
Please tell me your opinion about my plant

GNQgrowerstarted grow question 7 years ago
Please tell me your opinion about my plant
Week 8
Techniques. Defoliation
simpsanswered grow question 6 years ago
First I want to start by saying that a cool looking plant lol that's the first King Tut I've ever seen look like that but to save your bud yeild I would get stronger light asap and everything will be good
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Selected By The Grower
Thegermling509answered grow question 7 years ago
Your light isnt powerful for the flowering stage unless you get more bulbs in there.
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Kindbudzanswered grow question 7 years ago
More light equals bigger and better yields. If you could, you can add additional light in the grow space which may help. Typically the buds don’t really fatten up until the last two weeks of flower. This is when you will see a lot of trichome production and thickening of the buds. I am seeing some nutrient burn on the tips of the leaves so if you have not cut Buick your nutrient feedings already I would do so now. Hope this helps. Good luck with your grow!
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ChillumMafiaanswered grow question 7 years ago
Hi Bro. Very good blossoms, there is a possibility - add light. especially lower plants to enlighten
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midEasternanswered grow question 7 years ago
what you have in there absolutely corresponds with environment you give it and let me explain: FL light is very weak and PARLumen and spectrum is very low and most of the time too low to expect good quality yields. LEDHPS is better Temps (22c) is too low for that grow phase right now i would try to get around 25-26c- night temp is ok you give her only P phosphorus now and she really need K also and some small amounts of micro-elements like iron,magnesse,boron,zinc and more. try to use supplemental nutes for all that. overall you still can get good stuff but i would suggest growing "by the book"
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ShaggyGroweranswered grow question 7 years ago
Looks very nice. It's quite stretchy, but you're near the end of the flower stretch so should just about be ok height wise. You have lots and lots of bud sites. Flowers look fine. They start off small, but you have lots of pistils which, underneath, will fatten up as the calyx('s) develop. The buds look normal at week 3 for a Sativa dominant plant imv.
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Athosanswered grow question 7 years ago
My first two diaries were sativas. To keep the height under control I used supercroping extensively. As for the flowers, keep in mind that sativa buds are long and thin, although you still have a week or two for them to pack on weight.
Stickanswered grow question 7 years ago
So far so good! Growing this '60% sativa' strain in such a small closet must be challenging! With much love and appropriate nutrients, buds will fatten up! I'd recommend to start using blooming/flowering fertilizers now, since your bud sites are already developed. I'll be around, keep us up-to-date so we can help you to adjust your parameters, and happy growing!
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