@Noobfarmer! Your plants will start blooming/flowering when the available light time will decrease, so usually by the end of the summer depending on your location. You can use a website like https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/ to find out. About the strains, we can't guess it unless you provide a full smoke report, zommed pictures of the buds and a complete diary on the run, and even with all those informations, guessing the right strain is going to be tricky. Finally, about your bugs/pests, you should treat asap, I'd suggest to try neem-oil first (mix 10~12 drops of pure neem-oil in a liter of water and spray at night or in the early morning), if neem-oil does not work to repel your invaders, you may consider chemical pesticides before your plants start blooming (you should avoid spraying during flowering stage). One last thing, I noticed the cat 😂Be warned that they're known to eat cannabis, and pee on plants, so I'd recommend to make sure this won't happen and maybe protect the plants with a net/fence. Hope this helps, I'll be around, keep us up-to-date and happy growing 👊