@Hashy, the last point is a good one, better take two joints! Lol 😂
Didn't think bout that as i always have some on me..
Check out the journals in the menu upper right (corner on cell) you will find some good advices. Also i can suggest to watch someone else doin it (youtube or so..) as you will always learn something by watching others.
Don't know where you live but the FIRST POINT for me would be to find a good location (or better two or three locations) as sometimes it happens thst you don't harvest anything @ all. There can be different reasons for that like animals or someone that finds the plants and just harvests them 4 you or destroyes them..
Back to finding the right location..why don't you search a nice place on google maps near your area but still a little isolated so you dont have to travel too far, then go there and check out the place. Look for the right spot with sunlight and if possible a little bit hidden.. if you see telefone or electricity posts nearby better look for something else..
I've seen two UK grower's that especifically pick their spotd in the middle of highways they have to cross to access there spot's, also they use drones to search and to control movements near their vehicle.. thise guys are sick, and they plant 5 spots to harvest 2 or 3 at most!
Good luck 🍀 mate!