First of all, fungus gnats. Get some Mosquito Bits and use according to directions... they'll be gone.
Secondly, fungus gnats. They live and breed in damp, wet soil so they're telling you you're overwatering.
Thirdly, pH. Don't ever ignore pH no matter what... even if the nutes tell you they're "PH Perfect" ... check the pH of everything you give your plant... water, nutes... My tap water, for example, has a pH of 7.5 - how can a soil change that? It can't. And then check the pH of the runoff as that will tell you what's actually going on in the soil as far as pH is concerned. pH should be between 6.0 and 6.5 for optimum nute absorbtion in a soil grow.
Fourth - leaves curling up like this usually indicate the temperature is too high but could also be a function of the high humidity... try to bring both down a notch.
And finally - your soil. At the beginning of a grow, this soil will have nutes in it... but they eventually run out. You can/should not only check the pH of the runoff but you can/should check the ppm/EC of the runoff... you might find the plant is getting nothing to eat and will have to start adding nutes...
Good luck!