GrowCNanswered grow question 3 years ago Do not top, your plant will not have time to recover as you are already about half way through the veg phase. Instead do low stress training (LST) to create more bud sites by spreading the plant out horizontally.
I would start low stress training now. It can continue all the way to harvest if needed.
A fabric (not metal) screen is better than a metal screen. Metal is unforgiving and can damage the plant. There are many, inexpensive stretchy nets made just for this purpose. I do not use a net though as it prevents you from moving the plant and makes access difficult. Instead I use a soldering iron or I heat a nail and melt a series of holes around the top of my fabric pots. Then tie your plant to these holes. That way you can do LST and still have the ability to remove a plant from the tent or to rotate it for better access to the other side.