Benzelsanswered grow question 3 years ago ph is a bit high, but I use similar water ph from my tap for seedlings and never had an issue. Some seeds are just duds- or you think they are. Lols, Want example? The Bc Buds Hash Plant in my current diary was a runt, out of 4 seeds it was nearly half the size of the rest so rather then give it to my friend with the other 3, I gave him something else and kept it and planted it just to see what happens...It went bananas. Some plants do that, they seem to do nothing for a while then you blink and they bigger. I know you say your not over watering but that is the number one cause of slow growth in seedlings. Recently I heard of a few bad batches of pre packaged potting mixes from some of the bigger names that were either way too hot (too much nutes) or one that had claimed good levels but was shown to have very little in it at all... so id just give it a few more days and see, if its still doing nothing, consider a repot into either a slightly larger pot or same sized cup with fresh soil- that usually fixes most of my slow growing seedlings, not sure why but sometimes they just grow wrong and a repot with fresh soil or a diff type of soil from a diff company or a bit more perlite/bit less perlite ect fixes it. But generally speaking if they look healthy then leave em be.