increasing from 18 to 24 without understanding what you already provide may or may not help the plant.
relative to environmental conditions, there's a max amount of photons per 24 hour cycle the plant can handle (DLI allows apples to apples comparison, but still relative to temp, rh, atmospheric co2). If you provide it over 18 or 24 makes little difference.. in fact, some hours of darkness are a good chance to be a positive, too. The only time increasing from 18 to 24 will help is if your light is a little underpowered. this will provide 33% more photons per day (assuming all other factors remain the same).
you can squeeze out an extra 8 percent by using a 13/11 schedule in bloom. This is perfectly safe to use. 14/10 is where you might find some hit or miss effects on a photoperiod. But, if were already providing 'max' dli
not all lights come with accurate specifications, but when they do it helps get you in a small range for fine adjustents in this regard. if it doesn't stunt the plants, and no other symptoms, it's probably okay, because it's not going over that 'max' DLI. can google for references of estimated dli for ambient co2 vs maintaining 1200-1300ppm co2 into area. still have to observe and react to fine tune it, but between the math and what the plant says, you can get to a more optimal place much faster.