The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

how to get more

HolyHolestarted grow question 5 years ago
what is the best way to harvest a large crop?
Week 2
Buds. Other
Techniques. Other
occultgreen420answered grow question 5 years ago
depends on many factors...genetics of the plant can dictate how big a plant will be, the growing environment, starting from growing medium that you choose for this grow to the quality and type of nutrients that you'll be using, the light if very important in the final yield. If the light is very powerful, to supplement the growth, add CO2 to the mix. Also, again, depending of the genetics, the way you grow and approach your grow can influence the yield (look up LST, topping, defoliation, HST, scrog for Auto plants) Then there are some esoteric methods (have a look at my diaries) like exposure to magnetic or electro magnetic fields, ORMUS feeding, crystals, sound frequencies etc My advise is to just experiment, get used with the process of growing and understand the physiology of this plant. Get in the rhythm of how the plant functions. Don't overwater!! when watering, just make sure you give as much as you'll get some run off at the bottom of the tray. Water only when the pot feels dry and light Best of luck
labifleanswered grow question 5 years ago
Salut le jardinier ! le meilleur moyen d'avoir une bonne récolte c'est d'avoir un bon environnement , de tout faire bien et de donner ni trop ni pas assez d'engrais . bonne chance a toi
The_420answered grow question 5 years ago
- Utilisez la bonne quantité d’éléments nutritifs - Utilisez la bonne quantité d’éléments nutritifs en veillant a l'endroit ou vous l'avez planter - la taille de vos plantes lorsque les différentes parties de celle-ci reçoivent différentes quantités de lumière. Par exemple, si le sommet de votre plante croît plus rapidement que les parties inférieures (parce que le sommet reçoit généralement plus de lumière), vous pouvez envisager la taille pour assurer une distribution plus uniforme de la lumière autour de la plante. topping ou LST -Contrôler la température et l’humidité -Récolter au bon moment
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