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Water ph

Diggystarted grow question 5 years ago
Would i be correct, If my soil is ph 6 and i only need to water, i should still up the ph of the water to 8ish?
Other. General questions
DeadwebsiteBoringcommunityanswered grow question 5 years ago
I'm of the opinion of letting the medium indicate what it's doing.. Your standard over the counter potting soil.. should be enough to grow Cannabis and adding ph buffers can seriously negatively affect a grow. like if it isn't broke why it? If you are having problems then your soil may need a closer examination. But Iv'e grown Cannabis in a variety of mediums successfully and Balance is always the key..
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 5 years ago
oh! if yo mean 8+6/2 = 7 no, don't do that kind of math here. it's a log scale. h30+ to oh- molar ratio = pH. 7 is balanced ratios of any concentrations.
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 5 years ago
Do you want your pH at 6? If you want it higher, you would water with 8ish. That would make it more "alkaline". Soil likely needs to be ~6.5-6.8pH, but i'm sure exceptions exist. In many cases, soil can "pH-down" the water on its own. It is a more forgiving substate in this way. Many people scoff at needing to pH, but it's just that their soil does it for them and that's not always the case. hence, anecdotale evidence, while useful in many cases, is a logical fallacy when used as an arguement. In reality.. it just depends. if you have a pH strips or meter, go ahead and pH it to ~7, imo, if you want to raise pH.. do it slowly. I'm not 100% sure what you are asking, though.
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