
Big leaves keep or not?

pampa1989started grow question 4 years ago
Question for all the growers in here. When I can cut those big fan leaves on my plant? According that this is an acceptable procedure. My plant is still in veg with around 11 nodes. It seems that those big leaves put in shade the side shoots, should I remove them or not?
Techniques. Defoliation
Reediusanswered grow question 4 years ago
It depends on how you want to train it but yeah you can cut the big fan leaves, it will give light to the smaller shoots and make them grow more. I've been doing it and i'm really happy with the results so far.
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Selected By The Grower
pampa1989answered grow question 4 years ago
Thanks for the info. So far she still looking good. I think the lo temperature we have at the moment is helping her to recover. The leaves left on the plant are still looking up and other than being "skinny" I think is all good. The plant is very tall and robust and the roots are developed quite well which I think is what is keeping her in good shape. Thanks again!
Chucky324answered grow question 4 years ago
Hi. A little more on that. Any plant that you take a third off, leaves, branches, topping and training, you put the plant into shock. Some plants are sensitive and if you take a quarter off, same thing, shock. If the plant goes into shock it will not grow for 3-5 days. It may look sad and droopy. The more you shock a plant the better your chances are that you will get a Hermie (a plant that pollinates its self). There are times that it is necessary to go and trim heavily. That is 1 week before flowering I will trim my plants the way I want they to be in the future. The 3rd week after flooring has started I will go in and take a bunch more off with keeping in mind what I want the finished plant will look like. I know I'm shocking at this point, but that's what works for me. The rest of the time I take a few leaves off here this time. A few days later I might take of a not welcome branch, you get the idea. you plant is alive and knows and feels more than you might think.😌 Chuck.
pampa1989answered grow question 4 years ago
Shiiiiit.... I might have fuck it up already Chuck. There is still a lot of leaves but all the big ones who were shadowing the shoots are gone already from top to bottom . I guess nothing I can do now other than wait and see... The plant will make more I guess
Chucky324answered grow question 4 years ago
Hello. Please don't take all the fan leaves off. They produce the major part of the energy the plant uses. They produce the sugars the beneficial fungi love and trade the plant for what the plant wants. In veg you can trim any bottom fan leaves; any that are not getting enough light; any that are blocking shoots; But not all of them. It's a sativa and they get big fan leaves. that's what they do, but they strech so more light gets in anyway. Chuck.
pampa1989answered grow question 4 years ago
Thanks i will proceed with defoliation then😃
GrowGuy97answered grow question 4 years ago
I trim my fan leaves regularly in veg just to keep light on all the new shoots and it helps the growth quite a bit! You can check my diary’s for better perspective! Hope this helps! Happy growing!
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