According to your diary, you are growing "feminised" seeds, (which are not auto flowering but (could be) photoperiod), so yes, you might need to go to 12/12 to get them to flower.
It is extremely unusual for any autoflower to go 8 weeks or more without showing any signs of flowering.
Also, for future reference, you should really be growing any plant in vegetive growth at 18/6, 24/0 is basically plant torture and not healthy or natural for them. All cannabis plants need sleep and a dark period every 24 hour period to finish their photosynthesis cycle and have a correctly functioning metabolism. There are many plant processes that occur during the night which obviously don't occur when growing at 24/0, so your plants are not actually functioning properly at the moment.
Unfortunately, a plant that is not functioning properly, will never grow to its best potential.
The myth that it is ok to grow any sort of cannabis for weeks/months without sleep needs to be removed from history asap!