The whole point of the drying process, other than to get rid of the water in the plant, is to break down the chlorophyll.... I just harvested a plant and was absolutely PANICKED when I opened up their drying tent a day after the wet trim and all I could smell was grass.... I was told that smell, while not typical, was the chlorophyll deteriorating and "leaving the building" ... but I thought the whole thing had gone south on me (I almost said "gone to pot" but just couldn't bring myself to use the stupid pun!) ... but after a few days curing, that grass smell went away and was replaced by such a wonderful smell - the terps were really coming into their own.... and it is still that way today.
As to why one faded in week 4 of flower and the other did not, I can't tell you.... but I'm wondering if you checked her trichs at that time? Might she have actually gone PAST her prime? I hope not.... They're individuals and maybe she was just ready for harvest earlier than her sister.... I don't know...
Good luck... I think you'll have some LOVELY smokes out of her!