The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Given these Specific Conditions, When should I Water?

Ananas_Comosusstarted grow question 3 years ago
Considering an equal mix of coco coir, perlite and good quality clay based top soil, what are the signs I should look for before watering? I am growing outdoors in full sun, in 6 gallon plastic containers in a tropical climate. Looking for experienced, informed consensus.
Week 5
Feeding. Other
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 3 years ago
if it's just in a pot same way as always.. by weight is best.. or stick finger in and if 1" dry, go for it. if you find that isn't soon enough, adjust and irrigate at heavier point.
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Selected By The Grower
Ananas_Comosusanswered grow question 3 years ago
Thank You All for Your Input! All Good Answers and Thanks for your Supporting Comments👌 @Ezzjaybruh and others who mentioned picking up to judge weight, my yearlong windy conditions require that all my mixes are at least 1/3 heavy substrate so the pots don't tip over. When I just filled the pots and they were fairly dry it was a struggle to move them 😌, so lifting them fully saturated is not sustainable for my puny arms. @GrowingGrannie and DutchDoobie, I am liking this mix so far. I was striving for that looseness while balancing the need for weight 😀. @NobodysBuds, Finger stick will be the way I go 😉 @DutchDoobie, Thanks for that crucial reminder about watering time 👊
Robertsanswered grow question 3 years ago
Growing in coco it needs to be wet constantly. It is not soil it is hydro in a potter. Ph will be very important as well
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Grey_Wolfanswered grow question 3 years ago
@Ananas_Comosus If I cannot lift the pot to feel its weight then I push my finger into the soil as far as I can to feel the moisture ideally you want your soil to feel not wet but not bone dry either it should feel dampish if thats a word and clump together rather than crumble to dust overwatering and underwatering are the biggest issues for newer growers master that and you will go a long way towards being a confident grower
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DutchDoobieanswered grow question 3 years ago
High, Good choice for a medium! You should let the medium dry out and lift the pot up. Then give it water and lift it up again. Now you roughly know the dry and the saturated weight. So when you are in doubt when to water you can lift it up and feel it by yourself. The best time to give water is around 2 hours after sunrise. Because then she can enjoy the drink the whole day during working in the hot sun! Happy Growing! 😋
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GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 3 years ago
Overwatering is a state of being constantly wet so I don't think you're in danger of this at all! The only way I ever judge when to water/feed a plant is to pick up the pot to see how lightweight it is. Sometimes, in a strong breeze and when the pots are really dry, the whole plant will tip over!! Not good!! You've rightly noticed the medium becoming very loose - and it's a good indicator as well. You don't want to go SO long between waterings that the entire plant droops as this would consitute underwatering and is fairly stressful on the plant ... I personally think that whatever you're doing, you're doing in the right way! Good luck!
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Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 3 years ago
Could just go straight coco and not have to worry at all about over watering 🤷‍♂️ Just an idea.
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Ananas_Comosusanswered grow question 3 years ago
To give more context. I was able to go without watering for several (4-5) days last week while allowing the pots to dry out after significant rain the previous week. When the pots are saturated, there is significant resistance when pushing into the soil and on penetration the moisture is sticky and cooling on the finger. As the pots dry it's as if it's pure perlite, extremely friable and loose, despite the presence of the other moisture loving substrates. The pots were at this advanced stage of dryness before I watered and the plants looked like they could go at least another day before needing water. I know there is a fine balance between over and under watering, especially when trying to maximize yield by supplementing every irrigation with a feeding.
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