
24 hours daylight in flower mistake

hooolianstarted grow question 2 years ago
I have made a mistake - have 4 tent set ups each different digi light timers - this tent has mistakenly been left on (24 hours daylight!) for just over a week - should be week 4 flower. can it be saved? any advice? I have put it right so should get the 12 hours dark like the rest
Setup. Lighting
SeedlockHolmesanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hi friend, I'm assuming it's photodependent. (If it's auto there's no problem and no need for switching light hours) She might re-veg or not. Check some re-veg articles online for reference. Keep a close eye on her but as you already switch to 12-12 she'll get back on track by herself even if she re-vegs it will only take a while longer to get back to normal.
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Selected By The Grower
Foffukuntzanswered grow question 2 years ago
I had this with a timer throwing 2 single hours into night on my last gelato grow just as buds started forming on 2 and 1 fatter bud,only noticed possibly 2 weeks later when it started throwing new shoots and vegging again. Most buds turned into fox tails,stalled them a couple of weeks and best one is still throwing shoots after I cut them all off,but is about done. So yeah it kinda screws things if you're unlucky. Good luck
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HyperactiveHighsanswered grow question 2 years ago
It extends your harvest by 1-2 weeks but if you put the flowering cycle back on it should flip back into flower just fine. Slight chance she could herm on you though since rapidly switching light cycles is stressful. Since you had a week in between though I think she'll be fine.
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