Hey there Paulolo, it looks like a magnesium deficiency because the older leafs are affected first and the yellowing between the veins. I dont think it's an N deficiency because the plants look even a bit too green. Probably not lock out either as the problem would be severe and you're light on nutrients. It's hard to say without seeing what you're adding, but if you're not adding micro nutrients eg calmag, then add some right away, if you are, then up the dosage. Alternatively you can make a cal mag spray and spray twice/three times a week for two weeks and the the problem should stop spreading almost instantly. Just as a side note with regards to using lemon juice as a pH down : dont use it because the pH down effect is temporary and too short , meaning that withing a couple hours there's no effect from it anymore potentially leading to fluctuations. You're right on track as far as i can see, sometimes old leafs just die and it's not a problem. Anyways, hope this helps ! 🚀