Benzelsanswered grow question 3 years ago As long as your sure they have put down decent roots, its time to repot to a bigger pot with fresh new media/soil and after they have had a week to settle, time to start adding weak nutes.
And I posted a grow question too about same leaf issue- Never seen it before but my BC buds hash plant had these truly massive, deeply wrinkled leaves on a very small seedling and id never seen it before either. Turns out its just genetics and some plants just do it when they are growing super fast and happy. The yellow dots are a concern if they spread or get worse, but new clones tend to look a bit funny til they get bigger roots and get some feedings in, so dont worry. If your sure the clone has roots now, make sure your not watering as often as you were when trying to get roots to strike, or when you first got her... now its time to make her roots seek out water and grow bigger, and she cant do this if your always watering her so soil is always damp.