Temperature and humidity affect seedlings germination a lot. I would wait at least several days before considering that the seed is bad, but be sure to get temp and humidity at proper levels. Also, super important is Ph of water you used to soak, (you soaked the seeds for 24 hrs right?) you want something in the range of 5.5 to 6.5.
If your soil is super wet, let it dry out. If your room is too cold, get it to normal room temp, like 24-25C or 75-77F (too hot cool it down)
If your humidity is below 80% then get it to between 80% and 90%, you can use plastic cup or container to trap moisture if you don't have a humidifier.
The last thing is light. You want about 300-400 umol/sec constant light, and at least 18 hours of it. I am running 24 hr on auto strain, even during seedling time.