to be enough for a plant. Think about it, a 13W laser pointer wouldn't be weak either. But beyond that, I feel that the growth rate decreases by about 30% when UVB rays are added. Or in other words, that the focus of the plant changes from plump mass growing, to trichome production. I wonder what happens when I test a double strength UVB lamp. We'll see. So for the last 2 weeks, I've been turning off the UVB lamp to get more volume, since I've reached the desired amount of trichomes anyway. However, the total volume is a bit disappointing, this is probably due to the relatively small growbox with 50 x 50 cm back wall and too poor illumination, but also a bit too slow plant metabolism, because the airpot with 38 liters also needs its time to dry. In addition, a 12 liter airpot would have the advantage of providing more oxygen to the roots, since the root ball can reach the end of the smaller pot more easily. In summary, a 38 liter airpot only makes sense if you are growing varieties that will get really big. 9 liters to 12 liters should be perfect for comparable varieties that stay relatively small. Day 111, seems like UVB rays are even more important than I think I know after studying some studies and experimenting with 3 plants in total. Now I am quite sure that UVB rays are indispensable for very strong resin formation. According to my experience so far, it seems that the percentage of UVB rays "offsets" the same percentage of full spectrum light rays, i.e., if we work with 65W luminous flux, as in our case, and we then supply 13W of radiant energy, this corresponds to a ratio of: 83.33% luminous flux 16,67% radiant energy That means: Theoretically the growth on volume decreases by about 16,67%, while the growth of resins and trichomes increases by 16,67%. (for easy calculation 65W & 13W, are actually less because of heat and light output). Think with lamps around 150W would fit about 30W UVB bulb. Will test the whole thing at the next grow with the same growth lamp, but a twice as strong UVB lamp from the same manufacturer. I suspect that the red discoloration represents a level of maturity and that far more plants have it than is currently known. The more uniform and strong the discoloration is, the riper the apple, that is, the bud. But in order for this natural function to start, it requires a more complete light spectrum, including UVA/UVB rays. These are thorough considerations, which I will check. The further plants will bring informative results. The areas that were proportionally exposed to UVB rays the longest show the most discoloration. This is already an indication. I would also like to try removing the light from the UVB lamp and letting the pure UVB rays work at night to see if further increased resin production can be achieved. I am currently still considering what will absorb light but still allow rays to pass through. Day 112, I'am happy. I am happy. I have achieved the amount of trichomes I wanted to achieve. Furthermore, it is just becoming apparent that the trichomes are unexpectedly turning red. If I am not very wrong, this is the first Zamnesia banana that does this. But I think I will end up well below the desired 100g. Nevertheless, the quality is visually even better than I have set myself as a high goal. I believe that virtually every color is available in luminous. Probably almost every plant has its own color, which often has not shown because the oils have not formed in sufficient quantities, in the trichome, so that no coloring, in whatever color, could take place, because of the lack of proper stimulation. In this case UVB as stimulator. According to a study that investigated the effect of UVB/UVA rays and clarified in clear figures that come from scientific research on this stimulation, it came out that depending on the variety, the content of the individual oils increased by more than 300% in some cases. This is apparently enough, also according to logic, for a strong coloring, since enough resin particles have collected to appear saturated as color. Day 115, not sure yet, but a higher temperature and a focused beam of UVB rays directly on the stem, seems to accelerate the coloration.
Week 18. Flowering
4 years ago
46 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
65 %
26 °C
22 °C
19 °C
38 L
1 L
25 cm
Nutrients 1
Flawless Finish - Advanced Nutrients
Flawless Finish 1.85 mll
Day 117, I wish and hope that the red discoloration of the trichomes still progresses significantly without the lady becomes overripe and loses quality. One bud is so far okay, so nicely reddish colored, but the others are still lagging behind tremendously. But, judging by the appearance of the pistils and the leafes, the others still have a little more time.
Week 18. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Unfortunately, the smoke from the Zamnesia banana makes you paranoid. You can constantly hear someone talking in the stairwell, although no one is there . Equally annoying is that I constantly heard the ringing of the bell, although this no one presses. Apart from that, the smoke is pleasantly soft, the taste is great. The effect is very good. A mix on a body buzz, euphoria, good mood, later changes to a very relaxing indica high. Unfortunately also a feeding frenzy strain. The taste reminds a little of cherries, then a tropical banana, candy and last but not least a little herbal on the edge. Very special and pleasantly smooth to smoke. Hung the lady in the box to dry. Left everything dark and turned the lady constantly, while a Pc fan, which unfortunately ran at full load, kept the lady from molding. Unfortunately, it dried very quickly. Next time I will again connect a series resistor to the fan so that this does not happen again. Apart from that, the taste has become pretty good. The Grow Diaries calculator adds the luminous flux of the 13W UVB lamp, even though I had only used it to stimulate the plant. Without the 13W of the UVB lamp, I would have achieved 1.188g per watt with the given 65W light output.
