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white mold problem

Tobagardenboystarted grow question 5 years ago
Hello I'm new, currently having humidity problems in flower. 2 of my plants have a small amount of white fuzz mold on top of the soil. I read i can try to remove it and sprinkle ground cinnamon on top and let them dry out, any suggestions on ammount of cinnamon or what I can do?
Week 11
Other. Mold
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 5 years ago
You can mix 20% milk with water and spray the affected areas. The mix won't hurt your plants. You may have to keep at it though.
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Selected By The Grower
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 5 years ago
If its just your soil just rough the soil up a day or two after watering
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 5 years ago
Homoginized works the best
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 5 years ago
80% water 20% milk. Gets rid of powdery mildew
Nor_Cal_Kannablissanswered grow question 5 years ago
Remove White Powdery Mildew from leaves – Get some water (tap water works fine) and some paper towels. Wet the paper towels and use them to gently wipe the mildew off the affected leaves whilst being careful not to jostle any leaves with spores on them. Using a wet cloth will ensure that more spores stick to the cloth instead of becoming airborne. Note: While it isn’t necessary to use paper towels, their disposability helps to curb the spread of spores from one leaf to another. Ensure plants have proper airflow and ventilation – Even if you have absolutely no airflow or ventilation in your grow room, having just two fans will drastically reduce your chances of encountering WPM while also benefitting your plant’s overall health. One fan should be oscillating if possible and should gently blow air over your plants. All the plants need is enough air to gently rustle their leaves which will make it hard for WPM to settle down. The second fan should be in your grow room pointing outward to exchange old air with fresh air. Having a fan pointing out of your grow room will force old air out of the room, and in turn, pull new air into the room. At this point, you’ll have new air coming in, being used and circulated, then kicked out. Keep in mind that two fans is a minimum. Treat the infected plant with one of the options below to kill spores prevent future growth – Mix up your treatment of choice in a clean sprayer/mister. We recommend Lost Coast Plant Therapy (1oz/2btsp per gallon of water) or GrowSafe (2oz/4tbsp per gallon of water) as a safe second option. Make sure to consult the instructions on your treatment of choice to find the recommended dosage. Wait until just before your lights for off for the day and mist your (newly cleaned) plants. Get all the leaves even if you don’t see WPM on them! If you have the time check out my first grow!! Cheers and happy growing!
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