Nice buds, but I personally wouldn't do any extended darkness before harvest ....... it is BS bro-science/ghetto science and has no botanical basis at all.
Extended darkness just slows a plants metabolism to basically zero and a plant with an inactive metabolism can not prevent cannabinoid break down.
How a myth that a plant can somehow with a non functioning metabolism (induced by 24-48 hours of complete darkness) produce "extra" THC when it is basically comatosed.....and that people believe this myth, is beyond my comprehension.
The way I see it, is that you want to harvest a happy and healthy plant at the peak of its performance and with as little stress involved as possible.
Anything that deviates from this goal should be avoided, including inducing stress caused by extended darkness........imho.
For maximum terpene content and fully charged/refreshed cannabinoids, harvest about an hour to two hours after the lights come on and after the plant has had a "normal nights sleep" would be my advice.