What up Mo! Yeah white flies are a pain and eat up your plants. Several things you can do but the main thing is making sure they don't come back. The most important thing is keeping a strict wet dry cycle, white flies dont like dry soil (your plants do though!) So as long as you don't overwater anymore they ll eventually disappear. In the mean time go ham! Get loads of sticky yellow tape and tape it at various heights in the grow room around the pots and on top of the soil. I also use beneficial bacteria called nematodes that are parasites that kill the larvae and the eggs and eat the brains of the adult flies. They end up flying around all wierd and crazy before they die and it's pretty fun to watch lol. Look for bacillus thuringiensis and follow the instructions on the box, combining the strict wet dry cycle with the tape and the BT should work in 7 days to a week's time. Hope this helps ! 🚀