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Cannibalgardenscommented5 years ago
Great but they don't ship to Canada unfortunately ...would love to join this comp lol good luck to those who can try .. grow on
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Cannibalgardenscommented5 years ago
Great but they don't ship to Canada unfortunately ...would love to join this comp lol good luck to those who can try .. grow on
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Cannibalgardenscommented5 years ago
@JBOrganix,true but I honestly don't know anyone out that way ...
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JBOrganixcommented5 years ago
@Cannibalgardens, definitely pays to know people UK bound. 👍
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Cannibalgardenscommented5 years ago
@James,ya no worries what can you do once you can I'll be getting some ...
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Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
And again a great Contest.....
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Seedtoweedcommented5 years ago
@James,is it still possible to join this fantastic opportunity quite impressed with rqs and there products and would definitely be interested in being part of a grow with ONLY rqs products and quite interested in organic as well
Jamescommented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Thank you!!
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Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
@WildeWeed,just give your best... like all we do..... RQS contest are always surprising
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Master_weedacommented5 years ago
Que du bonheur ! Bonne chance à tous et à toute ...
May the force be with you 💪
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HydroGrowLEDcommented5 years ago
I got accepted 😜💪🌱
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HydroGrowLEDcommented5 years ago
@Smokwiri, you know that brother 😜🌱💪
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Smokwiricommented5 years ago
@HydroGrowLED, 💪👌 congratulations, always nice to join such contests here on GD isnt't it😁😃
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HydroGrowLEDcommented5 years ago
@Haze9, 😜💪🌱
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Experimentgreencommented5 years ago
I'm so sad that I'm American and can never join the RQS parties. ☹️ damn my irish relatives for immigrating!
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Master_weedacommented5 years ago
@Experimentgreen,viens en France tu es le bienvenue
Que la force soit avec toi 💪
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Myrcellacommented5 years ago
das ist wirklich ein toller Wettbewerb 😍 ,
habe schnell das Antragsformular ausgefüllt
- jetzt auf den RQS- Mitarbeiter warten,
puuuuh, ich bin so ungeduldig - typisch Frau 😎
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Smokwiricommented5 years ago
@@Myrcella, ik wens je veel geluk toe en hoop dat je de kans krijgt om mee te doen met deze wedstrijd, het zal een leuke wending aan je hobby geven, het is erg prettig om toegewijde mensen tegen te komen met dezelfde hobby. Royal Queen seeds heeft erg mooie genetica waar je erg over te spreken zult zijn.
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Master_weedacommented5 years ago
@@Myrcella,Ich hoffe immer mit Vergnügen, dass wir ausgewählt werden
Möge die Kraft mit dir sein Myrcella👍
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Myrcellacommented5 years ago
Ich fühle mich gut @Master_weeda,,
hoffe dir geht es auch gut - vielen Dank für deine machtvollen Wünsche 😀
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Myrcellacommented5 years ago
Es ist geschafft - ich bin glücklich 😍 Diese Email habe ich gerade von RQS erhalten :
Congratulations! You’ve been selected to get the RQS Organic Pack.
What we need you to do?
1. We need you to open an account
2. Answer this email with your client ID from RQS website
As soon as you we have it, we will ship it to you.
Kind regards,
Einen ganz besonderen Dank an weedawan - er war mein Glücksbringer bei der Bewerbung !
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Master_weedacommented5 years ago
@@Pseudo,Mouais vite fais alors il nous envoie des cadeaux et pour le concour mdr il nous met à gauche
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Pseudocommented5 years ago
@Master_weeda,mdr on a trop abusé frère
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Master_weedacommented5 years ago
@@Pseudo,pfff moi non plus
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F4m0u5commented5 years ago
I got excepted but then found out usa cannot get deliveries! Aww man oh well. Good luck to all that can participate
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WildeWeedcommented5 years ago
It’s a shame. However I’m sure there will be plenty more chances from others. Nothing gained, nothing lost. Lol
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F4m0u5commented5 years ago
@WildeWeed,@WawaShell, they should use seedsman as middle man. Ive bought rqs seeds straight off seedsman no problem . Actally Growing rqs diesel auto right now with a diary going and all. 😭😞
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WawaShellcommented5 years ago
Lol Got picked also, then found out no ship to US also. Lol. Good Luck Particpants
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WisdomCulture420commented5 years ago
Good luck to all, great competition Royal Queen Seed.
