GrowCNanswered grow question 4 years ago It may feel humid but you really do not know unless you can measure the humidity. Temperature & humidity sensors are very inexpensive. Once you have something to measure humidity, then you can decide if you need to do something.
In summer I have to work to remove humidity so I run air conditioning and a dehumidifier. Even in the middle of winter when my air is it's driest I still don't need to add moisture. The water vapor coming off the plant and evaporating through my fabric pots provide more than enough and my vent fan turns on occasionally to lower the humidity. The only time I worry about adding humidity is when the sprout emerges from the ground. I will use a humidity dome for a few days or a week but then the plant is strong enough to handle varying humidity without trouble. Still, even sprouts can handle a wide range of humidity. After all, in the wild plants survive and thrive on what Mother Nature gives them.