The benefits of kelp are that it is a completely natural, organic product and a source of over 70 vitamins and minerals. For this reason, it is an important dietary supplement for many people as well as being a terrific organic fertilizer. Organic kelp fertilizer can be applied to any type of soil or plant without concern for waste by-products or harmful chemicals, leading to healthier crop yields and general plant well being. Kelp Meal Nutrients The nitrate-phosphate-potassium ratio, or NPK, is negligible in readings of kelp meal nutrients; and for this reason, it is used primarily as a trace mineral source. Combining with fish meal increases the NPK ratio in kelp meal nutrients, releasing in about 4 months time. Kelp powder is simply kelp meal ground finely enough to put into a solution and sprayed onto or injected into irrigation systems. Its NPK ratio is 1-0-4 and is more immediately released. Kelp meal nutrients can also be found in liquid kelp, which a cold processed liquid with higher levels of growth hormones, but again its NPK is negligible. Liquid kelp is useful for combating plant stress.