Should I thin her out? Should I SCROG? Does she look healthy? I've done a lot of LST and water with a pH 6. She's a Gold Leaf autoflower at 7 weeks, 2 days.
Unbedingt ausdünnen. Der PH darf ruhig höher sein 6,3 bist 6,8. Sie sehen gut aus kann es sein dass sie viel Licht bekommen? sieht so aus dass die Pflanzen zu viel Licht bekommen.
@smoke24@stefu I don't have room to raise the light higher unless I remove the filter and inline fan. The plants are currently 19" from the light. I have been operating the MarsHydro 2000w light at ~75%. Should I turn it down even more? Does that affect the yield or quality of nug?