
wasted time?

Biffkingstarted grow question 3 years ago
Am I wasting my time by continuing this grow. It is just looking sad and I cant get it under control no matter what I do. I have flushed, I have used epsom salts, raised nutes and lowered nutes. ph is fine. It just looks like crap and is getting really frustrating.
Week 11
Buds. Not fattening
Leaves. Color - Yellow
RastaMouseanswered grow question 3 years ago
ok many things i see but never have i seen anyone mix substrat like that, soil coco and perlite. your also using hydro nutrients in what is mainly soil. perlite is a nutrielt sponge/ air mainly used in coco to increase water rettention slightly. for future refrence if you want to go with soil stick with organic grow nutrients like bio bizz if you want to go more hydro then coco 70% perlite 30% is a great way to get the yield and strength of hydro with some of the taste benafits of soil. and very forgiving if you just remember the 30% run of rule when feeding. and the coco base nutrients ofcourse to deal with the iron problems. as for these girls my friend they seem to be suffering from 1 or 3 things, zinc deficiency iron deficiency and nutri burn cant tell what one since they all look similar hell it could be all 3. as hard as it is to say my friend i would scrap the grow and look at the hard leasons you have learned and apply them to the next grow. hard to hear i know and i m not trying to play myself as a grow genius or something hell i have made many mistakes but i always try to learn from them and take the leasons forward. unfortunatly the girls do most there bulk grow during week 3 to 6 of flower. after that they just put on some small bulking. your already in week 4 and there is 2 weeks worth of flushing and changing of nutrients ahead for probably a crappy smoke and small ratty looking bud. sorry if i sound like a dick i m not trying to, i m trying to help. if i was you i would look at it 2 ways. carry on and see if you can treat and help her to learn from it. or scrap it learn from your mistakes and move on. i wish you the best with your journy brother and happy growing.
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Selected By The Grower
EmeraldLakeCannabisanswered grow question 3 years ago
Def don't give up, the fade on that once plant looks beautiful. Finish 'er out, take what you learned this time and apply it to next run. Buds should fatten up over some time too, they're not that ripe yet.
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MrStinkyanswered grow question 3 years ago
Don't give up mate, you are nearly at the finish line, only another 4 weeks or so just stick to the basics (pH, not too much water, not too many nutes, good temp and rH etc.) and let it get to the finish line - learn this time what you will change for next time and go from there. You can smoke that while getting your next plants going :)
LottaBudsanswered grow question 3 years ago
It's only halfway through flower, it has plenty of time to still fatten up, otherwise they don't even look that bad. Minor tweaking needed with nutes but nothing catastrophical 😊 If you had a slight issue, even if you fix it leaves that already had ongoing damage like the slightly burnt tips (slight N excess in veg, now PK def?) never reverse anyhow. You're starting to get beautiful colours on the top leaves.
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CarlosSlim420answered grow question 3 years ago
I would definitely not just throw it out, youre almost there and surely itll be fattening soon enough, I know it can seem like an eternity but itll be worth the wait once it happens, keep up faith! I personally think its looking fine really, not sad looking! :)
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Papa_Tanswered grow question 3 years ago
No don’t give up on it. All that hard work and you’re gonna just give up? You’re almost there. Plus you might have some good smoke man. You give up now you’ll have 100% of nothing. Stay with it and harvest what you can and enjoy it man. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Take this grow and learn from it and do better next time. Please. Don’t give up.
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