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Ph Crecimiento y Floracion en Hidroponico

Makafly420started grow question 5 years ago
Hola, acabo de Adquirir un Ph Controller de BlueLab, para el cultivo hidroponico que estoy preparando, y queria preguntaros que pH deberia dar a las plantas en Crecimiento y en Floracion? ¿ Hay algun tutorial para la instalacion del BlueLab Controller en Español ? Gracias!
Setup. Sensors
Feeding. Automatic systems
Makafly420answered grow question 5 years ago
Hola a Todos! Una vez mas gracias por vuestras Respuestas! El temporizador lo pondré un ciclo de riego de cada 3h riege 15 min ( que es una pestaña del Reloj ). Me ha quedado claro que el pH optimo esta entre 5,5 y 5,8 durante todo el ciclo, lo que hare entonces coger el valor medio aproximado durante toda la fase que será un valor de 5,6 - 5,7 ¿ Que os parece ?
Shagrathanswered grow question 5 years ago
Also every time the water drains from the pot to the reservoir the water will get replaced by the air around and this effect will give oxygen for the roots, so more drain cycles = more oxygen = healthier plants. The time you run the pump is not that important but how often you run the pump and is there any benefits for adding more cycles.
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Shagrathanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hola amigo! I'm not sure I got every question because of the translation but I will try.. So yes if you have automatic pH controller you can set the pH to 5.8 for the whole growing cycle at first. Every nutrient is available to the plants at different rates at different pH's but 5.8 is pretty safe spot in hydroponic grow. I'm using same type of system that you are: Ebb & Flow (Flood & Drain, whatever the name you want to call it) and for the pump cycle the best option is to measure with stopwatch how long it takes for the pump to fill the whole pot and that is your optimum pump on time. then you can repeat this as often as you like but if you are using perlite it won't hold moisture that well so you might need to flood more often. I have 8mins on/every 3hrs or so. Minimum gap between waterings is the time your substrate takes to dry because in hydro if the medium dries your plants might die pretty quikcly. What comes for the watering during night.. The plants will not drink anything during night so it is not needed during night. I'm watering once during night just to be sure but this will add humidity to the tent also and it is not a good thing during night unless with proper airflow
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MadeInGermanyanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hi great choice ;-) I have the blue lab Gurdian and the Bluelab Combo :-) The ph at hydro / Aero continuously between 5.5 - 5.8 in all phases from beginning to end 👍
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Makafly420answered grow question 5 years ago
Compre solo el medidor automatico de ph, con dosificacion, el medio de cultivo sera un Hidroponico en sustrato de Perlita, con los productos de GHE , FloraGro , FloraMicro ( agua Blanda) , FloraBloom. Al controlador le inyectare la botella de Ph Down tambien de GHE para que lo regule automaticamente a 5,8 ... ¿ Durante todo el Cultivo tanto en crecimiento como en Floracion se mantiene ese pH ? Tambien añadire un poco de Calcium - Magnesio de GHE porque mi Ec inicial es de 0.12, asique necesito subir la Ec inicial a 0.4 y luego ir aplicando las dosis adecuadas. Para medir la EC tengo un medidor digital de Hanna Instruments, que va my preciso y sera un Hidroponico de Sistema de Flujo y Reflujo, ergo, la Ec a la Hora de regar cada 3 h, subira el Ec( de ahi el pH Down siempre). Aprovechando ya esto, queria preguntaros tambien cada cuanto ciclo de riego le pongo a la bomba de agua para que riegue? Porque hay algunos que me dicen que riege 15 min cada 2h y luego con las luces apagadas 2 veces cada 6 h en periodo de floracion, otros me dicen que cada 3 h independientemente sea de dia o de noche... tengo un poco de dudas con eso al respecto. La Luminaria que utilizare seran un panel LED de 480W R-Spect y una barra LED Cree de 260W ciclo completo , de ahi la importancia del Calcio y el Magnesio porque las plantas consumen mas esos nutrientes al estar con los Leds. Espero sus contestaciones y muchisimas gracias a todos los que me contestais de verdad es de gran ayuda! @ijustdontgiveaf @Shagrath
Shagrathanswered grow question 5 years ago I think you will find the right manual from here! pH in hydro should be 5.5-6.5 👌
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ijustdontgiveafanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hi there, which one did you buy? I have the bluelab combometer (so PH and EC in one), as EC is also quite important for hydroponics to ensure you're not over- or under-feeding the plant. Are you doing a "real" hydro (so just a nutrient solution) or with a medium like coco? I'm having a mini-DWC for my "bonsai in a box" grow (see my diary). In regards to the PH level for hydro, i suggest to keep it around 5.8 (as close to as possible). You will notice there will be some shift upwards and downwards during the course of the days (I measure and correct once a day), but it should never get below 5.5 or higher than 6.5. This goes for both, veg and bloom. I've had a couple of cheaper PH meters before, but the bluelab is quite fast, and keeps the calibration well. Still you should calibrate it at least once every two weeks to a month. If you have any questions, let me know. happy growing!
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