Not now.. and not ever. Why do all that LST and then defol..
You really shouldn't at all. It's an Auto. So, that's gonna flip, any time soon. It'll need every leaf it has to push her through a good pre flower. Trust me. I defol the shit out of my autos. Makes for great rapid fast looking growth. But you'll end up with lots of larf and airy spots. Where you have to remove a big fan leaf if it overlaps a bud site, then clearly take it. But, beyond that, with what you've done, all that hard LST, it's going to make for some lovely bud sites. So please don't defol, or if you have to, wait at least until pre flower is over, (never defol during pre flower, so in pre flower, a plant grows bud sites ok, them sites early on, don't use light as a later stage bud site would for ripening. It uses its leafs, as thus makes sites, that then, if you have lots of growth covering sites that are out of pre flower, (roughly 10-20 days) you'll know, she'll stop growing the rapid pace she was all of a sudden. Then leaf tuck and show them hard earned sites to the light. But in reality she's still in growth stages, so light on bud sites isn't a must, making the most out of the energy is, and every leaf you remove before pre flower is 1 less leaf that'll be working to make great sites.
So, hope I explained it in my rant. But, just look at my grows in my 1st round. 1 defol like a dummie and round 2, didn't, and used the same 100w kinda light, and man, the bud was so much better quality. Actually bud, not larf. And now, I know why.
Good luck pal.