I think i have finished my adventure with HPS lamps - i have 3 GAVITAs in a lumber room. Although they brought me a lot of joy, but also not a little of trouble. Not only with bills. Especially in summer because of the high temperature. Plus having to change bulbs (too) often ... and so on. I recently got medium-quality LEDs (Made in China) and i see & feel a definite difference in their favor. Not only because of my own comfort in growing, but also because of the plants themselves. For example, the same varieties under LED grow almost twice smaller as under HPS, and the yield is (as i see) certainly not worse (maybe even better - i don't know that yet). Growing Jack Herer under HPS or any Sativa i always ended up with the tops curling up on the ceiling well above the level of the lamps, where there was no light and the best buds were burnt. So far, i don't regret switching to LEDs - quite the opposite.
But those bar style LEDs you mentioned intrigued me a lot - i will definitely take a closer look at them.
Thanks a lot & all the best to you!