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Spent 127 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
76.85 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Euphoric, Giggly, Relaxed
Positive effects
Negative effects
Negative effects
Herbs, Sweet, Tropical

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
The Grow Diaries calculator adds the luminous flux of the 13W UVB lamp, even though I had only used it to stimulate the plant. Without the 13W of the UVB lamp, I would have achieved 1.188g per watt with the given 65W light output. Zamnesia Banana. This variety is characterized by a long flowering time, moreover, this lady hardly gets going in the first 4 weeks. From about the 4 week she begins to grow really briskly. Before that it looks very weak and lifeless, but this is deceptive. It seems as if she only slowly develops roots in your first 4 weeks. It might be useful to start adding fungal cultures and bacteria right from the 1 week. Once the 4 week is reached, the lady wants fabric. Not too little, not too much. Getting a feel for it was very easy. Have slowly approached a high dosage and when it was marginally too much, reduced again to the last value. During flowering liked the Plagron Alga Bloom fertilizer. Also Nirvana, molasses, Piranha and Tarantula. The bottom line is that Zamnesia Banana is a variety with a slow start, average flowering development, but a very long flowering period. This makes it possible to get to 100g relatively easily with a large enough space. Although I have produced only about 75g, but on 0.25m² and with only 65W light output. For this, that is fine. Overall, I would grow this variety again, but in a larger room to better illuminate the central part of the plant, with the same growing conditions. The effect is very good. A mix on a body buzz, euphoria, good mood, later changes to a very relaxing indica high. Unfortunately also a feeding frenzy strain. The taste reminds a little of cherries, then a tropical banana, candy and last but not least a little herbal on the edge. Very special and pleasantly smooth to smoke.


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Ferenccommentedweek 14 years ago
Ferenccommented4 years ago
MisterForestgreencommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, Danke sehr, mal sehen wie stark Sie wird. 😉
DreamOncommentedweek 24 years ago
Good luck with the grow mate! 🌱😎
MisterForestgreencommented4 years ago
@DreamOn, vielen Dank, ich gebe mein Bestes. ✌️
DoDrugs420commentedweek 184 years ago
1 thousand and all the reasons to grow Banana
MisterForestgreencommented3 years ago
@DoDrugs420, thank you very much. If you like, join my Kalini Asia grow. Greetings MisterForestgreen
Organic_LarFcommentedweek 184 years ago
Enjoy the bananas!!! 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏
MisterForestgreencommented4 years ago
@Organic_LarF, Thank you very much, I will 😊👌🏽😁😎
superleechcommentedweek 184 years ago
Those leaves are hairy af! Bubble hash the trim?
MisterForestgreencommented4 years ago
@superleech, yes, they are, indeed. 😁 No, I keep them and enjoy them. They are strong as fuck.
Legiongrowercommentedweek 174 years ago
very nice
MisterForestgreencommented4 years ago
@@Legiongrower, thank u very much 😊
Igrowneilcommentedweek 164 years ago
Looking really good , happy harvest dude
MisterForestgreencommented4 years ago
@Igrowneil, thy u, I will enjoy it. Raised this lady like my own kid 😂👌🏽😉
Organic_LarFcommentedweek 164 years ago
Looking great, Allmost at the end. 🤞🤞🤞 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏
MisterForestgreencommented4 years ago
@Organic_LarF, Yes, almost 😊 I'am excited to test the difference. First time I use this kind of flush, instead of clean water.
Smokwiricommentedweek 124 years ago
hey mate, plant looks great 👌💪
MisterForestgreencommented4 years ago
@Smokwiri, thx mate 💪🏽😎
Smokwiricommentedweek 114 years ago
hey mate, plant looks nice 💪
MisterForestgreencommented4 years ago
@Smokwiri, Thx bro 😎
CachimboDaPazcommentedweek 84 years ago
good luck with the grow brother
MisterForestgreencommented4 years ago
@CachimboDaPaz, thx bro, i hopy she tastes good and will be strong
heizencommentedweek 64 years ago
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.
MisterForestgreencommented4 years ago
@heizen, Thx mate, I got a hand ful of helper around, but I am proud, that this "slow" Banana now hit the gas rly hard. As soon as she reaches the top of the metal holder, I might change to veggie
Polaskiscommentedweek 24 years ago
Nice setup 👌 💯
MisterForestgreencommented4 years ago
@Polaskis, thx Bro 😁😎
Pot_Portraitscommentedweek 24 years ago
Auf jedefall aufpassen mit dem Duenger am Anfang, brauchen die nicht die sind mit Wasser und hoher Luftfeuchtigkeit zufrieden :) 🙌 Thema Abluft, ich wuerde schonmal fuer die Bluete planen, weil mit dem momentanen Setup wirst massive Luftfeuchtigkeits Probleme haben wenn der Laden mal voll ist :D
Organic_LarFcommentedweek 44 years ago
Hello, Try to not water the plant for a few days(3-4), so the soil can breath again. Also within 3 to 4 days, try giving only 100ml instead of 250ml. Also try to find out what the PAR is underneath the light, so the light gets hung on a steady height, not to high but not to low either. With leds, i think your good at a fix distance of 40-50cm during veg. Depending on the brightness ofcourse. 👍👍👍👍 🌿🙏🙏🙏🌿
Godsgrower316commentedweek 34 years ago
Ouch all the nutes finally burnt the tar out of her
Organic_LarFcommentedweek 64 years ago
High, About that 7.9ph , maybe do a recalibrate of your measuring device. It can get way out of the good zone after a few weeks. 🌿🙏🙏🙏🌿 Check out the diary "the choice is yours", and pick your favorite 4 out of 8 strains to get me started with next batch!! 🌿🙏🙏🙏🌿
the end.
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