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Sämling wächst er falsch?!?

Sweetlemonstarted grow question 3 years ago
Hallo das hier ist mein erster grow deswegen habe ich leider noch nicht soviele Erfahrungen meine Frage wäre Wächst die 3.Same richtig oder ist was falsch mit ihr wenn ja was und wie kann ich sie vielleicht noch retten?
Week 1
Plant. Too short
Plant. Twisted
Plant. Stem - Weak
m0useanswered grow question 3 years ago
Let me know if you need any more help with this, you can use the DM feature. Your inbox is the little green arrow at the bottom right of the screen. Cheers,
JaramnieJazzanswered grow question 3 years ago
und gieß nicht so viel 200ml auf 0,25L topf ist ganz schön viel du ertränkst die kleine
Kolibrianswered grow question 3 years ago
Der Samen wurd falsch gepflanzt. Die Spitze sollte immer nach oben zeigen, wenn er im Substrat versenkt wird. Die erste Wurzel entwickelt sich in 90% der Fälle zu einem "U", drückt so den Sämling an die Oberfläche und streift im optimalen Fall die Hülle ab. Dein Sämling ist aber noch am Leben und ich würde ihn weiter beobachten VIel Glück
Robertsanswered grow question 3 years ago
Looks like it might of gotten too wet. Best is to dome them after planting till husk falls off. It will help keep area moisture and humidity. Plus warmer for germination to happen smoother.
Y0inkanswered grow question 3 years ago
this seed is def struggling to find some soft soil. You slightly overwatered in my opinion. Remember humid but not wet! roots like soft terrains Good luck 🍀
Longlivebudanswered grow question 3 years ago
Dont restart if planting into soil place pinky finger into soil making divot then place seed in divot cover level,water like you would be taking a drink from water fountain then wait 2 days
m0useanswered grow question 3 years ago
This happens sometimes, I germinate my seeds a bit different to prevent this from happening. I scarify the seeds using a emery board in my palm just rubbing it around lightly in circles. I give the flat end of the seed a little nick with the same emery board and soak it in water for 12 hr's, after all that I plant it in the hole directly in the medium with a mycorrhizae inoculant to helps the root get a good foot hold. This should help prevent that from happening. Older seeds will take longer to pop as well. The other recommendation is great as well. spray it a lot and use tweezers to try and help it break free of the shell. Don't force it though, if its cotyledon "first leaves" are damaged your seed is over. Good Luck!
Granddaddy_Terpanswered grow question 3 years ago
I have had this problem. It's called helmet head. Essentially the seed shell is stuck to the sseedlin. Here's what to do: Drip a few drops of water onto the seed shell or mist some water onto it. Just get it a little moist. Then wait 15-30 minutes and do it again. Wait another 15 minutes. Then take a pair of tweezers and very gently try to remove the shell. It's possible the seed membrane will be stuck as well. The key is to get it moist so it softens up and then to remove it as gently as you can. If there is still resistance keep wetting it until it starts to loosen up. I've had this happen 3 times and everytime I have been able to successfully remove the shell and membrane and the seedling recovers just fine. Good luck!
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