May the best win I wish you all growers crazy good growth and good harvest for the future. 👊👊👊
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WildeWeedcommented5 years ago
@@WisdomCulture420,I’ve heard nothing but good things. I’ve found plenty of online retailers, just looks sketchy.
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WisdomCulture420commented5 years ago
@WildeWeed, I really hope for you buddy, it's true that their strain is extraordinary
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WildeWeedcommented5 years ago
I just hope whatever Royal Queen seeds has going on to prevent US/ Canada shipping, they find solutions to down the road. They have a bunch of nice strains I’d sure like to make a go at. Here’s to wishing. . .
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AlpineGoatcommented5 years ago
;hh even if I'm a newbie I'm gonna try, why not, maybe the luck is with me!
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Tera420commented5 years ago
@AlpineGoat,never made it in 😒 guess I won’t be able to give those “MasterGrowers” a run for there money
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AlpineGoatcommented5 years ago
@Tera420, don’t lose the hope, I received an email this morning from RQS.. looks like I’m lucky in the end!
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Tera420commented5 years ago
@AlpineGoat, I completely agree dude and I hope I have a bit of luck aswell. I don't expect them to pick any newbie to be honest but it would be such a great way to learn what we love to do, why else would we be here.
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Vincent11commented5 years ago
Hi Grow mates.
Now Contests is done ✅.
I want to wish everyone participating good luck.
And massive Thanks Royal Queen Seeds for the great 📦 package send in for this contest.The Organic nutrition 5 stars.
Happy Growing
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CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@Vincent11, very good entry, i see something great there
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rorrobz25commented5 years ago
Hello, if I am from Chile, can I participate? Indoor or outdoor cultivation?
Hola, si soy de Chile, ¿puedo participar? ¿Cultivo interior o exterior?
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Jamescommented5 years ago
@rorrobz25, Claro que sí! De momento a Chile solo podemos enviar las semillas.
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Underthestairsgrowbrocommented5 years ago
No Canadian entry? 😣 Someday soon hopefully!
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Jamescommented5 years ago
@Underthestairsgrowbro, Working hard on it. We would love to ship our strains to Canada!
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WisdomCulture420commented5 years ago
Hey cannabiculturists, we are coming to the end of this wonderful Royal Queen Seeds competition and I wish you all to win and it was a real pleasure to compete with you all and you all did a wonderful job.
I wish you all good luck and thank you Royal Queen Seeds for your trust.
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AcidFarmercommented5 years ago
I have been a loyal customer of RQ for almost 8 years. I hope agree to be able to show a first cultivar on this platform :) a greeting growers!
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Pseudocommented5 years ago
Très grand concours bravo à l'équipe rqs, et bonne croissance à tout les condidats qui seront sélectionnés !!!! 🙏
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HydroGrowLEDcommented5 years ago
How many people will be competing? I’m excited for this 😜💪🌱
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Gardenergrowercommented5 years ago
Genial concurso ✌️
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Momgrowsthechroniccommented5 years ago
Stealth shipping to Canada is simple RQS! Cannabis is legal here now and there is a huge market for companies like yours. Seriously, you folks should really think about it and take a chance! I know my fellow Canadian growers could showcase your genetics well and make RQS proud! All the best to the European growers though, looking forward to seeing some beautiful plants via this contest. 😢
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Jamescommented5 years ago
@Momgrowsthechronic we sincerely would love to ship to Canada and USA, but it's impossible. We want to offer the best conditions and we are working hard on it
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GeOMaTTiCcommented5 years ago
@Philindicus, wish Dr. Seeds would get in here already. I'd love to do a contest with them
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Philindicuscommented5 years ago
@Momgrowsthechronic, this is intresting because weed is still illegal in many places in the EU. Looks like maybe GD should look into seeing if they can find a few Canadian breeders willing to sponsor a contest or two.
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is it the 5 we grow at once or single strain? Like what’s the terms to this? I want to do this 10/10 From The beginning
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Smokwiricommented5 years ago
good question budbandit "it is obligatory to use provided items", but then we would have to grow 5 seeds in 1 fabric pot? and the 100grams of easy boost won't be sufficient for 5 strains (i would recommend 50grams for 10L-15L container).
2 in one fabric pot (if it would fit) is easy to do and does yield good/reasonable amount of bud.
i think i have some easyboost left from the RQS outdoor contest.
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