Stop with the nutrients, you don't need any until around week for or so, don't over feed now or you will get root lockout problems from too many nutrients. Your growing medium has enough nutrients in it for around 4 weeks. Second, all you need at this stage is light, water (don't over water) and good ventilation and your plant will prosper. You water too much daily! way too much, half a litre is enough for around 2 days so early on, let the medium dry out before watering as if you're giving it that much water you've probably stunted the growth. so stop with the water for now until dry. Third, get your humidity up to around 60% for veg, once in flower then drop it to 30-40%. Follow these steps and she will recover. You don't need run off at this stage, just saturate the whole medium equally with about half a litre of water. Remember not to over do it. You'll be fine. Hope this helps!